This commit is contained in:
@ -1,282 +1,282 @@
# import asyncio
import asyncio
# from asyncio import sleep as aio_sleep
from asyncio import sleep as aio_sleep
# from json import JSONDecodeError
from json import JSONDecodeError
# from os import environ
from os import environ
# import httpcore
import httpcore
# import httpx
import httpx
# import pytest
import pytest
# from sanic import Sanic, server
from sanic import Sanic, server
# from sanic.compat import OS_IS_WINDOWS
from sanic.compat import OS_IS_WINDOWS
# from sanic.response import text
from sanic.response import text
# from sanic.testing import HOST, SanicTestClient
from sanic.testing import HOST, SanicTestClient
# PORT = 42101 # test_keep_alive_timeout_reuse doesn't work with random port
PORT = 42101 # test_keep_alive_timeout_reuse doesn't work with random port
# from httpcore._async.base import ConnectionState
from httpcore._async.base import ConnectionState
# from httpcore._async.connection import AsyncHTTPConnection
from httpcore._async.connection import AsyncHTTPConnection
# from httpcore._types import Origin
from httpcore._types import Origin
# class ReusableSanicConnectionPool(httpcore.AsyncConnectionPool):
class ReusableSanicConnectionPool(httpcore.AsyncConnectionPool):
# last_reused_connection = None
last_reused_connection = None
# async def _get_connection_from_pool(self, *args, **kwargs):
async def _get_connection_from_pool(self, *args, **kwargs):
# conn = await super()._get_connection_from_pool(*args, **kwargs)
conn = await super()._get_connection_from_pool(*args, **kwargs)
# self.__class__.last_reused_connection = conn
self.__class__.last_reused_connection = conn
# return conn
return conn
# class ResusableSanicSession(httpx.AsyncClient):
class ResusableSanicSession(httpx.AsyncClient):
# def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
# transport = ReusableSanicConnectionPool()
transport = ReusableSanicConnectionPool()
# super().__init__(transport=transport, *args, **kwargs)
super().__init__(transport=transport, *args, **kwargs)
# class ReuseableSanicTestClient(SanicTestClient):
class ReuseableSanicTestClient(SanicTestClient):
# def __init__(self, app, loop=None):
def __init__(self, app, loop=None):
# super().__init__(app)
# if loop is None:
if loop is None:
# loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# self._loop = loop
self._loop = loop
# self._server = None
self._server = None
# self._tcp_connector = None
self._tcp_connector = None
# self._session = None
self._session = None
# def get_new_session(self):
def get_new_session(self):
# return ResusableSanicSession()
return ResusableSanicSession()
# # Copied from SanicTestClient, but with some changes to reuse the
# Copied from SanicTestClient, but with some changes to reuse the
# # same loop for the same app.
# same loop for the same app.
# def _sanic_endpoint_test(
def _sanic_endpoint_test(
# self,
# method="get",
# uri="/",
# gather_request=True,
# debug=False,
# server_kwargs=None,
# *request_args,
# **request_kwargs,
# ):
# loop = self._loop
loop = self._loop
# results = [None, None]
results = [None, None]
# exceptions = []
exceptions = []
# server_kwargs = server_kwargs or {"return_asyncio_server": True}
server_kwargs = server_kwargs or {"return_asyncio_server": True}
# if gather_request:
if gather_request:
# def _collect_request(request):
def _collect_request(request):
# if results[0] is None:
if results[0] is None:
# results[0] = request
results[0] = request
# self.app.request_middleware.appendleft(_collect_request)
# if uri.startswith(
if uri.startswith(
# ("http:", "https:", "ftp:", "ftps://", "//", "ws:", "wss:")
("http:", "https:", "ftp:", "ftps://", "//", "ws:", "wss:")
# ):
# url = uri
url = uri
# else:
# uri = uri if uri.startswith("/") else f"/{uri}"
uri = uri if uri.startswith("/") else f"/{uri}"
# scheme = "http"
scheme = "http"
# url = f"{scheme}://{HOST}:{PORT}{uri}"
url = f"{scheme}://{HOST}:{PORT}{uri}"
# @self.app.listener("after_server_start")
# async def _collect_response(loop):
async def _collect_response(loop):
# try:
# response = await self._local_request(
response = await self._local_request(
# method, url, *request_args, **request_kwargs
method, url, *request_args, **request_kwargs
# )
# results[-1] = response
results[-1] = response
# except Exception as e2:
except Exception as e2:
# exceptions.append(e2)
# if self._server is not None:
if self._server is not None:
# _server = self._server
_server = self._server
# else:
# _server_co = self.app.create_server(
_server_co = self.app.create_server(
# host=HOST, debug=debug, port=PORT, **server_kwargs
host=HOST, debug=debug, port=PORT, **server_kwargs
# )
# server.trigger_events(
# self.app.listeners["before_server_start"], loop
self.app.listeners["before_server_start"], loop
# )
# try:
# loop._stopping = False
loop._stopping = False
# _server = loop.run_until_complete(_server_co)
_server = loop.run_until_complete(_server_co)
# except Exception as e1:
except Exception as e1:
# raise e1
raise e1
# self._server = _server
self._server = _server
# server.trigger_events(self.app.listeners["after_server_start"], loop)
server.trigger_events(self.app.listeners["after_server_start"], loop)
