Error page rendering format selection (#2668)
Co-authored-by: Adam Hopkins <> Co-authored-by: L. Karkkainen <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from traceback import extract_tb
from sanic.exceptions import BadRequest, SanicException
from sanic.helpers import STATUS_CODES
from sanic.log import deprecation, logger
from sanic.response import html, json, text
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ FALLBACK_TEXT = (
"cannot complete your request."
JSON = "application/json"
class BaseRenderer:
@ -390,21 +392,18 @@ def escape(text):
return f"{text}".replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<")
"html": HTMLRenderer,
"json": JSONRenderer,
"text": TextRenderer,
"text": "text/plain",
"json": "application/json",
"html": "text/html",
CONFIG_BY_MIME = {v: k for k, v in MIME_BY_CONFIG.items()}
"text/plain": TextRenderer,
"application/json": JSONRenderer,
"multipart/form-data": HTMLRenderer,
"text/html": HTMLRenderer,
v: k for k, v in RENDERERS_BY_CONTENT_TYPE.items()
# Handler source code is checked for which response types it returns with the
# route error_format="auto" (default) to determine which format to use.
@ -420,7 +419,7 @@ RESPONSE_MAPPING = {
def check_error_format(format):
if format not in RENDERERS_BY_CONFIG and format != "auto":
if format not in MIME_BY_CONFIG and format != "auto":
raise SanicException(f"Unknown format: {format}")
@ -435,94 +434,68 @@ def exception_response(
Render a response for the default FALLBACK exception handler.
content_type = None
if not renderer:
# Make sure we have something set
renderer = base
render_format = fallback
if request:
# If there is a request, try and get the format
# from the route
if request.route:
if request.route.extra.error_format:
render_format = request.route.extra.error_format
except AttributeError:
content_type = request.headers.getone("content-type", "").split(
acceptable = request.accept
# If the format is auto still, make a guess
if render_format == "auto":
# First, if there is an Accept header, check if text/html
# is the first option
# According to MDN Web Docs, all major browsers use text/html
# as the primary value in Accept (with the exception of IE 8,
# and, well, if you are supporting IE 8, then you have bigger
# problems to concern yourself with than what default exception
# renderer is used)
# Source:
if acceptable and acceptable.match(
"text/html", accept_wildcards=False
renderer = HTMLRenderer
# Second, if there is an Accept header, check if
# application/json is an option, or if the content-type
# is application/json
elif (
and acceptable.match(
"application/json", accept_wildcards=False
or content_type == "application/json"
renderer = JSONRenderer
# Third, if there is no Accept header, assume we want text.
# The likely use case here is a raw socket.
elif not acceptable:
renderer = TextRenderer
# Fourth, look to see if there was a JSON body
# When in this situation, the request is probably coming
# from curl, an API client like Postman or Insomnia, or a
# package like requests or httpx
# Give them the benefit of the doubt if they did:
# $ curl localhost:8000 -d '{"foo": "bar"}'
# And provide them with JSONRenderer
renderer = JSONRenderer if request.json else base
except BadRequest:
renderer = base
renderer = RENDERERS_BY_CONFIG.get(render_format, renderer)
# Lastly, if there is an Accept header, make sure
# our choice is okay
if acceptable:
type_ = CONTENT_TYPE_BY_RENDERERS.get(renderer) # type: ignore
if type_ and not acceptable.match(type_):
# If the renderer selected is not in the Accept header
# look through what is in the Accept header, and select
# the first option that matches. Otherwise, just drop back
# to the original default
for accept in acceptable:
mtype = f"{accept.type}/{accept.subtype}"
maybe = RENDERERS_BY_CONTENT_TYPE.get(mtype)
if maybe:
renderer = maybe
renderer = base
mt = guess_mime(request, fallback)
renderer = RENDERERS_BY_CONTENT_TYPE.get(mt, base)
renderer = t.cast(t.Type[BaseRenderer], renderer)
return renderer(request, exception, debug).render()
def guess_mime(req: Request, fallback: str) -> str:
