import asyncio

from collections import deque, namedtuple

import pytest
import uvicorn

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.asgi import MockTransport
from sanic.exceptions import Forbidden, InvalidUsage, ServiceUnavailable
from sanic.request import Request
from sanic.response import json, text
from sanic.server.websockets.connection import WebSocketConnection

def message_stack():
    return deque()

def receive(message_stack):
    async def _receive():
        return message_stack.popleft()

    return _receive

def send(message_stack):
    async def _send(message):

    return _send

def transport(message_stack, receive, send):
    return MockTransport({}, receive, send)

def protocol(transport):
    return transport.get_protocol()

def test_listeners_triggered():
    app = Sanic("app")
    before_server_start = False
    after_server_start = False
    before_server_stop = False
    after_server_stop = False

    def do_before_server_start(*args, **kwargs):
        nonlocal before_server_start
        before_server_start = True

    def do_after_server_start(*args, **kwargs):
        nonlocal after_server_start
        after_server_start = True

    def do_before_server_stop(*args, **kwargs):
        nonlocal before_server_stop
        before_server_stop = True

    def do_after_server_stop(*args, **kwargs):
        nonlocal after_server_stop
        after_server_stop = True

    def handler(request):
        return text("...")

    class CustomServer(uvicorn.Server):
        def install_signal_handlers(self):

    config = uvicorn.Config(app=app, loop="asyncio", limit_max_requests=0)
    server = CustomServer(config=config)

    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):

    all_tasks = asyncio.all_tasks(asyncio.get_event_loop())
    for task in all_tasks:

    assert before_server_start
    assert after_server_start
    assert before_server_stop
    assert after_server_stop

def test_listeners_triggered_async(app):
    before_server_start = False
    after_server_start = False
    before_server_stop = False
    after_server_stop = False

    async def do_before_server_start(*args, **kwargs):
        nonlocal before_server_start
        before_server_start = True

    async def do_after_server_start(*args, **kwargs):
        nonlocal after_server_start
        after_server_start = True

    async def do_before_server_stop(*args, **kwargs):
        nonlocal before_server_stop
        before_server_stop = True

    async def do_after_server_stop(*args, **kwargs):
        nonlocal after_server_stop
        after_server_stop = True

    def handler(request):
        return text("...")

    class CustomServer(uvicorn.Server):
        def install_signal_handlers(self):

    config = uvicorn.Config(app=app, loop="asyncio", limit_max_requests=0)
    server = CustomServer(config=config)

    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):

    all_tasks = asyncio.all_tasks(asyncio.get_event_loop())
    for task in all_tasks:

    assert before_server_start
    assert after_server_start
    assert before_server_stop
    assert after_server_stop

def test_non_default_uvloop_config_raises_warning(app):
    app.config.USE_UVLOOP = True

    class CustomServer(uvicorn.Server):
        def install_signal_handlers(self):

    config = uvicorn.Config(app=app, loop="asyncio", limit_max_requests=0)
    server = CustomServer(config=config)

    with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as records:

    all_tasks = asyncio.all_tasks(asyncio.get_event_loop())
    for task in all_tasks:

    msg = ""
    for record in records:
        _msg = str(record.message)
        if _msg.startswith("You have set the USE_UVLOOP configuration"):
            msg = _msg

    assert msg == (
        "You have set the USE_UVLOOP configuration option, but Sanic "
        "cannot control the event loop when running in ASGI mode."
        "This option will be ignored."

async def test_mockprotocol_events(protocol):
    assert protocol._not_paused.is_set()
    assert not protocol._not_paused.is_set()
    assert protocol._not_paused.is_set()

async def test_protocol_push_data(protocol, message_stack):
    text = b"hello"

    await protocol.push_data(text)
    await protocol.complete()

    assert len(message_stack) == 2

    message = message_stack.popleft()
    assert message["type"] == "http.response.body"
    assert message["more_body"]
    assert message["body"] == text

    message = message_stack.popleft()
    assert message["type"] == "http.response.body"
    assert not message["more_body"]
    assert message["body"] == b""

async def test_websocket_send(send, receive, message_stack):
    text_string = "hello"
    text_bytes = b"hello"

    ws = WebSocketConnection(send, receive)
    await ws.send(text_string)
    await ws.send(text_bytes)

    assert len(message_stack) == 2

    message = message_stack.popleft()
    assert message["type"] == "websocket.send"
    assert message["text"] == text_string
    assert "bytes" not in message

