Completely revamped file list format. Fixes to zip creation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ async def watch(req, ws):
uuid = token_bytes(16)
with watching.tree_lock:
with watching.state.lock:
q = watching.pubsub[uuid] = asyncio.Queue()
# Init with disk usage and full tree
await ws.send(watching.format_du())
await ws.send(watching.format_tree())
await ws.send(watching.format_du(
await ws.send(watching.format_tree(watching.state.root))
# Send updates
while True:
await ws.send(await q.get())
@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
import asyncio
import datetime
import mimetypes
from collections import deque
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from importlib.resources import files
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from pathlib import Path, PurePath, PurePosixPath
from stat import S_IFDIR, S_IFREG
from urllib.parse import unquote
from wsgiref.handlers import format_date_time
@ -12,15 +10,13 @@ from wsgiref.handlers import format_date_time
import brotli
import sanic.helpers
from blake3 import blake3
from natsort import natsorted, ns
from sanic import Blueprint, Sanic, empty, raw
from sanic.exceptions import Forbidden, NotFound, ServerError, ServiceUnavailable
from sanic.exceptions import Forbidden, NotFound, ServerError
from sanic.log import logging
from stream_zip import ZIP_AUTO, stream_zip
from cista import auth, config, session, watching
from cista.api import bp
from cista.protocol import DirEntry, DirList
from cista.util.apphelpers import handle_sanic_exception
# Workaround until Sanic PR #2824 is merged
@ -186,28 +182,26 @@ async def wwwroot(req, path=""):
return raw(data, headers=headers)
def get_files(wanted: set) -> list:
if not isinstance(watching.tree[""], DirEntry):
raise ServiceUnavailable(headers={"retry-after": 1})
root = Path(watching.rootpath)
with watching.tree_lock:
q: deque[tuple[list[str], None | list[str], DirList]] = deque(
[([], None, watching.tree[""].dir)]
while q:
locpar, relpar, d = q.pop()
for name, attr in d.items():
loc = [*locpar, name]
rel = None
if relpar or attr.key in wanted:
rel = [*relpar, name] if relpar else [name]
isdir = isinstance(attr, DirEntry)
if isdir:
q.append((loc, rel, attr.dir))
if rel:
files.append(("/".join(rel), root.joinpath(*loc)))
return natsorted(files, key=lambda f: "/".join(f[0]), alg=ns.IGNORECASE)
def get_files(wanted: set) -> list[tuple[PurePosixPath, Path]]:
loc = PurePosixPath()
idx = 0
ret = []
level: int | None = None
parent: PurePosixPath | None = None
with watching.state.lock:
root = watching.state.root
while idx < len(root):
f = root[idx]
loc = PurePosixPath(*[: f.level - 1]) /
if parent is not None and f.level <= level:
level = parent = None
if f.key in wanted:
level, parent = f.level, loc.parent
if parent is not None:
ret.append((loc.relative_to(parent), watching.rootpath / loc))
idx += 1
return ret
@ -220,7 +214,7 @@ async def zip_download(req, keys, zipfile, ext):
if not files:
raise NotFound(
"No files found",
context={"keys": keys, "zipfile": zipfile, "wanted": wanted},
context={"keys": keys, "zipfile": f"{zipfile}.{ext}", "wanted": wanted},
if wanted:
raise NotFound("Files not found", context={"missing": wanted})
@ -230,20 +224,25 @@ async def zip_download(req, keys, zipfile, ext):
s = p.stat()
size = s.st_size
modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(s.st_mtime, datetime.UTC)
name = rel.as_posix()
if p.is_dir():
yield rel, modified, S_IFDIR | 0o755, ZIP_AUTO(size), b""
yield f"{name}/", modified, S_IFDIR | 0o755, ZIP_AUTO(size), iter(b"")
yield rel, modified, S_IFREG | 0o644, ZIP_AUTO(size), contents(p)
yield name, modified, S_IFREG | 0o644, ZIP_AUTO(size), contents(p, size)
def contents(name):
def contents(name, size):
