Leo Vasanko 8c6690ea98 Major changes:
- File selections working
- CSS more responsive, more consistent use of colors and variables
- Keyboard navigation
- Added context menu buttons and handler, the menu is still missing
- Added download and settings buttons (no functions yet)
- Various minor fixes everywhere
2023-11-04 14:10:18 +00:00

2 lines
318 B

import{o as e,c as t,a as o}from"./index-b403b9e8.js";const s={xmlns:"",width:"32",height:"32",viewBox:"-6 -2 44 36"},r=o("path",{d:"M12 18H6v4l-6-6 6-6v4h6zm8-4h6v-4l6 6-6 6v-4h-6z"},null,-1),c=[r];function n(a,h){return e(),t("svg",s,c)}const l={render:n};export{l as default,n as render};