* GIT-2045: enable versioning and strict slash on BlueprintGroup
* GIT-2045: convert named tuple into typed format + unit tests
* GIT-2045: add example code for versioned bpg
* GIT-2045: None value for strict slashes check
* GIT-2045: refactor handler types and add benchmark for urlparse
* GIT-2045: reduce urlparse benchmark iterations
* GIT-2045: add unit test and url merge behavior
* GIT-2045: cleanup example code and remove print
* GIT-2045: add test for slash duplication avoidence
* GIT-2045: fix issue with tailing / getting appended
* GIT-2045: use Optional instead of Union for Typing
* GIT-2045: use string for version arg
* GIT-2045: combine optional with union
Update all tests to be compatible with requests-async
Cleanup testing client changes with black and isort
Remove Python 3.5 and other meta doc cleanup
rename pyproject and fix pep517 error
Add black config to tox.ini
Cleanup tests and remove aiohttp
tox.ini change for easier development commands
Remove aiohttp from changelog and requirements
Cleanup imports and Makefile