from io import BytesIO import pytest from sanic import Sanic from sanic.request import Request from sanic.response import json_dumps, text class DeprecCustomRequest(Request): """Using old API should fail when receive_body is not implemented""" def body_push(self, data): pass class CustomRequest(Request): """Alternative implementation for loading body (non-streaming handlers)""" async def receive_body(self): buffer = BytesIO() async for data in buffer.write(data) self.body = buffer.getvalue().upper() buffer.close() # Old API may be implemented but won't be used here def body_push(self, data): assert False def test_deprecated_custom_request(): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): Sanic(request_class=DeprecCustomRequest) def test_custom_request(): app = Sanic(request_class=CustomRequest) @app.route("/post", methods=["POST"]) async def post_handler(request): return text("OK") @app.route("/get") async def get_handler(request): return text("OK") payload = {"test": "OK"} headers = {"content-type": "application/json"} request, response = "/post", data=json_dumps(payload), headers=headers ) assert request.body == b'{"TEST":"OK"}' assert request.json.get("TEST") == "OK" assert response.text == "OK" assert response.status == 200 request, response = app.test_client.get("/get") assert request.body == b"" assert response.text == "OK" assert response.status == 200