from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections import defaultdict from copy import deepcopy from functools import wraps from inspect import isfunction from itertools import chain from types import SimpleNamespace from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union, ) from sanic_routing.exceptions import NotFound from sanic_routing.route import Route from sanic.base.root import BaseSanic from sanic.blueprint_group import BlueprintGroup from sanic.exceptions import SanicException from sanic.helpers import Default, _default from sanic.models.futures import FutureRoute, FutureStatic from sanic.models.handler_types import ( ListenerType, MiddlewareType, RouteHandler, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from sanic import Sanic def lazy(func, as_decorator=True): @wraps(func) def decorator(bp, *args, **kwargs): nonlocal as_decorator kwargs["apply"] = False pass_handler = None if args and isfunction(args[0]): as_decorator = False def wrapper(handler): future = func(bp, *args, **kwargs) if as_decorator: future = future(handler) if bp.registered: for app in bp.apps: bp.register(app, {}) return future return wrapper if as_decorator else wrapper(pass_handler) return decorator class Blueprint(BaseSanic): """ In *Sanic* terminology, a **Blueprint** is a logical collection of URLs that perform a specific set of tasks which can be identified by a unique name. It is the main tool for grouping functionality and similar endpoints. `See user guide re: blueprints `__ :param name: unique name of the blueprint :param url_prefix: URL to be prefixed before all route URLs :param host: IP Address or FQDN for the sanic server to use. :param version: Blueprint Version :param strict_slashes: Enforce the API urls are requested with a trailing */* """ __slots__ = ( "_apps", "_future_routes", "_future_statics", "_future_middleware", "_future_listeners", "_future_exceptions", "_future_signals", "ctx", "exceptions", "host", "listeners", "middlewares", "routes", "statics", "strict_slashes", "url_prefix", "version", "version_prefix", "websocket_routes", ) def __init__( self, name: str = None, url_prefix: Optional[str] = None, host: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, version: Optional[Union[int, str, float]] = None, strict_slashes: Optional[bool] = None, version_prefix: str = "/v", ): super().__init__(name=name) self.reset() self.ctx = SimpleNamespace() = host self.strict_slashes = strict_slashes self.url_prefix = ( url_prefix[:-1] if url_prefix and url_prefix.endswith("/") else url_prefix ) self.version = version self.version_prefix = version_prefix def __repr__(self) -> str: args = ", ".join( [ f'{attr}="{getattr(self, attr)}"' if isinstance(getattr(self, attr), str) else f"{attr}={getattr(self, attr)}" for attr in ( "name", "url_prefix", "host", "version", "strict_slashes", ) ] ) return f"Blueprint({args})" @property def apps(self): if not self._apps: raise SanicException( f"{self} has not yet been registered to an app" ) return self._apps @property def registered(self) -> bool: return bool(self._apps) exception = lazy(BaseSanic.exception) listener = lazy(BaseSanic.listener) middleware = lazy(BaseSanic.middleware) route = lazy(BaseSanic.route) signal = lazy(BaseSanic.signal) static = lazy(BaseSanic.static, as_decorator=False) def reset(self): self._apps: Set[Sanic] = set() self.exceptions: List[RouteHandler] = [] self.listeners: Dict[str, List[ListenerType[Any]]] = {} self.middlewares: List[MiddlewareType] = [] self.routes: List[Route] = [] self.statics: List[RouteHandler] = [] self.websocket_routes: List[Route] = [] def copy( self, name: str, url_prefix: Optional[Union[str, Default]] = _default, version: Optional[Union[int, str, float, Default]] = _default, version_prefix: Union[str, Default] = _default, strict_slashes: Optional[Union[bool, Default]] = _default, with_registration: bool = True, with_ctx: bool = False, ): """ Copy a blueprint instance with some optional parameters to override the values of attributes in the old instance. :param name: unique name of the blueprint :param url_prefix: URL to be prefixed before all route URLs :param version: Blueprint Version :param version_prefix: the prefix of the version number shown in the URL. :param strict_slashes: Enforce the API urls are requested with a trailing */* :param with_registration: whether register new blueprint instance with sanic apps that were registered with the old instance or not. :param with_ctx: whether ``ctx`` will be copied or not. """ attrs_backup = { "_apps": self._apps, "routes": self.routes, "websocket_routes": self.websocket_routes, "middlewares": self.middlewares, "exceptions": self.exceptions, "listeners": self.listeners, "statics": self.statics, } self.reset() new_bp = deepcopy(self) = name if not isinstance(url_prefix, Default): new_bp.url_prefix = url_prefix if not isinstance(version, Default): new_bp.version = version if not isinstance(strict_slashes, Default): new_bp.strict_slashes = strict_slashes if not isinstance(version_prefix, Default): new_bp.version_prefix = version_prefix for key, value in attrs_backup.items(): setattr(self, key, value) if with_registration and self._apps: if new_bp._future_statics: raise SanicException( "Static routes registered with the old blueprint instance," " cannot be registered again." ) for app in self._apps: app.blueprint(new_bp) if not with_ctx: new_bp.ctx = SimpleNamespace() return