import hmac import re from time import time from unicodedata import normalize import argon2 import msgspec from html5tagger import Document from sanic import Blueprint, html, json, redirect from . import config, session _argon = argon2.PasswordHasher() _droppyhash = re.compile(r'^([a-f0-9]{64})\$([a-f0-9]{8})$') def _pwnorm(password): return normalize('NFC', password).strip().encode() def login(username: str, password: str): un = _pwnorm(username) pw = _pwnorm(password) try: u = config.config.users[un.decode()] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid username") # Verify password need_rehash = False if not u.hash: raise ValueError("Account disabled") if (m := _droppyhash.match(u.hash)) is not None: h, s = m.groups() h2 = hmac.digest(pw + s.encode() + un, b"", "sha256").hex() if not hmac.compare_digest(h, h2): raise ValueError("Invalid password") # Droppy hashes are weak, do a hash update need_rehash = True else: try: _argon.verify(u.hash, pw) except Exception: raise ValueError("Invalid password") if _argon.check_needs_rehash(u.hash): need_rehash = True # Login successful if need_rehash: set_password(u, password) now = int(time()) u.lastSeen = now return u def set_password(user: config.User, password: str): user.hash = _argon.hash(_pwnorm(password)) class LoginResponse(msgspec.Struct): user: str = "" privileged: bool = False error: str = "" authbp = Blueprint("auth") @authbp.get("/login") async def login_page(request): doc = Document("Cista Login") with doc.div(id="login"): with doc.form(method="POST", autocomplete="on"): doc.h1("Login") doc.input(name="username", placeholder="Username", autocomplete="username").br doc.input(type="password", name="password", placeholder="Password", autocomplete="current-password").br doc.input(type="submit", value="Login") s = session.get(request) if s: name = s["username"] with doc.form(method="POST", action="/logout"): doc.input(type="submit", value=f"Logout {name}") flash = request.cookies.flash if flash: doc.p(flash) res = html(doc) if flash: res.cookies.delete_cookie("flash") if s is False: session.delete(res) return res"/login") async def login_post(request): json_format = request.headers.content_type == "application/json" if json_format: username = request.json["username"] password = request.json["password"] else: username = request.form["username"][0] password = request.form["password"][0] if not username or not password: raise ValueError("Missing username or password") user = login(username, password) if json_format: res = json({ "status": "authenticated", "user": username, "privileged": user.privileged, }) else: res = redirect("/") res.cookies.add_cookie("flash", "Logged in", host_prefix=True, max_age=5) session.create(res, username) return res"/logout") async def logout_post(request): res = redirect("/") session.delete(res) res.cookies.add_cookie("flash", "Logged out", host_prefix=True, max_age=5) return res