2023-09-06 13:44:00 +01:00
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import Counter
from pathlib import Path
from typing import ClassVar
from msgspec import Struct
2023-10-25 01:03:35 +01:00
from webapp . display . page import Page
2023-09-06 13:44:00 +01:00
2023-10-25 03:02:26 +01:00
2023-09-06 13:44:00 +01:00
class Stemmer :
STOP_WORDS : ClassVar [ set [ str ] ] = set (
" a about above after again against all am an and any are aren ' t as at be because been before being below between both but by can ' t cannot could couldn ' t did didn ' t do does doesn ' t doing don ' t down during each few for from further had hadn ' t has hasn ' t have haven ' t having he he ' d he ' ll he ' s her here here ' s hers herself him himself his how how ' s i i ' d i ' ll i ' m i ' ve if in into is isn ' t it it ' s its itself let ' s me more most mustn ' t my myself no nor not of off on once only or other ought our ours ourselves out over own same shan ' t she she ' d she ' ll she ' s should shouldn ' t so some such than that that ' s the their theirs them themselves then there there ' s these they they ' d they ' ll they ' re they ' ve this those through to too under until up very was wasn ' t we we ' d we ' ll we ' re we ' ve were weren ' t what what ' s when when ' s where where ' s which while who who ' s whom why why ' s with won ' t would wouldn ' t you you ' d you ' ll you ' re you ' ve your yours yourself yourselves " . split ( ) # noqa: E501
PREFIXES = set ( " auto be fore over re un under " . split ( ) )
SUFFIXES = set (
" able al ance ant ate ed en er ful hood ing ion ish ity ive ize less ly ment ness ous ship sion tion y " . split ( ) # noqa: E501
VOWELS = set ( " aeiou " )
PLURALIZATION = set ( " s es ies " . split ( ) )
def stem ( self , word : str ) - > str :
if word in self . STOP_WORDS :
return word
if word in self . PREFIXES :
return word
for suffix in self . SUFFIXES | self . PLURALIZATION :
if word . endswith ( suffix ) :
return self . _stem ( word [ : - len ( suffix ) ] )
return word
def _stem ( self , word : str ) - > str :
if word . endswith ( " e " ) :
return word [ : - 1 ]
if word . endswith ( " y " ) and word [ - 2 ] not in self . VOWELS :
return word [ : - 1 ]
return word
def __call__ ( self , word : str ) - > str :
return self . stem ( word )
class Document ( Struct , kw_only = True ) :
TITLE_WEIGHT : ClassVar [ int ] = 3
BODY_WEIGHT : ClassVar [ int ] = 1
page : Page
language : str
term_frequency : dict [ str , float ] = { }
def title ( self ) - > str :
return self . page . meta . title
def text ( self ) - > str :
return self . page . content
def weighted_text ( self ) - > str :
""" Return the text with the title repeated. """
return " " . join (
[ self . title ] * self . TITLE_WEIGHT + [ self . text ] * self . BODY_WEIGHT
def _term_frequency ( self , stemmer : Stemmer ) - > None :
""" Count the number of times each word appears in the document. """
words = [
stemmer ( word )
for word in self . weighted_text . lower ( ) . split ( )
if word not in Stemmer . STOP_WORDS
num_words = len ( words )
word_count = Counter ( words )
self . term_frequency = {
word : count / num_words for word , count in word_count . items ( )
def process ( self , stemmer : Stemmer ) - > Document :
""" Process the document. """
self . _term_frequency ( stemmer )
return self
def _inverse_document_frequency ( docs : list [ Document ] ) - > dict [ str , float ] :
""" Count the number of documents each word appears in. """
num_docs = len ( docs )
word_count : Counter [ str ] = Counter ( )
for doc in docs :
word_count . update ( doc . term_frequency . keys ( ) )
return { word : num_docs / count for word , count in word_count . items ( ) }
2023-10-25 04:13:13 +01:00
def _tf_idf_vector ( document : Document , idf : dict [ str , float ] ) - > dict [ str , float ] :
2023-09-06 13:44:00 +01:00
""" Calculate the TF-IDF vector for a document. """
return {
word : tf * idf [ word ]
for word , tf in document . term_frequency . items ( )
if word in idf
2023-10-25 04:13:13 +01:00
def _cosine_similarity ( vec1 : dict [ str , float ] , vec2 : dict [ str , float ] ) - > float :
2023-09-06 13:44:00 +01:00
""" Calculate the cosine similarity between two vectors. """
if not vec1 or not vec2 :
return 0.0
dot_product = sum ( vec1 . get ( word , 0 ) * vec2 . get ( word , 0 ) for word in vec1 )
magnitude1 = sum ( value * * 2 for value in vec1 . values ( ) ) * * 0.5
magnitude2 = sum ( value * * 2 for value in vec2 . values ( ) ) * * 0.5
return dot_product / ( magnitude1 * magnitude2 )
def _search (
query : str ,
language : str ,
vectors : list [ dict [ str , float ] ] ,
idf : dict [ str , float ] ,
documents : list [ Document ] ,
stemmer : Stemmer ,
) - > list [ tuple [ float , Document ] ] :
dummy_page = Page ( Path ( ) , query )
tf_idf_query = _tf_idf_vector (
Document ( page = dummy_page , language = language ) . process ( stemmer ) , idf
2023-10-25 04:13:13 +01:00
similarities = [ _cosine_similarity ( tf_idf_query , vector ) for vector in vectors ]
2023-09-06 13:44:00 +01:00
return [
( similarity , document )
for similarity , document in sorted (
zip ( similarities , documents ) ,
reverse = True ,
key = lambda pair : pair [ 0 ] ,
) [ : 10 ]
if similarity > 0
class Searcher :
def __init__ (
self ,
stemmer : Stemmer ,
documents : list [ Document ] ,
) :
self . _documents : dict [ str , list [ Document ] ] = { }
for document in documents :
self . _documents . setdefault ( document . language , [ ] ) . append ( document )
self . _idf = {
language : _inverse_document_frequency ( documents )
for language , documents in self . _documents . items ( )
self . _vectors = {
language : [
2023-10-25 04:13:13 +01:00
_tf_idf_vector ( document , self . _idf [ language ] ) for document in documents
2023-09-06 13:44:00 +01:00
for language , documents in self . _documents . items ( )
self . _stemmer = stemmer
2023-10-25 04:13:13 +01:00
def search ( self , query : str , language : str ) - > list [ tuple [ float , Document ] ] :
2023-09-06 13:44:00 +01:00
return _search (
query ,
language ,
self . _vectors [ language ] ,
self . _idf [ language ] ,
self . _documents [ language ] ,
self . _stemmer ,