import asyncio import datetime import mimetypes import threading from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from pathlib import Path, PurePath, PurePosixPath from stat import S_IFDIR, S_IFREG from urllib.parse import unquote from wsgiref.handlers import format_date_time import brotli import sanic.helpers from blake3 import blake3 from sanic import Blueprint, Sanic, empty, raw, redirect from sanic.exceptions import Forbidden, NotFound from sanic.log import logger from stream_zip import ZIP_AUTO, stream_zip from cista import auth, config, preview, session, watching from cista.api import bp from cista.util.apphelpers import handle_sanic_exception # Workaround until Sanic PR #2824 is merged sanic.helpers._ENTITY_HEADERS = frozenset() app = Sanic("cista", strict_slashes=True) app.blueprint(auth.bp) app.blueprint(preview.bp) app.blueprint(bp) app.exception(Exception)(handle_sanic_exception) @app.before_server_start async def main_start(app, loop): config.load_config() app.ctx.threadexec = ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=3, thread_name_prefix="cista-ioworker" ) await watching.start(app, loop) @app.after_server_stop async def main_stop(app, loop): quit.set() await watching.stop(app, loop) app.ctx.threadexec.shutdown() @app.on_request async def use_session(req): req.ctx.session = session.get(req) try: req.ctx.username = req.ctx.session["username"] # type: ignore req.ctx.user = config.config.users[req.ctx.username] except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): req.ctx.username = None req.ctx.user = None # CSRF protection if req.method == "GET" and req.headers.upgrade != "websocket": return # Ordinary GET requests are fine # Check that origin matches host, for browsers which should all send Origin. # Curl doesn't send any Origin header, so we allow it anyway. origin = req.headers.origin if origin and origin.split("//", 1)[1] != raise Forbidden("Invalid origin: Cross-Site requests not permitted") @app.before_server_start def http_fileserver(app, _): bp = Blueprint("fileserver") bp.on_request(auth.verify) bp.static( "/files/", config.config.path, use_content_range=True, stream_large_files=True, directory_view=True, ) app.blueprint(bp) www = {} def _load_wwwroot(www): wwwnew = {} base = Path(__file__).with_name("wwwroot") paths = [PurePath()] while paths: path = paths.pop(0) current = base / path for p in current.iterdir(): if p.is_dir(): paths.append(p.relative_to(base)) continue name = p.relative_to(base).as_posix() mime = mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0] or "application/octet-stream" mtime = p.stat().st_mtime data = p.read_bytes() etag = blake3(data).hexdigest(length=8) if name == "index.html": name = "" # Use old data if not changed if name in www and www[name][2]["etag"] == etag: wwwnew[name] = www[name] continue # Add charset definition if mime.startswith("text/"): mime = f"{mime}; charset=UTF-8" # Asset files names will change whenever the content changes cached = name.startswith("assets/") headers = { "etag": etag, "last-modified": format_date_time(mtime), "cache-control": "max-age=31536000, immutable" if cached else "no-cache", "content-type": mime, } # Precompress with Brotli br = brotli.compress(data) if len(br) >= len(data): br = False wwwnew[name] = data, br, headers if not wwwnew: msg = f"Web frontend missing from {base}\n Did you forget: hatch build\n" if not www: logger.warning(msg) if not app.debug: msg = "Web frontend missing. Cista installation is broken.\n" wwwnew[""] = ( msg.encode(), False, { "etag": "error", "content-type": "text/plain", "cache-control": "no-store", }, ) return wwwnew @app.before_server_start async def start(app): await load_wwwroot(app) if app.debug: app.add_task(refresh_wwwroot(), name="refresh_wwwroot") async def load_wwwroot(app): global www www = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor( app.ctx.threadexec, _load_wwwroot, www ) quit = threading.Event() async def refresh_wwwroot(): try: while not quit.is_set(): try: wwwold = www await load_wwwroot(app) changes = "" for name in sorted(www): attr = www[name] if wwwold.get(name) == attr: continue headers = attr[2] changes += f"{headers['last-modified']} {headers['etag']} /{name}\n" for name in sorted(set(wwwold) - set(www)): changes += f"Deleted /{name}\n" if changes: print(f"Updated wwwroot:\n{changes}", end="", flush=True) except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading wwwroot: {e!r}") await asyncio.sleep(0.5) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass @app.route("/", methods=["GET", "HEAD"]) async def wwwroot(req, path=""): """Frontend files only""" name = unquote(path) if name not in www: raise NotFound(f"File not found: /{path}", extra={"name": name}) data, br, headers = www[name] if req.headers.if_none_match == headers["etag"]: # The client has it cached, respond 304 Not Modified return empty(304, headers=headers) # Brotli compressed? if br and "br" in req.headers.accept_encoding.split(", "): headers = {**headers, "content-encoding": "br"} data = br return raw(data, headers=headers) @app.route("/favicon.ico", methods=["GET", "HEAD"]) async def favicon(req): # Browsers keep asking for it when viewing files (not HTML with icon link) return redirect("/assets/logo-97d1d7eb.svg", status=308) def get_files(wanted: set) -> list[tuple[PurePosixPath, Path]]: loc = PurePosixPath() idx = 0 ret = [] level: int | None = None parent: PurePosixPath | None = None with watching.state.lock: root = watching.state.root while idx < len(root): f = root[idx] loc = PurePosixPath(*[: f.level - 1]) / if parent is not None and f.level <= level: level = parent = None if f.key in wanted: level, parent = f.level, loc.parent if parent is not None: wanted.discard(f.key) ret.append((loc.relative_to(parent), watching.rootpath / loc)) idx += 1 return ret @app.get("/zip//") async def zip_download(req, keys, zipfile, ext): """Download a zip archive of the given keys""" wanted = set(keys.split("+")) files = get_files(wanted) if not files: raise NotFound( "No files found", context={"keys": keys, "zipfile": f"{zipfile}.{ext}", "wanted": wanted}, ) if wanted: raise NotFound("Files not found", context={"missing": wanted}) def local_files(files): for rel, p in files: s = p.stat() size = s.st_size modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(s.st_mtime, datetime.UTC) name = rel.as_posix() if p.is_dir(): yield f"{name}/", modified, S_IFDIR | 0o755, ZIP_AUTO(size), iter(b"") else: yield name, modified, S_IFREG | 0o644, ZIP_AUTO(size), contents(p, size) def contents(name, size): with"rb") as f: while size > 0 and (chunk :=, 1 << 20))): size -= len(chunk) yield chunk assert size == 0 def worker(): try: for chunk in stream_zip(local_files(files)): asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(queue.put(chunk), loop).result() except Exception: logger.exception("Error streaming ZIP") raise finally: asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(queue.put(None), loop) # Don't block the event loop: run in a thread queue = asyncio.Queue(maxsize=1) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() thread = loop.run_in_executor(app.ctx.threadexec, worker) # Stream the response res = await req.respond( content_type="application/zip", headers={"cache-control": "no-store"}, ) while chunk := await queue.get(): await res.send(chunk) await thread # If it raises, the response will fail download