# Extensions A list of Sanic extensions created by the community. - [Sessions](https://github.com/subyraman/sanic_session): Support for sessions. Allows using redis, memcache or an in memory store. - [CORS](https://github.com/ashleysommer/sanic-cors): A port of flask-cors. - [Compress](https://github.com/subyraman/sanic_compress): Allows you to easily gzip Sanic responses. A port of Flask-Compress. - [Jinja2](https://github.com/lixxu/sanic-jinja2): Support for Jinja2 template. - [OpenAPI/Swagger](https://github.com/channelcat/sanic-openapi): OpenAPI support, plus a Swagger UI. - [Pagination](https://github.com/lixxu/python-paginate): Simple pagination support. - [Motor](https://github.com/lixxu/sanic-motor): Simple motor wrapper. - [Sanic CRUD](https://github.com/Typhon66/sanic_crud): CRUD REST API generation with peewee models. - [UserAgent](https://github.com/lixxu/sanic-useragent): Add `user_agent` to request - [Limiter](https://github.com/bohea/sanic-limiter): Rate limiting for sanic. - [Sanic EnvConfig](https://github.com/jamesstidard/sanic-envconfig): Pull environment variables into your sanic config. - [Babel](https://github.com/lixxu/sanic-babel): Adds i18n/l10n support to Sanic applications with the help of the `Babel` library - [Dispatch](https://github.com/ashleysommer/sanic-dispatcher): A dispatcher inspired by `DispatcherMiddleware` in werkzeug. Can act as a Sanic-to-WSGI adapter. - [Sanic-OAuth](https://github.com/Sniedes722/Sanic-OAuth): OAuth Library for connecting to & creating your own token providers.