import pytest as pytest from urllib.parse import urlsplit, parse_qsl from sanic import Sanic from sanic.response import text from sanic.views import HTTPMethodView from sanic.blueprints import Blueprint from sanic.testing import PORT as test_port from sanic.exceptions import URLBuildError import string URL_FOR_ARGS1 = dict(arg1=['v1', 'v2']) URL_FOR_VALUE1 = '/myurl?arg1=v1&arg1=v2' URL_FOR_ARGS2 = dict(arg1=['v1', 'v2'], _anchor='anchor') URL_FOR_VALUE2 = '/myurl?arg1=v1&arg1=v2#anchor' URL_FOR_ARGS3 = dict(arg1='v1', _anchor='anchor', _scheme='http', _server='localhost:{}'.format(test_port), _external=True) URL_FOR_VALUE3 = 'http://localhost:{}/myurl?arg1=v1#anchor'.format(test_port) URL_FOR_ARGS4 = dict(arg1='v1', _anchor='anchor', _external=True, _server='http://localhost:{}'.format(test_port),) URL_FOR_VALUE4 = 'http://localhost:{}/myurl?arg1=v1#anchor'.format(test_port) def _generate_handlers_from_names(app, l): for name in l: # this is the easiest way to generate functions with dynamic names exec('@app.route(name)\ndef {}(request):\n\treturn text("{}")'.format( name, name)) @pytest.fixture def simple_app(): app = Sanic('simple_app') handler_names = list(string.ascii_letters) _generate_handlers_from_names(app, handler_names) return app def test_simple_url_for_getting(simple_app): for letter in string.ascii_letters: url = simple_app.url_for(letter) assert url == '/{}'.format(letter) request, response = simple_app.test_client.get(url) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == letter @pytest.mark.parametrize('args,url', [(URL_FOR_ARGS1, URL_FOR_VALUE1), (URL_FOR_ARGS2, URL_FOR_VALUE2), (URL_FOR_ARGS3, URL_FOR_VALUE3), (URL_FOR_ARGS4, URL_FOR_VALUE4)]) def test_simple_url_for_getting_with_more_params(args, url): app = Sanic('more_url_build') @app.route('/myurl') def passes(request): return text('this should pass') assert url == app.url_for('passes', **args) request, response = app.test_client.get(url) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == 'this should pass' def test_fails_if_endpoint_not_found(): app = Sanic('fail_url_build') @app.route('/fail') def fail(): return text('this should fail') with pytest.raises(URLBuildError) as e: app.url_for('passes') assert str(e.value) == 'Endpoint with name `passes` was not found' def test_fails_url_build_if_param_not_passed(): url = '/' for letter in string.ascii_letters: url += '<{}>/'.format(letter) app = Sanic('fail_url_build') @app.route(url) def fail(): return text('this should fail') fail_args = list(string.ascii_letters) fail_args.pop() fail_kwargs = {l: l for l in fail_args} with pytest.raises(URLBuildError) as e: app.url_for('fail', **fail_kwargs) assert 'Required parameter `Z` was not passed to url_for' in str(e.value) def test_fails_url_build_if_params_not_passed(): app = Sanic('fail_url_build') @app.route('/fail') def fail(): return text('this should fail') with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: app.url_for('fail', _scheme='http') assert str(e.value) == 'When specifying _scheme, _external must be True' COMPLEX_PARAM_URL = ( '/<foo:int>/<four_letter_string:[A-z]{4}>/' '<two_letter_string:[A-z]{2}>/<normal_string>/<some_number:number>') PASSING_KWARGS = { 'foo': 4, 'four_letter_string': 'woof', 'two_letter_string': 'ba', 'normal_string': 'normal', 'some_number': '1.001'} EXPECTED_BUILT_URL = '/4/woof/ba/normal/1.001' def test_fails_with_int_message(): app = Sanic('fail_url_build') @app.route(COMPLEX_PARAM_URL) def fail(): return text('this should fail') failing_kwargs = dict(PASSING_KWARGS) failing_kwargs['foo'] = 'not_int' with pytest.raises(URLBuildError) as e: app.url_for('fail', **failing_kwargs) expected_error = ( 'Value "not_int" for parameter `foo` ' 'does not match pattern for type `int`: \d+') assert str(e.value) == expected_error def test_fails_with_two_letter_string_message(): app = Sanic('fail_url_build') @app.route(COMPLEX_PARAM_URL) def fail(): return text('this should fail') failing_kwargs = dict(PASSING_KWARGS) failing_kwargs['two_letter_string'] = 'foobar' with pytest.raises(URLBuildError) as e: app.url_for('fail', **failing_kwargs) expected_error = ( 'Value "foobar" for parameter `two_letter_string` ' 'does not satisfy pattern [A-z]{2}') assert str(e.value) == expected_error def test_fails_with_number_message(): app = Sanic('fail_url_build') @app.route(COMPLEX_PARAM_URL) def fail(): return text('this should fail') failing_kwargs = dict(PASSING_KWARGS) failing_kwargs['some_number'] = 'foo' with pytest.raises(URLBuildError) as e: app.url_for('fail', **failing_kwargs) expected_error = ( 'Value "foo" for parameter `some_number` ' 'does not match pattern for type `float`: [0-9\\\\.]+') assert str(e.value) == expected_error def test_adds_other_supplied_values_as_query_string(): app = Sanic('passes') @app.route(COMPLEX_PARAM_URL) def passes(): return text('this should pass') new_kwargs = dict(PASSING_KWARGS) new_kwargs['added_value_one'] = 'one' new_kwargs['added_value_two'] = 'two' url = app.url_for('passes', **new_kwargs) query = dict(parse_qsl(urlsplit(url).query)) assert query['added_value_one'] == 'one' assert query['added_value_two'] == 'two' @pytest.fixture def blueprint_app(): app = Sanic('blueprints') first_print = Blueprint('first', url_prefix='/first') second_print = Blueprint('second', url_prefix='/second') @first_print.route('/foo') def foo(): return text('foo from first') @first_print.route('/foo/<param>') def foo_with_param(request, param): return text( 'foo from first : {}'.format(param)) @second_print.route('/foo') # noqa def foo(): return text('foo from second') @second_print.route('/foo/<param>') # noqa def foo_with_param(request, param): return text( 'foo from second : {}'.format(param)) app.blueprint(first_print) app.blueprint(second_print) return app def test_blueprints_are_named_correctly(blueprint_app): first_url = blueprint_app.url_for('') assert first_url == '/first/foo' second_url = blueprint_app.url_for('') assert second_url == '/second/foo' def test_blueprints_work_with_params(blueprint_app): first_url = blueprint_app.url_for('first.foo_with_param', param='bar') assert first_url == '/first/foo/bar' second_url = blueprint_app.url_for('second.foo_with_param', param='bar') assert second_url == '/second/foo/bar' @pytest.fixture def methodview_app(): app = Sanic('methodview') class ViewOne(HTTPMethodView): def get(self, request): return text('I am get method') def post(self, request): return text('I am post method') def put(self, request): return text('I am put method') def patch(self, request): return text('I am patch method') def delete(self, request): return text('I am delete method') app.add_route(ViewOne.as_view('view_one'), '/view_one') class ViewTwo(HTTPMethodView): def get(self, request): return text('I am get method') def post(self, request): return text('I am post method') def put(self, request): return text('I am put method') def patch(self, request): return text('I am patch method') def delete(self, request): return text('I am delete method') app.add_route(ViewTwo.as_view(), '/view_two') return app def test_methodview_naming(methodview_app): viewone_url = methodview_app.url_for('ViewOne') viewtwo_url = methodview_app.url_for('ViewTwo') assert viewone_url == '/view_one' assert viewtwo_url == '/view_two'