with"rb") as f:
while chunk :=
while size > 0 and (chunk :=, 1 << 20))):
size -= len(chunk)
yield chunk
assert size == 0
def worker():
for chunk in stream_zip(local_files(files)):
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(queue.put(chunk), loop)
with open("", "wb") as f:
for chunk in stream_zip(local_files(files)):
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(queue.put(chunk), loop).result()
except Exception:
logging.exception("Error streaming ZIP")
@ -256,7 +255,10 @@ async def zip_download(req, keys, zipfile, ext):
thread = loop.run_in_executor(app.ctx.threadexec, worker)
# Stream the response
res = await req.respond(content_type="application/zip")
res = await req.respond(
headers={"cache-control": "no-store"},
while chunk := await queue.get():
await res.send(chunk)
@ -112,47 +112,36 @@ class ErrorMsg(msgspec.Struct):
## Directory listings
class FileEntry(msgspec.Struct):
key: str
size: int
mtime: int
class DirEntry(msgspec.Struct):
key: str
size: int
mtime: int
dir: DirList
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self.dir[name]
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
self.dir[name] = value
def __contains__(self, name):
return name in self.dir
def __delitem__(self, name):
del self.dir[name]
def props(self):
return {k: v for k, v in self.__struct_fields__ if k != "dir"}
DirList = dict[str, FileEntry | DirEntry]
class UpdateEntry(msgspec.Struct, omit_defaults=True):
"""Updates the named entry in the tree. Fields that are set replace old values. A list of entries recurses directories."""
class FileEntry(msgspec.Struct, array_like=True):
level: int
name: str
key: str
deleted: bool = False
size: int | None = None
mtime: int | None = None
dir: DirList | None = None
mtime: int
size: int
isfile: int
class Update(msgspec.Struct, array_like=True):
class UpdKeep(Update, tag="k"):
count: int
class UpdDel(Update, tag="d"):
count: int
class UpdIns(Update, tag="i"):
items: list[FileEntry]
class Space(msgspec.Struct):
disk: int
free: int
usage: int
storage: int
def make_dir_data(root):
@ -1,20 +1,133 @@
import asyncio
import shutil
import stat
import sys
import threading
import time
from os import stat_result
from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath
import msgspec
from natsort import humansorted, natsort_keygen, ns
from sanic.log import logging
from cista import config
from cista.fileio import fuid
from cista.protocol import DirEntry, FileEntry, UpdateEntry
from cista.protocol import FileEntry, Space, UpdDel, UpdIns, UpdKeep
pubsub = {}
tree = {"": None}
tree_lock = threading.Lock()
sortkey = natsort_keygen(alg=ns.LOCALE)
class State:
def __init__(self):
self.lock = threading.RLock()
self._space = Space(0, 0, 0, 0)
self._listing: list[FileEntry] = []
def space(self):
with self.lock:
return self._space
def space(self, space):
with self.lock:
self._space = space
def root(self) -> list[FileEntry]:
with self.lock:
return self._listing[:]
def root(self, listing: list[FileEntry]):
with self.lock:
self._listing = listing
def _slice(self, idx: PurePosixPath | tuple[PurePosixPath, int]):
relpath, relfile = idx if isinstance(idx, tuple) else (idx, 0)
begin, end = 0, len(self._listing)
level = 0
isfile = 0
while level < len(
# Enter a subdirectory
level += 1
begin += 1
if level == len(
isfile = relfile
name =[level - 1]
namesort = sortkey(name)
r = self._listing[begin]
assert r.level == level
# Iterate over items at this level
while (
begin < end
and != name
and r.isfile <= isfile
and sortkey( < namesort
# Skip contents
begin += 1
while begin < end and self._listing[begin].level > level:
begin += 1
# Not found?
if begin == end or self._listing[begin].level < level:
return slice(begin, begin)
r = self._listing[begin]
