# import asyncio import logging import os import sys from asyncio import AbstractEventLoop, sleep from string import ascii_lowercase import httpcore import httpx import pytest from pytest import LogCaptureFixture from sanic import Sanic from sanic.compat import use_context from sanic.request import Request from sanic.response import text # import platform # import subprocess # import sys pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "posix", reason="UNIX only") SOCKPATH = "/tmp/sanictest.sock" SOCKPATH2 = "/tmp/sanictest2.sock" httpx_version = tuple(map(int, httpx.__version__.strip(ascii_lowercase).split("."))) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def socket_cleanup(): try: os.unlink(SOCKPATH) except FileNotFoundError: pass try: os.unlink(SOCKPATH2) except FileNotFoundError: pass # Run test function yield try: os.unlink(SOCKPATH2) except FileNotFoundError: pass try: os.unlink(SOCKPATH) except FileNotFoundError: pass @pytest.mark.xfail( reason="Flaky Test on Non Linux Infra", ) def test_unix_socket_creation(caplog: LogCaptureFixture): from socket import AF_UNIX, socket with socket(AF_UNIX) as sock: sock.bind(SOCKPATH) assert os.path.exists(SOCKPATH) ino = os.stat(SOCKPATH).st_ino app = Sanic(name="test") @app.after_server_start def running(app: Sanic): assert os.path.exists(SOCKPATH) assert ino != os.stat(SOCKPATH).st_ino app.stop() with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO): app.run(unix=SOCKPATH, single_process=True) assert ( "sanic.root", logging.INFO, f"Goin' Fast @ {SOCKPATH} http://...", ) in caplog.record_tuples assert not os.path.exists(SOCKPATH) @pytest.mark.parametrize("path", (".", "no-such-directory/sanictest.sock")) def test_invalid_paths(path: str): app = Sanic(name="test") # with pytest.raises((FileExistsError, FileNotFoundError)): app.run(unix=path, single_process=True) def test_dont_replace_file(): with open(SOCKPATH, "w") as f: f.write("File, not socket") app = Sanic(name="test") @app.after_server_start def stop(app: Sanic): app.stop() with pytest.raises(FileExistsError): app.run(unix=SOCKPATH, single_process=True) def test_dont_follow_symlink(): from socket import AF_UNIX, socket with socket(AF_UNIX) as sock: sock.bind(SOCKPATH2) os.symlink(SOCKPATH2, SOCKPATH) app = Sanic(name="test") @app.after_server_start def stop(app: Sanic): app.stop() with pytest.raises(FileExistsError): app.run(unix=SOCKPATH, single_process=True) def test_socket_deleted_while_running(): app = Sanic(name="test") @app.after_server_start async def hack(app: Sanic): os.unlink(SOCKPATH) app.stop() app.run(host="myhost.invalid", unix=SOCKPATH, single_process=True) def test_socket_replaced_with_file(): app = Sanic(name="test") @app.after_server_start async def hack(app: Sanic): os.unlink(SOCKPATH) with open(SOCKPATH, "w") as f: f.write("Not a socket") app.stop() app.run(host="myhost.invalid", unix=SOCKPATH, single_process=True) def test_unix_connection(): app = Sanic(name="test") @app.get("/") def handler(request: Request): return text(f"{request.conn_info.server}") @app.after_server_start async def client(app: Sanic): if httpx_version >= (0, 20): transport = httpx.AsyncHTTPTransport(uds=SOCKPATH) else: transport = httpcore.AsyncConnectionPool(uds=SOCKPATH) try: async with httpx.AsyncClient(transport=transport) as client: r = await client.get("http://myhost.invalid/") assert r.status_code == 200 assert r.text == os.path.abspath(SOCKPATH) finally: app.stop() app.run(host="myhost.invalid", unix=SOCKPATH, single_process=True) def handler(request: Request): return text(f"{request.conn_info.server}") async def client(app: Sanic, loop: AbstractEventLoop): try: transport = httpx.AsyncHTTPTransport(uds=SOCKPATH) async with httpx.AsyncClient(transport=transport) as client: r = await client.get("http://myhost.invalid/") assert r.status_code == 200 assert r.text == os.path.abspath(SOCKPATH) finally: await sleep(0.2) app.stop() @pytest.mark.skipif( sys.platform not in ("linux", "darwin"), reason="This test requires fork context", ) def test_unix_connection_multiple_workers(): with use_context("fork"): app_multi = Sanic(name="test") app_multi.get("/")(handler) app_multi.listener("after_server_start")(client) app_multi.run(host="myhost.invalid", unix=SOCKPATH, workers=2) # @pytest.mark.xfail( # condition=platform.system() != "Linux", # reason="Flaky Test on Non Linux Infra", # ) # async def test_zero_downtime(): # """Graceful server termination and socket replacement on restarts""" # from signal import SIGINT # from time import monotonic as current_time # async def client(): # if httpx_version >= (0, 20): # transport = httpx.AsyncHTTPTransport(uds=SOCKPATH) # else: # transport = httpcore.AsyncConnectionPool(uds=SOCKPATH) # for _ in range(40): # async with httpx.AsyncClient(transport=transport) as client: # r = await client.get("http://localhost/sleep/0.1") # assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # assert r.text == "Slept 0.1 seconds.\n" # def spawn(): # command = [ # sys.executable, # "-m", # "sanic", # "--debug", # "--unix", # SOCKPATH, # "examples.delayed_response.app", # ] # DN = subprocess.DEVNULL # return subprocess.Popen( # command, stdin=DN, stdout=DN, stderr=subprocess.PIPE # ) # try: # processes = [spawn()] # while not os.path.exists(SOCKPATH): # if processes[0].poll() is not None: # raise Exception( # "Worker did not start properly. " # f"stderr: {processes[0].stderr.read()}" # ) # await asyncio.sleep(0.0001) # ino = os.stat(SOCKPATH).st_ino # task = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(client()) # start_time = current_time() # while current_time() < start_time + 6: # # Start a new one and wait until the socket is replaced # processes.append(spawn()) # while ino == os.stat(SOCKPATH).st_ino: # await asyncio.sleep(0.001) # ino = os.stat(SOCKPATH).st_ino # # Graceful termination of the previous one # processes[-2].send_signal(SIGINT) # # Wait until client has completed all requests # await task # processes[-1].send_signal(SIGINT) # for worker in processes: # try: # worker.wait(1.0) # except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # raise Exception( # f"Worker would not terminate:\n{worker.stderr}" # ) # finally: # for worker in processes: # worker.kill() # # Test for clean run and termination # return_codes = [worker.poll() for worker in processes] # # Removing last process which seems to be flappy # return_codes.pop() # assert len(processes) > 5 # assert all(code == 0 for code in return_codes) # # Removing this check that seems to be flappy # # assert not os.path.exists(SOCKPATH)