import logging import os from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import Mock import pytest from sanic import Sanic from sanic.application.state import ApplicationServerInfo @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def no_skip(): should_auto_reload = Sanic.should_auto_reload Sanic.should_auto_reload = Mock(return_value=False) yield Sanic._app_registry = {} Sanic.should_auto_reload = should_auto_reload def get_primary(app: Sanic) -> ApplicationServerInfo: return app.state.server_info[0] def test_dev(app: Sanic): app.prepare(dev=True) assert app.state.is_debug assert app.state.auto_reload def test_motd_display(app: Sanic): app.prepare(motd_display={"foo": "bar"}) assert app.config.MOTD_DISPLAY["foo"] == "bar" del app.config.MOTD_DISPLAY["foo"] @pytest.mark.parametrize("dirs", ("./foo", ("./foo", "./bar"))) def test_reload_dir(app: Sanic, dirs, caplog): messages = [] with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING): app.prepare(reload_dir=dirs) if isinstance(dirs, str): dirs = (dirs,) for d in dirs: assert Path(d) in app.state.reload_dirs messages.append( f"Directory {d} could not be located", ) for message in messages: assert ("sanic.root", logging.WARNING, message) in caplog.record_tuples def test_fast(app: Sanic, run_multi): app.prepare(fast=True) try: workers = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) except AttributeError: workers = os.cpu_count() or 1 assert assert app.state.workers == workers logs = run_multi(app, logging.INFO) messages = [m[2] for m in logs] assert f"mode: production, goin' fast w/ {workers} workers" in messages