# Not found?
if begin == end or != name:
return slice(begin, begin)
# Found an item, now find its end
for end in range(begin + 1, len(self._listing)):
if self._listing[end].level <= level:
return slice(begin, end)
def __getitem__(self, index: PurePosixPath | tuple[PurePosixPath, int]):
with self.lock:
return self._listing[self._slice(index)]
def __setitem__(
self, index: tuple[PurePosixPath, int], value: list[FileEntry]
) -> None:
rel, isfile = index
with self.lock:
parent = self._slice(rel.parent)
if parent.start == parent.stop:
raise ValueError(
f"Parent folder {rel.as_posix()} is missing for {}"
self._listing[self._slice(index)] = value
def __delitem__(self, relpath: PurePosixPath):
with self.lock:
del self._listing[self._slice(relpath)]
def _index(self, rel: PurePosixPath):
idx = 0
ret = []
def _dir(self, idx: int):
level = self._listing[idx].level + 1
end = len(self._listing)
idx += 1
ret = []
while idx < end and (r := self._listing[idx]).level >= level:
if r.level == level:
return ret, idx
def update(self, rel: PurePosixPath, value: FileEntry):
begin = 0
parents = []
while self._listing[begin].level < len(
state = State()
rootpath: Path = None # type: ignore
quit = False
modified_flags = (
@ -26,23 +139,22 @@ modified_flags = (
disk_usage = None
def watcher_thread(loop):
global disk_usage, rootpath
global rootpath
import inotify.adapters
while True:
rootpath = config.config.path
i = inotify.adapters.InotifyTree(rootpath.as_posix())
old = format_tree() if tree[""] else None
with tree_lock:
# Initialize the tree from filesystem
tree[""] = walk(rootpath)
msg = format_tree()
if msg != old:
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(broadcast(msg), loop)
# Initialize the tree from filesystem
old, new = state.root, walk()
if old != new:
with state.lock:
state.root = new
msg = format_tree(new)
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(broadcast(msg), loop).result()
# The watching is not entirely reliable, so do a full refresh every minute
refreshdl = time.monotonic() + 60.0
@ -52,9 +164,12 @@ def watcher_thread(loop):
# Disk usage update
du = shutil.disk_usage(rootpath)
if du != disk_usage:
disk_usage = du
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(broadcast(format_du()), loop)
space = Space(*du, storage=state.root[0].size)
if space !=
|||| = space
broadcast(format_du(space)), loop
# Do a full refresh?
if time.monotonic() > refreshdl:
@ -75,141 +190,136 @@ def watcher_thread(loop):
def watcher_thread_poll(loop):
global disk_usage, rootpath
global rootpath
while not quit:
rootpath = config.config.path
old = format_tree() if tree[""] else None
with tree_lock:
# Initialize the tree from filesystem
tree[""] = walk(rootpath)
msg = format_tree()
if msg != old:
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(broadcast(msg), loop)
old = state.root
new = walk()
if old != new:
state.root = new
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(broadcast(format_tree(new)), loop).result()
# Disk usage update
du = shutil.disk_usage(rootpath)
if du != disk_usage:
disk_usage = du
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(broadcast(format_du()), loop)
space = Space(*du, storage=state.root[0].size)
if space !=
|||| = space
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(broadcast(format_du(space)), loop).result()
def format_du():
return msgspec.json.encode(
"space": {
"used": disk_usage.used,
"storage": tree[""].size,
def format_du(usage):
return msgspec.json.encode({"space": usage}).decode()
def format_tree():
root = tree[""]
def format_tree(root):
return msgspec.json.encode({"root": root}).decode()
def walk(path: Path) -> DirEntry | FileEntry | None:
def walk(rel=PurePosixPath()) -> list[FileEntry]: # noqa: B008
path = rootpath / rel
s = path.stat()
key = fuid(s)
assert key, repr(key)
mtime = int(s.st_mtime)
if path.is_file():
return FileEntry(key, s.st_size, mtime)
st = path.stat()
except OSError:
return []
return _walk(rel, int(not stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)), st)
tree = {
|||| v
for p in path.iterdir()
if not".")