    message = message_stack.popleft()
    assert message["type"] == "websocket.send"
    assert message["bytes"] == text_bytes
    assert "text" not in message

async def test_websocket_receive(send, receive, message_stack):
    msg = {"text": "hello", "type": "websocket.receive"}

    ws = WebSocketConnection(send, receive)
    text = await ws.receive()

    assert text == msg["text"]

async def test_websocket_accept_with_no_subprotocols(
    send, receive, message_stack
    ws = WebSocketConnection(send, receive)
    await ws.accept()

    assert len(message_stack) == 1

    message = message_stack.popleft()
    assert message["type"] == "websocket.accept"
    assert message["subprotocol"] is None
    assert "bytes" not in message

async def test_websocket_accept_with_subprotocol(send, receive, message_stack):
    subprotocols = ["graphql-ws"]

    ws = WebSocketConnection(send, receive, subprotocols)
    await ws.accept(subprotocols)

    assert len(message_stack) == 1

    message = message_stack.popleft()
    assert message["type"] == "websocket.accept"
    assert message["subprotocol"] == "graphql-ws"
    assert "bytes" not in message

async def test_websocket_accept_with_multiple_subprotocols(
    send, receive, message_stack
    subprotocols = ["graphql-ws", "hello", "world"]

    ws = WebSocketConnection(send, receive, subprotocols)
    await ws.accept(["hello", "world"])

    assert len(message_stack) == 1

    message = message_stack.popleft()
    assert message["type"] == "websocket.accept"
    assert message["subprotocol"] == "hello"
    assert "bytes" not in message

def test_improper_websocket_connection(transport, send, receive):
    with pytest.raises(InvalidUsage):

    transport.create_websocket_connection(send, receive)
    connection = transport.get_websocket_connection()
    assert isinstance(connection, WebSocketConnection)

async def test_request_class_regular(app):
    def regular_request(request):
        return text(request.__class__.__name__)

    _, response = await app.asgi_client.get("/regular")
    assert response.body == b"Request"

async def test_request_class_custom():
    class MyCustomRequest(Request):

    app = Sanic(name=__name__, request_class=MyCustomRequest)

    def custom_request(request):
        return text(request.__class__.__name__)

    _, response = await app.asgi_client.get("/custom")
    assert response.body == b"MyCustomRequest"

async def test_cookie_customization(app):
    def get_cookie(request):
        response = text("There's a cookie up in this response")
        response.cookies["test"] = "Cookie1"
        response.cookies["test"]["httponly"] = True

        response.cookies["c2"] = "Cookie2"
        response.cookies["c2"]["httponly"] = False

        return response

    _, response = await app.asgi_client.get("/cookie")

    CookieDef = namedtuple("CookieDef", ("value", "httponly"))
    Cookie = namedtuple("Cookie", ("domain", "path", "value", "httponly"))
    cookie_map = {
        "test": CookieDef("Cookie1", True),
        "c2": CookieDef("Cookie2", False),

    cookies = { Cookie(c.domain, c.path, c.value, "HttpOnly" in c._rest.keys())
        for c in response.cookies.jar

    for name, definition in cookie_map.items():
        cookie = cookies.get(name)
        assert cookie
        assert cookie.value == definition.value
        assert cookie.domain == "mockserver.local"
        assert cookie.path == "/"
        assert cookie.httponly == definition.httponly

async def test_content_type(app):
    def send_json(request):
        return json({"foo": "bar"})

    def send_text(request):
        return text("foobar")

    def send_custom(request):
        return text("foobar", content_type="somethingelse")

    _, response = await app.asgi_client.get("/json")
    assert response.headers.get("content-type") == "application/json"

    _, response = await app.asgi_client.get("/text")
    assert response.headers.get("content-type") == "text/plain; charset=utf-8"

    _, response = await app.asgi_client.get("/custom")
    assert response.headers.get("content-type") == "somethingelse"

async def test_request_handle_exception(app):
    def _request(request):
        raise ServiceUnavailable(message="Service unavailable")

    _, response = await app.asgi_client.get("/wrong-path")
    assert response.status_code == 404

    _, response = await app.asgi_client.get("/error-prone")
    assert response.status_code == 503

async def test_request_exception_suppressed_by_middleware(app):
    def _request(request):
        raise ServiceUnavailable(message="Service unavailable")

    def forbidden(request):
        raise Forbidden(message="forbidden")

    _, response = await app.asgi_client.get("/wrong-path")
    assert response.status_code == 403

    _, response = await app.asgi_client.get("/error-prone")
    assert response.status_code == 403