new_bp @staticmethod def group( *blueprints: Union[Blueprint, BlueprintGroup], url_prefix: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[Union[int, str, float]] = None, strict_slashes: Optional[bool] = None, version_prefix: str = "/v", ) -> BlueprintGroup: """ Create a list of blueprints, optionally grouping them under a general URL prefix. :param blueprints: blueprints to be registered as a group :param url_prefix: URL route to be prepended to all sub-prefixes :param version: API Version to be used for Blueprint group :param strict_slashes: Indicate strict slash termination behavior for URL """ def chain(nested) -> Iterable[Blueprint]: """itertools.chain() but leaves strings untouched""" for i in nested: if isinstance(i, (list, tuple)): yield from chain(i) else: yield i bps = BlueprintGroup( url_prefix=url_prefix, version=version, strict_slashes=strict_slashes, version_prefix=version_prefix, ) for bp in chain(blueprints): bps.append(bp) return bps def register(self, app, options): """ Register the blueprint to the sanic app. :param app: Instance of :class:`` class :param options: Options to be used while registering the blueprint into the app. *url_prefix* - URL Prefix to override the blueprint prefix """ self._apps.add(app) url_prefix = options.get("url_prefix", self.url_prefix) opt_version = options.get("version", None) opt_strict_slashes = options.get("strict_slashes", None) opt_version_prefix = options.get("version_prefix", self.version_prefix) error_format = options.get( "error_format", app.config.FALLBACK_ERROR_FORMAT ) routes = [] middleware = [] exception_handlers = [] listeners = defaultdict(list) registered = set() # Routes for future in self._future_routes: # attach the blueprint name to the handler so that it can be # prefixed properly in the router future.handler.__blueprintname__ = # Prepend the blueprint URI prefix if available uri = url_prefix + future.uri if url_prefix else future.uri version_prefix = self.version_prefix for prefix in ( future.version_prefix, opt_version_prefix, ): if prefix and prefix != "/v": version_prefix = prefix break version = self._extract_value( future.version, opt_version, self.version ) strict_slashes = self._extract_value( future.strict_slashes, opt_strict_slashes, self.strict_slashes ) name = app._generate_name( host = or if isinstance(host, list): host = tuple(host) apply_route = FutureRoute( future.handler, uri[1:] if uri.startswith("//") else uri, future.methods, host, strict_slashes,, version, name, future.ignore_body, future.websocket, future.subprotocols, future.unquote, future.static, version_prefix, error_format, future.route_context, ) if (self, apply_route) in app._future_registry: continue registered.add(apply_route) route = app._apply_route(apply_route) operation = ( routes.extend if isinstance(route, list) else routes.append ) operation(route) # Static Files for future in self._future_statics: # Prepend the blueprint URI prefix if available uri = url_prefix + future.uri if url_prefix else future.uri apply_route = FutureStatic(uri, *future[1:]) if (self, apply_route) in app._future_registry: continue registered.add(apply_route) route = app._apply_static(apply_route) routes.append(route) route_names = [ for route in routes if route] if route_names: # Middleware for future in self._future_middleware: if (self, future) in app._future_registry: continue middleware.append(app._apply_middleware(future, route_names)) # Exceptions for future in self._future_exceptions: if (self, future) in app._future_registry: continue exception_handlers.append( app._apply_exception_handler(future, route_names) ) # Event listeners for future in self._future_listeners: if (self, future) in app._future_registry: continue listeners[future.event].append(app._apply_listener(future)) # Signals for future in self._future_signals: if (self, future) in app._future_registry: continue future.condition.update({"__blueprint__":}) # Force exclusive to be False app._apply_signal(tuple((*future[:-1], False))) self.routes += [route for route in routes if isinstance(route, Route)] self.websocket_routes += [ route for route in self.routes if route.ctx.websocket ] self.middlewares += middleware self.exceptions += exception_handlers self.listeners.update(dict(listeners)) if self.registered: self.register_futures( self.apps, self, chain( registered, self._future_middleware, self._future_exceptions, self._future_listeners, self._future_signals, ), ) async def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): condition = kwargs.pop("condition", {}) condition.update({"__blueprint__":}) kwargs["condition"] = condition await asyncio.gather( *[app.dispatch(*args, **kwargs) for app in self.apps] ) def event(self, event: str, timeout: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None): events = set() for app in self.apps: signal = app.signal_router.name_index.get(event) if not signal: raise NotFound("Could not find signal %s" % event) events.add(signal.ctx.event) return asyncio.wait( [event.wait() for event in events], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED, timeout=timeout, ) @staticmethod def _extract_value(*values): value = values[-1] for v in values: if v is not None: value = v break return value @staticmethod def register_futures( apps: Set[Sanic], bp: Blueprint, futures: Sequence[Tuple[Any, ...]] ): for app in apps: app._future_registry.update(set((bp, item) for item in futures))