import asyncio import datetime import mimetypes import threading from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from multiprocessing import cpu_count from pathlib import Path, PurePath, PurePosixPath from stat import S_IFDIR, S_IFREG from urllib.parse import unquote from wsgiref.handlers import format_date_time import multiprocessing import sys from setproctitle import setproctitle import brotli import sanic.helpers from blake3 import blake3 from sanic import Blueprint, Sanic, empty, raw, redirect from sanic.exceptions import Forbidden, NotFound from sanic.log import logger from stream_zip import ZIP_AUTO, stream_zip from cista import auth, config, preview, session, watching from cista.api import bp from cista.util.apphelpers import handle_sanic_exception # Workaround until Sanic PR #2824 is merged sanic.helpers._ENTITY_HEADERS = frozenset() app = Sanic("cista", strict_slashes=True) app.blueprint(auth.bp) app.blueprint(preview.bp) app.blueprint(bp) app.exception(Exception)(handle_sanic_exception) setproctitle("cista-main") @app.before_server_start async def main_start(app, loop): config.load_config() setproctitle(f"cista {}") N = max(2, min(8, cpu_count())) app.ctx.threadexec = ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=N, thread_name_prefix="cista-ioworker" ) await watching.start(app, loop) @app.after_server_stop async def main_stop(app, loop): quit.set() await watching.stop(app, loop) app.ctx.threadexec.shutdown() @app.on_request async def use_session(req): req.ctx.session = session.get(req) try: req.ctx.username = req.ctx.session["username"] # type: ignore req.ctx.user = config.config.users[req.ctx.username] except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): req.ctx.username = None req.ctx.user = None # CSRF protection if req.method == "GET" and req.headers.upgrade != "websocket": return # Ordinary GET requests are fine # Check that origin matches host, for browsers which should all send Origin. # Curl doesn't send any Origin header, so we allow it anyway. origin = req.headers.origin if origin and origin.split("//", 1)[1] != raise Forbidden("Invalid origin: Cross-Site requests not permitted") @app.before_server_start def http_fileserver(app, _): bp = Blueprint("fileserver") bp.on_request(auth.verify) bp.static( "/files/", config.config.path, use_content_range=True, stream_large_files=True, directory_view=True, ) app.blueprint(bp) www = {} def _load_wwwroot(www): wwwnew = {} base = Path(__file__).with_name("wwwroot") paths = [PurePath()] while paths: path = paths.pop(0) current = base / path for p in current.iterdir(): if p.is_dir(): paths.append(p.relative_to(base)) continue name = p.relative_to(base).as_posix() mime = mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0] or "application/octet-stream" mtime = p.stat().st_mtime data = p.read_bytes() etag = blake3(data).hexdigest(length=8) if name == "index.html": name = "" # Use old data if not changed if name in www and www[name][2]["etag"] == etag: wwwnew[name] = www[name] continue # Add charset definition if mime.startswith("text/"): mime = f"{mime}; charset=UTF-8" # Asset files names will change whenever the content changes cached = name.startswith("assets/") headers = { "etag": etag, "last-modified": format_date_time(mtime), "cache-control": "max-age=31536000, immutable" if cached else "no-cache", "content-type": mime, } # Precompress with Brotli br = brotli.compress(data) if len(br) >= len(data): br = False wwwnew[name] = data, br, headers if not wwwnew: msg = f"Web frontend missing from {base}\n Did you forget: hatch build\n" if not www: logger.warning(msg) if not app.debug: msg = "Web frontend missing. Cista installation is broken.\n" wwwnew[""] = ( msg.encode(), False, { "etag": "error", "content-type": "text/plain", "cache-control": "no-store", }, ) return wwwnew @app.before_server_start async def start(app): await load_wwwroot(app) if app.debug: app.add_task(refresh_wwwroot(), name="refresh_wwwroot") async def load_wwwroot(app): global www www = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor( app.ctx.threadexec, _load_wwwroot, www ) quit = threading.Event() async def refresh_wwwroot(): try: while not quit.is_set(): try: wwwold = www await load_wwwroot(app) changes = "" for name in sorted(www): attr = www[name] if wwwold.get(name) == attr: continue headers = attr[2] changes += f"{headers['last-modified']} {headers['etag']} /{name}\n" for name in sorted(set(wwwold) - set(www)): changes += f"Deleted /{name}\n" if changes: print(f"Updated wwwroot:\n{changes}", end="", flush=True) except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading wwwroot: {e!r}") await asyncio.sleep(0.5) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass @app.route("/", methods=["GET", "HEAD"]) async def wwwroot(req, path=""): """Frontend files only""" name = unquote(path) if name not in www: raise NotFound(f"File not found: /{path}", extra={"name": name}) data, br, headers = www[name] if req.headers.if_none_match == headers["etag"]: # The client has it cached, respond 304 Not Modified return empty(304, headers=headers) # Brotli compressed? if br and "br" in req.headers.accept_encoding.split(", "): headers = {**headers, "content-encoding": "br"} data = br return raw(data, headers=headers) @app.route("/favicon.ico", methods=["GET", "HEAD"]) async def favicon(req): # Browsers keep asking for it when viewing files (not HTML with icon link) return redirect("/assets/logo-97d1d7eb.svg", status=308) def get_files(wanted: set) -> list[tuple[PurePosixPath, Path]]: loc = PurePosixPath() idx = 0 ret = [] level: int | None = None parent: PurePosixPath | None = None with watching.state.lock: root = watching.state.root while idx < len(root): f = root[idx] loc = PurePosixPath(*[: f.level - 1]) / if parent is not None and f.level <= level: level = parent = None if f.key in wanted: level, parent = f.level, loc.parent if parent is not None: wanted.discard(f.key) ret.append((loc.relative_to(parent), watching.rootpath / loc)) idx += 1 return ret @app.get("/zip//") async def zip_download(req, keys, zipfile, ext): """Download a zip archive of the given keys""" wanted = set(keys.split("+")) files = get_files(wanted) if not files: raise NotFound( "No files found", context={"keys": keys, "zipfile": f"{zipfile}.{ext}", "wanted": wanted}, ) if wanted: raise NotFound("Files not found", context={"missing": wanted}) def local_files(files): for rel, p in files: s = p.stat() size = s.st_size modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(s.st_mtime, datetime.UTC) name = rel.as_posix() if p.is_dir(): yield f"{name}/", modified, S_IFDIR | 0o755, ZIP_AUTO(size), iter(b"") else: yield name, modified, S_IFREG | 0o644, ZIP_AUTO(size), contents(p, size) def contents(name, size): with"rb") as f: while size > 0 and (chunk :=, 1 << 20))): size -= len(chunk) yield chunk assert size == 0 def worker(): try: for chunk in stream_zip(local_files(files)): asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(queue.put(chunk), loop).result() except Exception: logger.exception("Error streaming ZIP") raise finally: asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(queue.put(None), loop) # Don't block the event loop: run in a thread queue = asyncio.Queue(maxsize=1) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() thread = loop.run_in_executor(app.ctx.threadexec, worker) # Stream the response res = await req.respond( content_type="application/zip", headers={"cache-control": "no-store"}, ) while chunk := await queue.get(): await res.send(chunk) await thread # If it raises, the response will fail download