import logging import pytest from sanic import Sanic from sanic.config import Config from sanic.errorpages import TextRenderer, exception_response, guess_mime from sanic.exceptions import NotFound, SanicException from sanic.handlers import ErrorHandler from sanic.request import Request from sanic.response import HTTPResponse, empty, html, json, text @pytest.fixture def app(): app = Sanic("error_page_testing") @app.route("/error", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def err(request): raise Exception("something went wrong") @app.get("/forced_json/", error_format="json") def manual_fail(request, fail): if fail == "fail": raise Exception return html("") # Should be ignored @app.get("/empty/") def empty_fail(request, fail): if fail == "fail": raise Exception return empty() @app.get("/json/") def json_fail(request, fail): if fail == "fail": raise Exception # After 23.3 route format should become json, older versions think it # is mixed due to empty mapping to html, and don't find any format. return json({"foo": "bar"}) if fail == "json" else empty() @app.get("/html/") def html_fail(request, fail): if fail == "fail": raise Exception return html("


") @app.get("/text/") def text_fail(request, fail): if fail == "fail": raise Exception return text("foo") @app.get("/mixed/") def mixed_fail(request, param): if param not in ("json", "html"): raise Exception return json({}) if param == "json" else html("") return app @pytest.fixture def fake_request(app): return Request(b"/foobar", {"accept": "*/*"}, "1.1", "GET", None, app) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "fallback,content_type, exception, status", ( (None, "text/plain; charset=utf-8", Exception, 500), ("html", "text/html; charset=utf-8", Exception, 500), ("auto", "text/plain; charset=utf-8", Exception, 500), ("text", "text/plain; charset=utf-8", Exception, 500), ("json", "application/json", Exception, 500), (None, "text/plain; charset=utf-8", NotFound, 404), ("html", "text/html; charset=utf-8", NotFound, 404), ("auto", "text/plain; charset=utf-8", NotFound, 404), ("text", "text/plain; charset=utf-8", NotFound, 404), ("json", "application/json", NotFound, 404), ), ) def test_should_return_html_valid_setting( fake_request, fallback, content_type, exception, status ): # Note: if fallback is None or "auto", prior to PR #2668 base was returned # and after that a text response is given because it matches */*. Changed # base to TextRenderer in this test, like it is in Sanic itself, so the # test passes with either version but still covers everything that it did. if fallback: = fallback try: raise exception("bad stuff") except Exception as e: response = exception_response( fake_request, e, True, base=TextRenderer,, ) assert isinstance(response, HTTPResponse) assert response.status == status assert response.content_type == content_type def test_auto_fallback_with_data(app): app.config.FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT = "auto" _, response = app.test_client.get("/error") assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" _, response ="/error", json={"foo": "bar"}) assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "application/json" _, response ="/error", data={"foo": "bar"}) assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" def test_auto_fallback_with_content_type(app): app.config.FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT = "auto" _, response = app.test_client.get( "/error", headers={"content-type": "application/json", "accept": "*/*"} ) assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "application/json" _, response = app.test_client.get( "/error", headers={"content-type": "foo/bar", "accept": "*/*"} ) assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" def test_route_error_format_set_on_auto(app): @app.get("/text") def text_response(request): return text(request.route.extra.error_format) @app.get("/json") def json_response(request): return json({"format": request.route.extra.error_format}) @app.get("/html") def html_response(request): return html(request.route.extra.error_format) _, response = app.test_client.get("/text") assert response.text == "text" _, response = app.test_client.get("/json") assert response.json["format"] == "json" _, response = app.test_client.get("/html") assert response.text == "html" def test_route_error_response_from_auto_route(app): @app.get("/text") def text_response(request): raise Exception("oops") return text("Never gonna see this") @app.get("/json") def json_response(request): raise Exception("oops") return json({"message": "Never gonna see this"}) @app.get("/html") def html_response(request): raise Exception("oops") return html("

