""" Example of caching using aiocache package. To run it you will need to install aiocache with `pip install aiocache` plus a Redis instance running in localhost:6379 Running this example you will see that the first call lasts 3 seconds and the rest are instant because the value is retrieved from Redis. If you want more info about the package check https://github.com/argaen/aiocache """ import asyncio import uuid from sanic import Sanic from sanic.response import json from sanic.log import log from aiocache import caches, cached app = Sanic(__name__) config = { "default": { "cache": "aiocache.RedisCache", "endpoint": "", "timeout": 2, "namespace": "sanic", "serializer": { "class": "aiocache.serializers.JsonSerializer" } } } @app.listener('before_server_start') def init_cache(sanic, loop): caches.set_config(config) # You can use alias or pass explicit args instead @cached(key="my_custom_key", ttl=30, alias="default") async def expensive_call(): log.info("Expensive has been called") await asyncio.sleep(3) # You are storing the whole dict under "my_custom_key" return {"test": str(uuid.uuid4())} async def get_cache_value(): # This lazy loads a singleton so it will return the same instance every # time. If you want to create a new instance, you can use # `caches.create("default")` cache = caches.get("default") return await cache.get("my_custom_key") @app.route("/") async def test(request): log.info("Received GET /") return json(await expensive_call()) @app.route("/retrieve") async def test(request): log.info("Received GET /retrieve") return json(await get_cache_value()) app.run(host="", port=8000)