# self.app.listeners["after_server_start"].pop()
# if exceptions:
if exceptions:
# raise ValueError(f"Exception during request: {exceptions}")
raise ValueError(f"Exception during request: {exceptions}")
# if gather_request:
if gather_request:
# self.app.request_middleware.pop()
# try:
# request, response = results
request, response = results
# return request, response
return request, response
# except Exception:
except Exception:
# raise ValueError(
raise ValueError(
# f"Request and response object expected, got ({results})"
f"Request and response object expected, got ({results})"
# )
# else:
# try:
# return results[-1]
return results[-1]
# except Exception:
except Exception:
# raise ValueError(f"Request object expected, got ({results})")
raise ValueError(f"Request object expected, got ({results})")
# def kill_server(self):
def kill_server(self):
# try:
# if self._server:
if self._server:
# self._server.close()
# self._loop.run_until_complete(self._server.wait_closed())
# self._server = None
self._server = None
# if self._session:
if self._session:
# self._loop.run_until_complete(self._session.aclose())
# self._session = None
self._session = None
# except Exception as e3:
except Exception as e3:
# raise e3
raise e3
# # Copied from SanicTestClient, but with some changes to reuse the
# Copied from SanicTestClient, but with some changes to reuse the
# # same TCPConnection and the sane ClientSession more than once.
# same TCPConnection and the sane ClientSession more than once.
# # Note, you cannot use the same session if you are in a _different_
# Note, you cannot use the same session if you are in a _different_
# # loop, so the changes above are required too.
# loop, so the changes above are required too.
# async def _local_request(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs):
async def _local_request(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs):
# raw_cookies = kwargs.pop("raw_cookies", None)
raw_cookies = kwargs.pop("raw_cookies", None)
# request_keepalive = kwargs.pop(
request_keepalive = kwargs.pop(
# "request_keepalive", CONFIG_FOR_TESTS["KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT"]
# )
# if not self._session:
if not self._session:
# self._session = self.get_new_session()
self._session = self.get_new_session()
# try:
# response = await getattr(self._session, method.lower())(
response = await getattr(self._session, method.lower())(
# url, timeout=request_keepalive, *args, **kwargs
url, timeout=request_keepalive, *args, **kwargs
# )
# except NameError:
except NameError:
# raise Exception(response.status_code)
raise Exception(response.status_code)
# try:
# response.json = response.json()
response.json = response.json()
# except (JSONDecodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
except (JSONDecodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
# response.json = None
response.json = None
# response.body = await response.aread()
response.body = await response.aread()
# response.status = response.status_code
response.status = response.status_code
# response.content_type = response.headers.get("content-type")
response.content_type = response.headers.get("content-type")
# if raw_cookies:
if raw_cookies:
# response.raw_cookies = {}
response.raw_cookies = {}
# for cookie in response.cookies:
for cookie in response.cookies:
# response.raw_cookies[cookie.name] = cookie
response.raw_cookies[cookie.name] = cookie
# return response
return response
# keep_alive_timeout_app_reuse = Sanic("test_ka_timeout_reuse")
keep_alive_timeout_app_reuse = Sanic("test_ka_timeout_reuse")
# keep_alive_app_client_timeout = Sanic("test_ka_client_timeout")
keep_alive_app_client_timeout = Sanic("test_ka_client_timeout")
# keep_alive_app_server_timeout = Sanic("test_ka_server_timeout")
keep_alive_app_server_timeout = Sanic("test_ka_server_timeout")
# keep_alive_timeout_app_reuse.config.update(CONFIG_FOR_TESTS)
# keep_alive_app_client_timeout.config.update(CONFIG_FOR_TESTS)
# keep_alive_app_server_timeout.config.update(CONFIG_FOR_TESTS)
# @keep_alive_timeout_app_reuse.route("/1")
# async def handler1(request):
async def handler1(request):
# return text("OK")
return text("OK")
# @keep_alive_app_client_timeout.route("/1")
# async def handler2(request):
async def handler2(request):
# return text("OK")
return text("OK")
# @keep_alive_app_server_timeout.route("/1")
# async def handler3(request):
async def handler3(request):
# return text("OK")
return text("OK")
# @pytest.mark.skipif(
# bool(environ.get("SANIC_NO_UVLOOP")) or OS_IS_WINDOWS,
bool(environ.get("SANIC_NO_UVLOOP")) or OS_IS_WINDOWS,
# reason="Not testable with current client",
reason="Not testable with current client",
# )
# def test_keep_alive_timeout_reuse():
def test_keep_alive_timeout_reuse():
# """If the server keep-alive timeout and client keep-alive timeout are
"""If the server keep-alive timeout and client keep-alive timeout are
# both longer than the delay, the client _and_ server will successfully
both longer than the delay, the client _and_ server will successfully
# reuse the existing connection."""
reuse the existing connection."""