Never gonna see this

") _, response = app.test_client.get("/text") assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" _, response = app.test_client.get("/json") assert response.content_type == "application/json" _, response = app.test_client.get("/html") assert response.content_type == "text/html; charset=utf-8" def test_route_error_response_from_explicit_format(app): @app.get("/text", error_format="json") def text_response(request): raise Exception("oops") return text("Never gonna see this") @app.get("/json", error_format="text") def json_response(request): raise Exception("oops") return json({"message": "Never gonna see this"}) _, response = app.test_client.get("/text") assert response.content_type == "application/json" _, response = app.test_client.get("/json") assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" def test_unknown_fallback_format(app): with pytest.raises(SanicException, match="Unknown format: bad"): app.config.FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT = "bad" def test_route_error_format_unknown(app): with pytest.raises(SanicException, match="Unknown format: bad"): @app.get("/text", error_format="bad") def handler(request): ... def test_fallback_with_content_type_html(app): app.config.FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT = "auto" _, response = app.test_client.get( "/error", headers={"content-type": "application/json", "accept": "text/html"}, ) assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "text/html; charset=utf-8" def test_fallback_with_content_type_mismatch_accept(app): app.config.FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT = "auto" _, response = app.test_client.get( "/error", headers={"content-type": "application/json", "accept": "text/plain"}, ) assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" _, response = app.test_client.get( "/error", headers={"content-type": "text/html", "accept": "foo/bar"}, ) assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" app.router.reset() @app.route("/alt1", name="alt1") @app.route("/alt2", error_format="text", name="alt2") @app.route("/alt3", error_format="html", name="alt3") def handler(_): raise Exception("problem here") # Yes, we know this return value is unreachable. This is on purpose. return json({}) app.router.finalize() _, response = app.test_client.get( "/alt1", headers={"accept": "foo/bar"}, ) assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" _, response = app.test_client.get( "/alt1", headers={"accept": "foo/bar,*/*"}, ) assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "application/json" _, response = app.test_client.get( "/alt2", headers={"accept": "foo/bar"}, ) assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" _, response = app.test_client.get( "/alt2", headers={"accept": "foo/bar,*/*"}, ) assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" _, response = app.test_client.get( "/alt3", headers={"accept": "foo/bar"}, ) assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" _, response = app.test_client.get( "/alt3", headers={"accept": "foo/bar,text/html"}, ) assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "text/html; charset=utf-8" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "accept,content_type,expected", ( (None, None, "text/plain; charset=utf-8"), ("foo/bar", None, "text/plain; charset=utf-8"), ("application/json", None, "application/json"), ("application/json,text/plain", None, "application/json"), ("text/plain,application/json", None, "application/json"), ("text/plain,foo/bar", None, "text/plain; charset=utf-8"), ("text/plain,text/html", None, "text/plain; charset=utf-8"), ("*/*", "foo/bar", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"), ("*/*", "application/json", "application/json"), # App wants text/plain but accept has equal entries for it ("text/*,*/plain", None, "text/plain; charset=utf-8"), ), ) def test_combinations_for_auto(fake_request, accept, content_type, expected): if accept: fake_request.headers["accept"] = accept else: del fake_request.headers["accept"] if content_type: fake_request.headers["content-type"] = content_type try: raise Exception("bad stuff") except Exception as e: response = exception_response( fake_request, e, True, base=TextRenderer, fallback="auto", ) assert response.content_type == expected def test_allow_fallback_error_format_set_main_process_start(app): @app.main_process_start async def start(app, _): app.config.FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT = "text" _, response = app.test_client.get("/error") assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" def test_setting_fallback_on_config_changes_as_expected(app): app.error_handler = ErrorHandler() _, response = app.test_client.get("/error") assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" app.config.FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT = "html" _, response = app.test_client.get("/error") assert response.content_type == "text/html; charset=utf-8" app.config.FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT = "text" _, response = app.test_client.get("/error") assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" def test_allow_fallback_error_format_in_config_injection(): class MyConfig(Config): FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT = "text" app = Sanic("test", config=MyConfig()) @app.route("/error", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def err(request): raise Exception("something went wrong") request, response = app.test_client.get("/error") assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" def test_allow_fallback_error_format_in_config_replacement(app): class MyConfig(Config): FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT = "text" app.config = MyConfig() request, response = app.test_client.get("/error") assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" def test_config_fallback_before_and_after_startup(app): app.config.FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT = "json" @app.main_process_start async def start(app, _): app.config.FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT = "text" _, response = app.test_client.get("/error") assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "application/json" def test_config_fallback_using_update_dict(app): app.config.update({"FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT": "text"}) _, response = app.test_client.get("/error") assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" def test_config_fallback_using_update_kwarg(app): app.config.update(FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT="text") _, response = app.test_client.get("/error") assert response.status == 500 assert response.content_type == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" def test_config_fallback_bad_value(app): message = "Unknown format: fake" with pytest.raises(SanicException, match=message): app.config.FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT = "fake" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "route_format,fallback,accept,expected", ( ( "json", "html", "*/*", "The client accepts */*, using 'json' from fakeroute", ), ( "json", "auto", "text/html,*/*;q=0.8", "The client accepts text/html, using 'html' from any", ), ( "json", "json", "text/html,*/*;q=0.8", "The client accepts */*;q=0.8, using 'json' from fakeroute", ), ( "", "html", "text/*,*/plain", "The client accepts text/*, using 'html' from FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT", ), ( "", "json", "text/*,*/*", "The client accepts */*, using 'json' from FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT", ), ( "", "auto", "*/*,application/json;q=0.5", "The client accepts */*, using 'json' from request.accept", ), ( "", "auto", "*/*", "The client accepts */*, using 'json' from content-type", ), ( "", "auto", "text/html,text/plain", "The client accepts text/plain, using 'text' from any", ), ( "", "auto", "text/html,text/plain;q=0.9", "The client accepts text/html, using 'html' from any", ), ( "html", "json", "application/xml", "No format found, the client accepts [application/xml]", ), ("", "auto", "*/*", "The client accepts */*, using 'text' from any"), ("", "", "*/*", "No format found, the client accepts [*/*]"), # DEPRECATED: remove in 24.3 ( "", "auto", "*/*", "The client accepts */*, using 'json' from request.json", ), ), ) def test_guess_mime_logging( caplog, fake_request, route_format, fallback, accept, expected ): class FakeObject: pass fake_request.route = FakeObject() = "fakeroute" fake_request.route.extra = FakeObject() fake_request.route.extra.error_format = route_format if accept is None: del fake_request.headers["accept"] else: fake_request.headers["accept"] = accept if "content-type" in expected: fake_request.headers["content-type"] = "application/json" # Fake JSON content (DEPRECATED: remove in 24.3) if "request.json" in expected: fake_request.parsed_json = {"foo": "bar"} with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="sanic.root"): guess_mime(fake_request, fallback) (logmsg,) = [ r.message for r in caplog.records if r.funcName == "guess_mime" ] assert logmsg == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "format,expected", ( ("html", "text/html; charset=utf-8"), ("text", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"), ("json", "application/json"), ), ) def test_exception_header_on_renderers(app: Sanic, format, expected): app.config.FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT = format @app.get("/test") def test(request): raise SanicException( "test", status_code=400, headers={"exception": "test"} ) _, response = app.test_client.get("/test") assert response.status == 400 assert response.headers.get("exception") == "test" assert response.content_type == expected