from __future__ import annotations import importlib import inspect import pkgutil from collections import defaultdict from dataclasses import dataclass, field from html import escape from docstring_parser import Docstring, DocstringParam, DocstringRaises from docstring_parser import parse as parse_docstring from docstring_parser.common import DocstringExample from html5tagger import HTML, Builder, E # type: ignore from ..markdown import render_markdown, slugify @dataclass class DocObject: name: str module_name: str full_name: str signature: inspect.Signature | None docstring: Docstring object_type: str = "" methods: list[DocObject] = field(default_factory=list) decorators: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) def _extract_classes_methods(obj, full_name, docstrings): methods = [] for method_name, method in inspect.getmembers(obj, _is_public_member): try: signature = _get_method_signature(method) docstring = inspect.getdoc(method) decorators = _detect_decorators(obj, method) methods.append( DocObject( name=method_name, module_name="", full_name=f"{full_name}.{method_name}", signature=signature, docstring=parse_docstring(docstring or ""), decorators=decorators, object_type=_get_object_type(method), ) ) except ValueError: pass docstrings[full_name].methods = methods def _get_method_signature(method): try: return inspect.signature(method) except TypeError: signature = None if func := getattr(method, "fget", None): signature = inspect.signature(func) return signature def _is_public_member(obj: object) -> bool: obj_name = getattr(obj, "__name__", "") if func := getattr(obj, "fget", None): obj_name = getattr(func, "__name__", "") return ( not obj_name.startswith("_") and not obj_name.isupper() and ( inspect.ismethod(obj) or inspect.isfunction(obj) or isinstance(obj, property) or isinstance(obj, property) ) ) def _detect_decorators(cls, method): decorators = [] method_name = getattr(method, "__name__", None) if isinstance(cls.__dict__.get(method_name), classmethod): decorators.append("classmethod") if isinstance(cls.__dict__.get(method_name), staticmethod): decorators.append("staticmethod") if isinstance(method, property): decorators.append("property") return decorators def _get_object_type(obj) -> str: if inspect.isclass(obj): return "class" # If the object is a method, get the underlying function if inspect.ismethod(obj): obj = obj.__func__ # If the object is a coroutine or a coroutine function if inspect.iscoroutine(obj) or inspect.iscoroutinefunction(obj): return "async def" return "def" def organize_docobjects(package_name: str) -> dict[str, str]: page_content: defaultdict[str, str] = defaultdict(str) docobjects = _extract_docobjects(package_name) page_registry: defaultdict[str, list[str]] = defaultdict(list) for module, docobject in docobjects.items(): builder = Builder(name="Partial") _docobject_to_html(docobject, builder) ref = module.rsplit(".", module.count(".") - 1)[0] page_registry[ref].append(module) page_content[f"/api/{ref}.md"] += str(builder) for ref, objects in page_registry.items(): page_content[f"/api/{ref}.md"] = _table_of_contents(objects) + page_content[f"/api/{ref}.md"] return page_content def _table_of_contents(objects: list[str]) -> str: builder = Builder(name="Partial") with builder.div(class_="table-of-contents"): builder.h3("Table of Contents", class_="is-size-4") for obj in objects: module, name = obj.rsplit(".", 1) builder.a( E.strong(name), E.small(module), href=f"#{slugify(obj.replace('.', '-'))}", class_="table-of-contents-item", ) return str(builder) def _extract_docobjects(package_name: str) -> dict[str, DocObject]: docstrings = {} package = importlib.import_module(package_name) for _, name, _ in pkgutil.walk_packages( package.__path__, package_name + "." ): module = importlib.import_module(name) for obj_name, obj in inspect.getmembers(module): if ( obj_name.startswith("_") or inspect.getmodule(obj) != module or not callable(obj) ): continue try: signature = inspect.signature(obj) except ValueError: signature = None docstring = inspect.getdoc(obj) full_name = f"{name}.{obj_name}" docstrings[full_name] = DocObject( name=obj_name, full_name=full_name, module_name=name, signature=signature, docstring=parse_docstring(docstring or ""), object_type=_get_object_type(obj), ) if inspect.isclass(obj): _extract_classes_methods(obj, full_name, docstrings) return docstrings def _docobject_to_html( docobject: DocObject, builder: Builder, as_method: bool = False ) -> None: anchor_id = slugify(docobject.full_name.replace(".", "-")) anchor = E.a("#", class_="anchor", href=f"#{anchor_id}") class_name, heading = _define_heading_and_class( docobject, anchor, as_method ) with builder.div(class_=class_name): builder(heading) if docobject.docstring.short_description: builder.div( HTML(render_markdown(docobject.docstring.short_description)), class_="short-description mt-3 is-size-5", ) if docobject.object_type == "class": mro = [ item for idx, item in enumerate( inspect.getmro( getattr( importlib.import_module(docobject.module_name),, ) ) ) if idx > 0 and item not in (object, type) ] if mro: builder.div( E.span("Inherits from: ", class_="is-italic"), E.span( ", ".join([cls.