# Attempt to find a suitable MIME format for the response.
# Insertion-ordered map of formats["html"] = "source of that suggestion"
formats = {}
name = ""
# Route error_format (by magic from handler code if auto, the default)
if req.route:
name =
f = req.route.extra.error_format
formats[f] = name
if not formats and fallback in MIME_BY_CONFIG:
formats[fallback] = "FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT"
# If still not known, check for the request for clues of JSON
if not formats and fallback == "auto" and req.accept.match(JSON):
if JSON in req.accept: # Literally, not wildcard
formats["json"] = "request.accept"
elif JSON in req.headers.getone("content-type", ""):
formats["json"] = "content-type"
# DEPRECATION: Remove this block in 24.3
c = None
c = req.json
except BadRequest:
if c:
formats["json"] = "request.json"
"Response type was determined by the JSON content of "
"the request. This behavior is deprecated and will be "
"removed in v24.3. Please specify the format either by\n"
f' error_format="json" on route {name}, by\n'
' FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT = "json", or by adding header\n'
" accept: application/json to your requests.",
# Any other supported formats
if fallback == "auto":
for k in MIME_BY_CONFIG:
if k not in formats:
formats[k] = "any"
mimes = [MIME_BY_CONFIG[k] for k in formats]
m = req.accept.match(*mimes)
if m:
format = CONFIG_BY_MIME[m.mime]
source = formats[format]
f"The client accepts {m.header}, using '{format}' from {source}"
logger.debug(f"No format found, the client accepts {req.accept!r}")
return m.mime
@ -166,7 +166,6 @@ class Matched:
def _compare(self, other) -> Tuple[bool, Matched]:
if isinstance(other, str):
# return self.mime == other, Accept.parse(other)
parsed = Matched.parse(other)
if self.mime == other:
return True, parsed
@ -500,13 +500,16 @@ class Request:
def accept(self) -> AcceptList:
"""Accepted response content types.
A convenience handler for easier RFC-compliant matching of MIME types,
parsed as a list that can match wildcards and includes */* by default.
:return: The ``Accept`` header parsed
:rtype: AcceptList
if self.parsed_accept is None:
accept_header = self.headers.getone("accept", "")
self.parsed_accept = parse_accept(accept_header)
self.parsed_accept = parse_accept(self.headers.get("accept"))
return self.parsed_accept
@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
import logging
import pytest
from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.config import Config
from sanic.errorpages import HTMLRenderer, exception_response
from sanic.errorpages import TextRenderer, guess_mime, exception_response
from sanic.exceptions import NotFound, SanicException
from sanic.handlers import ErrorHandler
from sanic.request import Request
from sanic.response import HTTPResponse, html, json, text
from sanic.response import HTTPResponse, empty, html, json, text
@ -17,6 +19,45 @@ def app():
def err(request):
raise Exception("something went wrong")
@app.get("/forced_json/<fail>", error_format="json")
def manual_fail(request, fail):
if fail == "fail":
raise Exception
return html("") # Should be ignored
def empty_fail(request, fail):
if fail == "fail":
raise Exception
return empty()
def json_fail(request, fail):
if fail == "fail":
raise Exception
# After 23.3 route format should become json, older versions think it
# is mixed due to empty mapping to html, and don't find any format.
return json({"foo": "bar"}) if fail == "json" else empty()
def html_fail(request, fail):
if fail == "fail":
raise Exception
return html("<h1>foo</h1>")
def text_fail(request, fail):
if fail == "fail":
raise Exception
return text("foo")
def mixed_fail(request, param):
if param not in ("json", "html"):
raise Exception
return json({}) if param == "json" else html("")
return app
@ -28,14 +69,14 @@ def fake_request(app):
"fallback,content_type, exception, status",
(None, "text/html; charset=utf-8", Exception, 500),
(None, "text/plain; charset=utf-8", Exception, 500),
("html", "text/html; charset=utf-8", Exception, 500),
("auto", "text/html; charset=utf-8", Exception, 500),
("auto", "text/plain; charset=utf-8", Exception, 500),
("text", "text/plain; charset=utf-8", Exception, 500),
("json", "application/json", Exception, 500),
(None, "text/html; charset=utf-8", NotFound, 404),
(None, "text/plain; charset=utf-8", NotFound, 404),
("html", "text/html; charset=utf-8", NotFound, 404),
("auto", "text/html; charset=utf-8", NotFound, 404),
("auto", "text/plain; charset=utf-8", NotFound, 404),
("text", "text/plain; charset=utf-8", NotFound, 404),
("json", "application/json", NotFound, 404),
@ -43,6 +84,10 @@ def fake_request(app):
