from os import environ from pathlib import Path from contextlib import contextmanager from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from textwrap import dedent import pytest from sanic import Sanic from sanic.exceptions import PyFileError @contextmanager def temp_path(): """ a simple cross platform replacement for NamedTemporaryFile """ with TemporaryDirectory() as td: yield Path(td, 'file') class Config: not_for_config = 'should not be used' CONFIG_VALUE = 'should be used' def test_load_from_object(app): app.config.from_object(Config) assert 'CONFIG_VALUE' in app.config assert app.config.CONFIG_VALUE == 'should be used' assert 'not_for_config' not in app.config def test_load_from_object_string(app): app.config.from_object('test_config.Config') assert 'CONFIG_VALUE' in app.config assert app.config.CONFIG_VALUE == 'should be used' assert 'not_for_config' not in app.config def test_load_from_object_string_exception(app): with pytest.raises(ImportError): app.config.from_object('test_config.Config.test') def test_auto_load_env(): environ["SANIC_TEST_ANSWER"] = "42" app = Sanic() assert app.config.TEST_ANSWER == 42 del environ["SANIC_TEST_ANSWER"] def test_dont_load_env(): environ["SANIC_TEST_ANSWER"] = "42" app = Sanic(load_env=False) assert getattr(app.config, 'TEST_ANSWER', None) is None del environ["SANIC_TEST_ANSWER"] def test_load_env_prefix(): environ["MYAPP_TEST_ANSWER"] = "42" app = Sanic(load_env='MYAPP_') assert app.config.TEST_ANSWER == 42 del environ["MYAPP_TEST_ANSWER"] def test_load_env_prefix_float_values(): environ["MYAPP_TEST_ROI"] = "2.3" app = Sanic(load_env="MYAPP_") assert app.config.TEST_ROI == 2.3 del environ["MYAPP_TEST_ROI"] def test_load_env_prefix_string_value(): environ["MYAPP_TEST_TOKEN"] = "somerandomtesttoken" app = Sanic(load_env="MYAPP_") assert app.config.TEST_TOKEN == "somerandomtesttoken" del environ["MYAPP_TEST_TOKEN"] def test_load_from_file(app): config = dedent(""" VALUE = 'some value' condition = 1 == 1 if condition: CONDITIONAL = 'should be set' """) with temp_path() as config_path: config_path.write_text(config) app.config.from_pyfile(str(config_path)) assert 'VALUE' in app.config assert app.config.VALUE == 'some value' assert 'CONDITIONAL' in app.config assert app.config.CONDITIONAL == 'should be set' assert 'condition' not in app.config def test_load_from_missing_file(app): with pytest.raises(IOError): app.config.from_pyfile('non-existent file') def test_load_from_envvar(app): config = "VALUE = 'some value'" with temp_path() as config_path: config_path.write_text(config) environ['APP_CONFIG'] = str(config_path) app.config.from_envvar('APP_CONFIG') assert 'VALUE' in app.config assert app.config.VALUE == 'some value' def test_load_from_missing_envvar(app): with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e: app.config.from_envvar('non-existent variable') assert str(e.value) == ("The environment variable 'non-existent " "variable' is not set and thus configuration " "could not be loaded.") def test_load_config_from_file_invalid_syntax(app): config = "VALUE = some value" with temp_path() as config_path: config_path.write_text(config) with pytest.raises(PyFileError): app.config.from_pyfile(config_path) def test_overwrite_exisiting_config(app): app.config.DEFAULT = 1 class Config: DEFAULT = 2 app.config.from_object(Config) assert app.config.DEFAULT == 2 def test_overwrite_exisiting_config_ignore_lowercase(app): app.config.default = 1 class Config: default = 2 app.config.from_object(Config) assert app.config.default == 1 def test_missing_config(app): with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as e: app.config.NON_EXISTENT assert str(e.value) == ("Config has no 'NON_EXISTENT'")