import asyncio import logging from pathlib import Path from tarfile import DEFAULT_FORMAT from typing import ParamSpecKwargs import msgspec from importlib.resources import files from sanic import Sanic from sanic.response import html from sanic.log import logger from import FileSystemEventHandler from watchdog.observers import Observer from . import watching from .fileio import ROOT, FileServer from .protocol import ErrorMsg, FileRange, StatusMsg app = Sanic("cista") fileserver = FileServer() def asend(ws, msg): return ws.send(msg if isinstance(msg, bytes) else msgspec.json.encode(msg).decode()) @app.before_server_start async def start_fileserver(app, _): await fileserver.start() @app.after_server_stop async def stop_fileserver(app, _): await fileserver.stop() @app.before_server_start async def start_watcher(app, _): class Handler(FileSystemEventHandler): def on_any_event(self, event): watching.update(Path(event.src_path).relative_to(ROOT)) = Observer(), str(ROOT), recursive=True) @app.after_server_stop async def stop_watcher(app, _): @app.get("/") async def index_page(request): index = files("cista").joinpath("static", "index.html").read_text() return html(index) app.static("/files", ROOT, use_content_range=True, stream_large_files=True, directory_view=True) @app.websocket('/api/watch') async def watch(request, ws): try: q = watching.pubsub[ws] = asyncio.Queue() await asend(ws, {"root": watching.tree}) while True: await asend(ws, await q.get()) finally: del watching.pubsub[ws] @app.websocket('/api/upload') async def upload(request, ws): alink = fileserver.alink url = request.url_for("upload") while True: req = None try: text = await ws.recv() if not isinstance(text, str): raise ValueError(f"Expected JSON control, got binary len(data) = {len(text)}") req = msgspec.json.decode(text, type=FileRange) pos = req.start while pos < req.end and (data := await ws.recv()) and isinstance(data, bytes): pos += await alink(("upload",, pos, data, req.size)) if pos != req.end: d = f"{len(data)} bytes" if isinstance(data, bytes) else data raise ValueError(f"Expected {req.end - pos} more bytes, got {d}") # Report success res = StatusMsg(status="upload", url=url, req=req) await asend(ws, res) print(res) except Exception as e: res = ErrorMsg(error=str(e), url=url, req=req) await asend(ws, res) logger.exception(repr(res), e) return @app.websocket('/api/download') async def download(request, ws): alink = fileserver.alink url = request.url_for("download") while True: req = None try: text = await ws.recv() if not isinstance(text, str): raise ValueError(f"Expected JSON control, got binary len(data) = {len(text)}") req = msgspec.json.decode(text, type=FileRange) print("download", req) pos = req.start while pos < req.end: end = min(req.end, pos + (1<<20)) data = await alink(("download",, pos, end)) await asend(ws, data) pos += len(data) # Report success res = StatusMsg(status="download", url=url, req=req) await asend(ws, res) print(res) except Exception as e: res = ErrorMsg(error=str(e), url=url, req=req) await asend(ws, res) logger.exception(repr(res), e) return