# try:
# loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
# asyncio.set_event_loop(loop)
# client = ReuseableSanicTestClient(keep_alive_timeout_app_reuse, loop)
client = ReuseableSanicTestClient(keep_alive_timeout_app_reuse, loop)
# headers = {"Connection": "keep-alive"}
headers = {"Connection": "keep-alive"}
# request, response = client.get("/1", headers=headers)
request, response = client.get("/1", headers=headers)
# assert response.status == 200
assert response.status == 200
# assert response.text == "OK"
assert response.text == "OK"
# loop.run_until_complete(aio_sleep(1))
# request, response = client.get("/1")
request, response = client.get("/1")
# assert response.status == 200
assert response.status == 200
# assert response.text == "OK"
assert response.text == "OK"
# assert ReusableSanicConnectionPool.last_reused_connection
assert ReusableSanicConnectionPool.last_reused_connection
# finally:
# client.kill_server()
# @pytest.mark.skipif(
# bool(environ.get("SANIC_NO_UVLOOP")) or OS_IS_WINDOWS,
bool(environ.get("SANIC_NO_UVLOOP")) or OS_IS_WINDOWS,
# reason="Not testable with current client",
reason="Not testable with current client",
# )
# def test_keep_alive_client_timeout():
def test_keep_alive_client_timeout():
# """If the server keep-alive timeout is longer than the client
"""If the server keep-alive timeout is longer than the client
# keep-alive timeout, client will try to create a new connection here."""
keep-alive timeout, client will try to create a new connection here."""
# try:
# loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
# asyncio.set_event_loop(loop)
# client = ReuseableSanicTestClient(keep_alive_app_client_timeout, loop)
client = ReuseableSanicTestClient(keep_alive_app_client_timeout, loop)
# headers = {"Connection": "keep-alive"}
headers = {"Connection": "keep-alive"}
# request, response = client.get(
request, response = client.get(
# "/1", headers=headers, request_keepalive=1
"/1", headers=headers, request_keepalive=1
# )
# assert response.status == 200
assert response.status == 200
# assert response.text == "OK"
assert response.text == "OK"
# loop.run_until_complete(aio_sleep(2))
# exception = None
exception = None
# request, response = client.get("/1", request_keepalive=1)
request, response = client.get("/1", request_keepalive=1)
# assert ReusableSanicConnectionPool.last_reused_connection is None
assert ReusableSanicConnectionPool.last_reused_connection is None
# finally:
# client.kill_server()
# @pytest.mark.skipif(
# bool(environ.get("SANIC_NO_UVLOOP")) or OS_IS_WINDOWS,
bool(environ.get("SANIC_NO_UVLOOP")) or OS_IS_WINDOWS,
# reason="Not testable with current client",
reason="Not testable with current client",
# )
# def test_keep_alive_server_timeout():
def test_keep_alive_server_timeout():
# """If the client keep-alive timeout is longer than the server
"""If the client keep-alive timeout is longer than the server
# keep-alive timeout, the client will either a 'Connection reset' error
keep-alive timeout, the client will either a 'Connection reset' error
# _or_ a new connection. Depending on how the event-loop handles the
_or_ a new connection. Depending on how the event-loop handles the
# broken server connection."""
broken server connection."""
# try:
# loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
# asyncio.set_event_loop(loop)
# client = ReuseableSanicTestClient(keep_alive_app_server_timeout, loop)
client = ReuseableSanicTestClient(keep_alive_app_server_timeout, loop)
# headers = {"Connection": "keep-alive"}
headers = {"Connection": "keep-alive"}
# request, response = client.get(
request, response = client.get(
# "/1", headers=headers, request_keepalive=60
"/1", headers=headers, request_keepalive=60
# )
# assert response.status == 200
assert response.status == 200
# assert response.text == "OK"
assert response.text == "OK"
# loop.run_until_complete(aio_sleep(3))
# exception = None
exception = None
# request, response = client.get("/1", request_keepalive=60)
request, response = client.get("/1", request_keepalive=60)
# assert ReusableSanicConnectionPool.last_reused_connection is None
assert ReusableSanicConnectionPool.last_reused_connection is None
# finally:
# client.kill_server()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user