def test_should_return_html_valid_setting(
fake_request, fallback, content_type, exception, status
# Note: if fallback is None or "auto", prior to PR #2668 base was returned
# and after that a text response is given because it matches */*. Changed
# base to TextRenderer in this test, like it is in Sanic itself, so the
# test passes with either version but still covers everything that it did.
if fallback:
|||| = fallback
@ -53,7 +98,7 @@ def test_should_return_html_valid_setting(
@ -259,15 +304,17 @@ def test_fallback_with_content_type_mismatch_accept(app):
(None, None, "text/plain; charset=utf-8"),
("foo/bar", None, "text/html; charset=utf-8"),
("foo/bar", None, "text/plain; charset=utf-8"),
("application/json", None, "application/json"),
("application/json,text/plain", None, "application/json"),
("text/plain,application/json", None, "application/json"),
("text/plain,foo/bar", None, "text/plain; charset=utf-8"),
# Following test is valid after v22.3
# ("text/plain,text/html", None, "text/plain; charset=utf-8"),
("*/*", "foo/bar", "text/html; charset=utf-8"),
("text/plain,text/html", None, "text/plain; charset=utf-8"),
("*/*", "foo/bar", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"),
("*/*", "application/json", "application/json"),
# App wants text/plain but accept has equal entries for it
("text/*,*/plain", None, "text/plain; charset=utf-8"),
def test_combinations_for_auto(fake_request, accept, content_type, expected):
@ -286,7 +333,7 @@ def test_combinations_for_auto(fake_request, accept, content_type, expected):
@ -376,3 +423,49 @@ def test_config_fallback_bad_value(app):
message = "Unknown format: fake"
with pytest.raises(SanicException, match=message):
app.config.FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT = "fake"
("json", "html", "*/*", "The client accepts */*, using 'json' from fakeroute"),
("json", "auto", "text/html,*/*;q=0.8", "The client accepts text/html, using 'html' from any"),
("json", "json", "text/html,*/*;q=0.8", "The client accepts */*;q=0.8, using 'json' from fakeroute"),
("", "html", "text/*,*/plain", "The client accepts text/*, using 'html' from FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT"),
("", "json", "text/*,*/*", "The client accepts */*, using 'json' from FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT"),
("", "auto", "*/*,application/json;q=0.5", "The client accepts */*, using 'json' from request.accept"),
("", "auto", "*/*", "The client accepts */*, using 'json' from content-type"),
("", "auto", "text/html,text/plain", "The client accepts text/plain, using 'text' from any"),
("", "auto", "text/html,text/plain;q=0.9", "The client accepts text/html, using 'html' from any"),
("html", "json", "application/xml", "No format found, the client accepts [application/xml]"),
("", "auto", "*/*", "The client accepts */*, using 'text' from any"),
("", "", "*/*", "No format found, the client accepts [*/*]"),
# DEPRECATED: remove in 24.3
("", "auto", "*/*", "The client accepts */*, using 'json' from request.json"),
def test_guess_mime_logging(caplog, fake_request, route_format, fallback, accept, expected):
class FakeObject:
fake_request.route = FakeObject()
|||| = "fakeroute"
fake_request.route.extra = FakeObject()
fake_request.route.extra.error_format = route_format
if accept is None:
del fake_request.headers["accept"]
fake_request.headers["accept"] = accept
if "content-type" in expected:
fake_request.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
# Fake JSON content (DEPRECATED: remove in 24.3)
if "request.json" in expected:
fake_request.parsed_json = {"foo": "bar"}
with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="sanic.root"):
guess_mime(fake_request, fallback)
logmsg, = [r.message for r in caplog.records if r.funcName == "guess_mime"]
assert logmsg == expected
@ -150,26 +150,29 @@ def test_request_accept():
async def get(request):
return response.empty()
header_value = "text/plain;format=flowed, text/plain, text/*, */*"
request, _ = app.test_client.get(
"Accept": "text/*, text/plain, text/plain;format=flowed, */*"
headers={"Accept": header_value},
assert [str(i) for i in request.accept] == [
assert str(request.accept) == header_value
match = request.accept.match(
assert match == "*/*;format=flowed"
assert match.header.mime == "text/plain"
assert match.header.params == {"format": "flowed"}
header_value = (
"text/plain; q=0.5, text/html, text/x-dvi; q=0.8, text/x-c"
request, _ = app.test_client.get(
"Accept": (
"text/plain; q=0.5, text/html, text/x-dvi; q=0.8, text/x-c"
headers={"Accept": header_value},
assert [str(i) for i in request.accept] == [
@ -177,6 +180,17 @@ def test_request_accept():
match = request.accept.match(
"text/plain", # Has lower q in accept header
"text/html;format=flowed", # Params mismatch
"text/*", # Matches
assert match == "text/*"
assert match.header.mime == "text/html"
assert match.header.q == 1.0
assert not match.header.params
def test_bad_url_parse():
Reference in New Issue
Block a user