import mimetypes from importlib.resources import files from urllib.parse import unquote from html5tagger import E from sanic import Blueprint, Sanic, raw from sanic.exceptions import Forbidden, NotFound from cista import auth, config, session, watching from cista.api import bp from cista.util import filename from cista.util.apphelpers import handle_sanic_exception app = Sanic("cista", strict_slashes=True) app.blueprint(auth.bp) app.blueprint(bp) app.exception(Exception)(handle_sanic_exception) @app.before_server_start async def main_start(app, loop): config.load_config() await watching.start(app, loop) @app.after_server_stop async def main_stop(app, loop): await watching.stop(app, loop) @app.on_request async def use_session(req): req.ctx.session = session.get(req) try: req.ctx.user = config.config.users[req.ctx.session["user"]] # type: ignore except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): req.ctx.user = None # CSRF protection if req.method == "GET" and req.headers.upgrade != "websocket": return # Ordinary GET requests are fine # Check that origin matches host, for browsers which should all send Origin. # Curl doesn't send any Origin header, so we allow it anyway. origin = req.headers.origin if origin and origin.split("//", 1)[1] != raise Forbidden("Invalid origin: Cross-Site requests not permitted") @app.before_server_start def http_fileserver(app, _): bp = Blueprint("fileserver") bp.on_request(auth.verify) bp.static("/files/", config.config.path, use_content_range=True, stream_large_files=True, directory_view=True) app.blueprint(bp) @app.get("/", static=True) async def wwwroot(req, path=""): """Frontend files only""" name = filename.sanitize(unquote(path)) if path else "index.html" try: index = files("cista").joinpath("wwwroot", name).read_bytes() except OSError as e: raise NotFound(f"File not found: /{path}", extra={"name": name, "exception": repr(e)}) mime = mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0] or "application/octet-stream" return raw(index, content_type=mime)