import hmac import re from time import time from unicodedata import normalize import argon2 import msgspec from html5tagger import Document from sanic import BadRequest, Blueprint, Forbidden, html, json, redirect from cista import config, session _argon = argon2.PasswordHasher() _droppyhash = re.compile(r'^([a-f0-9]{64})\$([a-f0-9]{8})$') def _pwnorm(password): return normalize('NFC', password).strip().encode() def login(username: str, password: str): un = _pwnorm(username) pw = _pwnorm(password) try: u = config.config.users[un.decode()] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid username") # Verify password need_rehash = False if not u.hash: raise ValueError("Account disabled") if (m := _droppyhash.match(u.hash)) is not None: h, s = m.groups() h2 = hmac.digest(pw + s.encode() + un, b"", "sha256").hex() if not hmac.compare_digest(h, h2): raise ValueError("Invalid password") # Droppy hashes are weak, do a hash update need_rehash = True else: try: _argon.verify(u.hash, pw) except Exception: raise ValueError("Invalid password") if _argon.check_needs_rehash(u.hash): need_rehash = True # Login successful if need_rehash: set_password(u, password) now = int(time()) u.lastSeen = now return u def set_password(user: config.User, password: str): user.hash = _argon.hash(_pwnorm(password)) class LoginResponse(msgspec.Struct): user: str = "" privileged: bool = False error: str = "" authbp = Blueprint("auth") @authbp.get("/login") async def login_page(request): doc = Document("Cista Login") with doc.div(id="login"): with doc.form(method="POST", autocomplete="on"): doc.h1("Login") doc.input(name="username", placeholder="Username", autocomplete="username", required=True).br doc.input(type="password", name="password", placeholder="Password", autocomplete="current-password", required=True).br doc.input(type="submit", value="Login") s = session.get(request) if s: name = s["username"] with doc.form(method="POST", action="/logout"): doc.input(type="submit", value=f"Logout {name}") flash = request.cookies.message if flash: doc.dialog(flash, id="flash", open=True, style="position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; opacity: .8") res = html(doc) if flash: res.cookies.delete_cookie("flash") if s is False: session.delete(res) return res"/login") async def login_post(request): try: if request.headers.content_type == "application/json": username = request.json["username"] password = request.json["password"] else: username = request.form["username"][0] password = request.form["password"][0] if not username or not password: raise KeyError except KeyError: raise BadRequest("Missing username or password", context={"redirect": "/login"}) try: user = login(username, password) except ValueError as e: raise Forbidden(str(e), context={"redirect": "/login"}) if "text/html" in request.headers.accept: res = redirect("/") session.flash(res, "Logged in") else: res = json({"data": {"username": username, "privileged": user.privileged}}) session.create(res, username) return res"/logout") async def logout_post(request): s = request.ctx.session msg = "Logged out" if s else "Not logged in" if "text/html" in request.headers.accept: res = redirect("/login") res.cookies.add_cookie("flash", msg, max_age=5) else: res = json({"message": msg}) session.delete(res) return res