if (v := walk(p)) is not None
if tree:
size = sum(v.size for v in tree.values())
mtime = max(mtime, *(v.mtime for v in tree.values()))
size = 0
return DirEntry(key, size, mtime, tree)
def _walk(rel: PurePosixPath, isfile: int, st: stat_result) -> list[FileEntry]:
entry = FileEntry(
size=st.st_size if isfile else 0,
if isfile:
return [entry]
ret = [entry]
path = rootpath / rel
li = []
for f in path.iterdir():
continue # No dotfiles
s = f.stat()
li.append((int(not stat.S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)),, s))
for [isfile, name, s] in humansorted(li):
subtree = _walk(rel / name, isfile, s)
child = subtree[0]
entry.mtime = max(entry.mtime, child.mtime)
entry.size += child.size
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
pass # Things may be rapidly in motion
except OSError as e:
print("OS error walking path", path, e)
return None
return ret
def update(relpath: PurePosixPath, loop):
"""Called by inotify updates, check the filesystem and broadcast any changes."""
if rootpath is None or relpath is None:
print("ERROR", rootpath, relpath)
new = walk(rootpath / relpath)
with tree_lock:
update = update_internal(relpath, new)
if not update:
return # No changes
msg = msgspec.json.encode({"update": update}).decode()
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(broadcast(msg), loop)
def update_internal(
relpath: PurePosixPath,
new: DirEntry | FileEntry | None,
) -> list[UpdateEntry]:
path = "", *
old = tree
elems = []
for name in path:
if name not in old:
# File or folder created
old = None
elems.append((name, None))
if len(elems) < len(path):
# We got a notify for an item whose parent is not in tree
print("Tree out of sync DEBUG", relpath)
print("Current tree:")
print("Walking all:")
raise ValueError("Tree out of sync")
old = old[name]
elems.append((name, old))
new = walk(relpath)
old = state[relpath]
if old == new:
return []
mt = new.mtime if new else 0
szdiff = (new.size if new else 0) - (old.size if old else 0)
# Update parents
update = []
for name, entry in elems[:-1]:
u = UpdateEntry(name, entry.key)
if szdiff:
entry.size += szdiff
u.size = entry.size
if mt > entry.mtime:
u.mtime = entry.mtime = mt
# The last element is the one that changed
name, entry = elems[-1]
parent = elems[-2][1] if len(elems) > 1 else tree
u = UpdateEntry(name, new.key if new else entry.key)
old = state.root
if new:
parent[name] = new
if u.size != new.size:
u.size = new.size
if u.mtime != new.mtime:
u.mtime = new.mtime
if isinstance(new, DirEntry) and u.dir != new.dir:
u.dir = new.dir
state[relpath, new[0].isfile] = new
del parent[name]
u.deleted = True
return update
del state[relpath]
# FIXME: broadcast format_update()
msg = format_update(old, state.root)
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(broadcast(msg), loop).result()
def format_update(old, new):
# Make keep/del/insert diff until one of the lists ends
oidx, nidx = 0, 0
update = []
keep_count = 0
while oidx < len(old) and nidx < len(new):
if old[oidx] == new[nidx]:
keep_count += 1
oidx += 1
nidx += 1
if keep_count > 0:
keep_count = 0
del_count = 0
rest = new[nidx:]
while old[oidx] not in rest:
del_count += 1
oidx += 1
if del_count:
oidx += 1
insert_items = []
rest = old[oidx:]
while nidx < len(new) and new[nidx] not in rest:
nidx += 1
# Diff any remaining
if keep_count > 0:
if oidx < len(old):
update.append(UpdDel(len(old) - oidx))
elif nidx < len(new):
return msgspec.json.encode({"update": update}).decode()
async def broadcast(msg):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user