__name__ for cls in mro]), class_="has-text-weight-bold", ), class_="short-description mt-3 is-size-5", ) builder.p( HTML( _signature_to_html(, docobject.object_type, docobject.signature, docobject.decorators, ) ), class_="signature notification is-family-monospace", ) if docobject.docstring.long_description: builder.div( HTML(render_markdown(docobject.docstring.long_description)), class_="long-description mt-3", ) if docobject.docstring.params: with builder.div(class_="box mt-5"): builder.h5( "Parameters", class_="is-size-5 has-text-weight-bold" ) _render_params(builder, docobject.docstring.params) if docobject.docstring.returns: _render_returns(builder, docobject) if docobject.docstring.raises: _render_raises(builder, docobject.docstring.raises) if docobject.docstring.examples: _render_examples(builder, docobject.docstring.examples) for method in docobject.methods: _docobject_to_html(method, builder, as_method=True) def _signature_to_html( name: str, object_type: str, signature: inspect.Signature | None, decorators: list[str], ) -> str: parts = [] parts.append("") for decorator in decorators: parts.append( f"@{decorator}
" ) parts.append( f"{object_type} " f"{name}(" ) if not signature: parts.append("self)") parts.append("
") return "".join(parts) for i, param in enumerate(signature.parameters.values()): parts.append(f"{escape(}") annotation = "" if param.annotation != inspect.Parameter.empty: annotation = escape(str(param.annotation)) parts.append( f": {annotation}" ) if param.default != inspect.Parameter.empty: default = escape(str(param.default)) if annotation == "str": default = f'"{default}"' parts.append(f" = {default}") if i < len(signature.parameters) - 1: parts.append(", ") parts.append(")") if signature.return_annotation != inspect.Signature.empty: return_annotation = escape(str(signature.return_annotation)) parts.append( f": -> {return_annotation}" ) parts.append("") return "".join(parts) def _define_heading_and_class( docobject: DocObject, anchor: Builder, as_method: bool ) -> tuple[str, Builder]: anchor_id = slugify(docobject.full_name.replace(".", "-")) anchor = E.a("#", class_="anchor", href=f"#{anchor_id}") if as_method: class_name = "method" heading = E.h3(, anchor, class_="is-size-4 has-text-weight-bold mt-6", id_=anchor_id, ) else: class_name = "docobject" heading = E.h2( E.span(docobject.module_name, class_="has-text-weight-light"), ".", E.span(, class_="has-text-weight-bold is-size-1"), anchor, class_="is-size-2", id_=anchor_id, ) return class_name, heading def _render_params(builder: Builder, params: list[DocstringParam]) -> None: for param in params: with builder.dl(class_="mt-2"): dt_args = [param.arg_name] if param.type_name: parts = [, E.span( param.type_name, class_=( "has-text-weight-normal has-text-purple " "is-size-7 ml-2" ), ), ] dt_args.extend(parts) builder.dt(*dt_args, class_="is-family-monospace") builder.dd( HTML( render_markdown( param.description or param.arg_name or param.type_name or "" ) ) ) def _render_raises(builder: Builder, raises: list[DocstringRaises]) -> None: with builder.div(class_="box mt-5"): builder.h5("Raises", class_="is-size-5 has-text-weight-bold") for raise_ in raises: with builder.dl(class_="mt-2"): builder.dt(raise_.type_name, class_="is-family-monospace") builder.dd( HTML( render_markdown( raise_.description or raise_.type_name or "" ) ) ) def _render_returns(builder: Builder, docobject: DocObject) -> None: assert docobject.docstring.returns return_type = docobject.docstring.returns.type_name if not return_type or return_type == "None": return with builder.div(class_="box mt-5"): if not return_type and docobject.signature: return_type = docobject.signature.return_annotation if not return_type or return_type == inspect.Signature.empty: return_type = "N/A" term = ( "Return" if not docobject.docstring.returns.is_generator else "Yields" ) builder.h5(term, class_="is-size-5 has-text-weight-bold") with builder.dl(class_="mt-2"): builder.dt(return_type, class_="is-family-monospace") builder.dd( HTML( render_markdown( docobject.docstring.returns.description or docobject.docstring.returns.type_name or "" ) ) ) def _render_examples( builder: Builder, examples: list[DocstringExample] ) -> None: with builder.div(class_="box mt-5"): builder.h5("Examples", class_="is-size-5 has-text-weight-bold") for example in examples: with builder.div(class_="mt-2"): builder( HTML( render_markdown( example.description or example.snippet or "" ) ) )