import pytest from sanic.blueprints import Blueprint from sanic.exceptions import HeaderExpectationFailed from sanic.request import StreamBuffer from sanic.response import stream, text from sanic.views import CompositionView, HTTPMethodView from sanic.views import stream as stream_decorator data = "abc" * 10000000 def test_request_stream_method_view(app): """for self.is_request_stream = True""" class SimpleView(HTTPMethodView): def get(self, request): assert is None return text("OK") @stream_decorator async def post(self, request): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) app.add_route(SimpleView.as_view(), "/method_view") assert app.is_request_stream is True request, response = app.test_client.get("/method_view") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "OK" request, response ="/method_view", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data @pytest.mark.parametrize( "headers, expect_raise_exception", [ ({"EXPECT": "100-continue"}, False), ({"EXPECT": "100-continue-extra"}, True), ], ) def test_request_stream_100_continue(app, headers, expect_raise_exception): class SimpleView(HTTPMethodView): @stream_decorator async def post(self, request): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) app.add_route(SimpleView.as_view(), "/method_view") assert app.is_request_stream is True if not expect_raise_exception: request, response = "/method_view", data=data, headers={"EXPECT": "100-continue"} ) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data else: with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: "/method_view", data=data, headers={"EXPECT": "100-continue-extra"}, ) assert "Unknown Expect: 100-continue-extra" in str(e) def test_request_stream_app(app): """for self.is_request_stream = True and decorators""" @app.get("/get") async def get(request): assert is None return text("GET") @app.head("/head") async def head(request): assert is None return text("HEAD") @app.delete("/delete") async def delete(request): assert is None return text("DELETE") @app.options("/options") async def options(request): assert is None return text("OPTIONS")"/_post/<id>") async def _post(request, id): assert is None return text("_POST")"/post/<id>", stream=True) async def post(request, id): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) @app.put("/_put") async def _put(request): assert is None return text("_PUT") @app.put("/put", stream=True) async def put(request): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) @app.patch("/_patch") async def _patch(request): assert is None return text("_PATCH") @app.patch("/patch", stream=True) async def patch(request): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) assert app.is_request_stream is True request, response = app.test_client.get("/get") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "GET" request, response = app.test_client.head("/head") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "" request, response = app.test_client.delete("/delete") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "DELETE" request, response = app.test_client.options("/options") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "OPTIONS" request, response ="/_post/1", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "_POST" request, response ="/post/1", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data request, response = app.test_client.put("/_put", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "_PUT" request, response = app.test_client.put("/put", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data request, response = app.test_client.patch("/_patch", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "_PATCH" request, response = app.test_client.patch("/patch", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_request_stream_app_asgi(app): """for self.is_request_stream = True and decorators""" @app.get("/get") async def get(request): assert is None return text("GET") @app.head("/head") async def head(request): assert is None return text("HEAD") @app.delete("/delete") async def delete(request): assert is None return text("DELETE") @app.options("/options") async def options(request): assert is None return text("OPTIONS")"/_post/<id>") async def _post(request, id): assert is None return text("_POST")"/post/<id>", stream=True) async def post(request, id): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) @app.put("/_put") async def _put(request): assert is None return text("_PUT") @app.put("/put", stream=True) async def put(request): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) @app.patch("/_patch") async def _patch(request): assert is None return text("_PATCH") @app.patch("/patch", stream=True) async def patch(request): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) assert app.is_request_stream is True request, response = await app.asgi_client.get("/get") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "GET" request, response = await app.asgi_client.head("/head") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "" request, response = await app.asgi_client.delete("/delete") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "DELETE" request, response = await app.asgi_client.options("/options") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "OPTIONS" request, response = await"/_post/1", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "_POST" request, response = await"/post/1", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data request, response = await app.asgi_client.put("/_put", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "_PUT" request, response = await app.asgi_client.put("/put", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data request, response = await app.asgi_client.patch("/_patch", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "_PATCH" request, response = await app.asgi_client.patch("/patch", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data def test_request_stream_handle_exception(app): """for handling exceptions properly""""/post/<id>", stream=True) async def post(request, id): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) # 404 request, response ="/in_valid_post", data=data) assert response.status == 404 assert response.text == "Error: Requested URL /in_valid_post not found" # 405 request, response = app.test_client.get("/post/random_id", data=data) assert response.status == 405 assert ( response.text == "Error: Method GET not allowed for URL" " /post/random_id" ) def test_request_stream_blueprint(app): """for self.is_request_stream = True""" bp = Blueprint("test_blueprint_request_stream_blueprint") @app.get("/get") async def get(request): assert is None return text("GET") @bp.head("/head") async def head(request): assert is None return text("HEAD") @bp.delete("/delete") async def delete(request): assert is None return text("DELETE") @bp.options("/options") async def options(request): assert is None return text("OPTIONS")"/_post/<id>") async def _post(request, id): assert is None return text("_POST")"/post/<id>", stream=True) async def post(request, id): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) @bp.put("/_put") async def _put(request): assert is None return text("_PUT") @bp.put("/put", stream=True) async def put(request): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) @bp.patch("/_patch") async def _patch(request): assert is None return text("_PATCH") @bp.patch("/patch", stream=True) async def patch(request): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) async def post_add_route(request): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) bp.add_route( post_add_route, "/post/add_route", methods=["POST"], stream=True ) app.blueprint(bp) assert app.is_request_stream is True request, response = app.test_client.get("/get") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "GET" request, response = app.test_client.head("/head") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "" request, response = app.test_client.delete("/delete") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "DELETE" request, response = app.test_client.options("/options") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "OPTIONS" request, response ="/_post/1", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "_POST" request, response ="/post/1", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data request, response = app.test_client.put("/_put", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "_PUT" request, response = app.test_client.put("/put", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data request, response = app.test_client.patch("/_patch", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "_PATCH" request, response = app.test_client.patch("/patch", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data request, response ="/post/add_route", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data def test_request_stream_composition_view(app): """for self.is_request_stream = True""" def get_handler(request): assert is None return text("OK") async def post_handler(request): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) view = CompositionView() view.add(["GET"], get_handler) view.add(["POST"], post_handler, stream=True) app.add_route(view, "/composition_view") assert app.is_request_stream is True request, response = app.test_client.get("/composition_view") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "OK" request, response ="/composition_view", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data def test_request_stream(app): """test for complex application""" bp = Blueprint("test_blueprint_request_stream") class SimpleView(HTTPMethodView): def get(self, request): assert is None return text("OK") @stream_decorator async def post(self, request): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result)"/stream", stream=True) async def handler(request): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) @app.get("/get") async def get(request): assert is None return text("OK")"/bp_stream", stream=True) async def bp_stream(request): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) @bp.get("/bp_get") async def bp_get(request): assert is None return text("OK") def get_handler(request): assert is None return text("OK") async def post_handler(request): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) app.add_route(SimpleView.as_view(), "/method_view") view = CompositionView() view.add(["GET"], get_handler) view.add(["POST"], post_handler, stream=True) app.blueprint(bp) app.add_route(view, "/composition_view") assert app.is_request_stream is True request, response = app.test_client.get("/method_view") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "OK" request, response ="/method_view", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data request, response = app.test_client.get("/composition_view") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "OK" request, response ="/composition_view", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data request, response = app.test_client.get("/get") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "OK" request, response ="/stream", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data request, response = app.test_client.get("/bp_get") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "OK" request, response ="/bp_stream", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data