import asyncio import inspect import logging import os import random import re import string import sys import uuid from contextlib import suppress from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple from unittest.mock import MagicMock, Mock, patch import pytest from sanic_routing.exceptions import RouteExists from sanic_testing.testing import PORT from sanic import Sanic from sanic.constants import HTTP_METHODS from sanic.router import Router from sanic.touchup.service import TouchUp slugify = re.compile(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]") random.seed("Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.") Sanic.test_mode = True if sys.platform in ["win32", "cygwin"]: collect_ignore = [""] async def _handler(request): """ Dummy placeholder method used for route resolver when creating a new route into the sanic router. This router is not actually called by the sanic app. So do not worry about the arguments to this method. If you change the return value of this method, make sure to propagate the change to any test case that leverages RouteStringGenerator. """ return 1 TYPE_TO_GENERATOR_MAP = { "str": lambda: "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(4)]), "int": lambda: random.choice(range(1000000)), "float": lambda: random.random(), "alpha": lambda: "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(4)]), "uuid": lambda: str(uuid.uuid1()), } CACHE: Dict[str, Any] = {} class RouteStringGenerator: ROUTE_COUNT_PER_DEPTH = 100 HTTP_METHODS = HTTP_METHODS ROUTE_PARAM_TYPES = ["str", "int", "float", "alpha", "uuid"] def generate_random_direct_route(self, max_route_depth=4): routes = [] for depth in range(1, max_route_depth + 1): for _ in range(self.ROUTE_COUNT_PER_DEPTH): route = "/".join( [TYPE_TO_GENERATOR_MAP.get("str")() for _ in range(depth)] ) route = route.replace(".", "", -1) route_detail = (random.choice(self.HTTP_METHODS), route) if route_detail not in routes: routes.append(route_detail) return routes def add_typed_parameters(self, current_routes, max_route_depth=8): routes = [] for method, route in current_routes: current_length = len(route.split("/")) new_route_part = "/".join( [ "<{}:{}>".format( TYPE_TO_GENERATOR_MAP.get("str")(), random.choice(self.ROUTE_PARAM_TYPES), ) for _ in range(max_route_depth - current_length) ] ) route = "/".join([route, new_route_part]) route = route.replace(".", "", -1) routes.append((method, route)) return routes @staticmethod def generate_url_for_template(template): url = template for pattern, param_type in re.findall( re.compile(r"((?:<\w+:(str|int|float|alpha|uuid)>)+)"), template, ): value = TYPE_TO_GENERATOR_MAP.get(param_type)() url = url.replace(pattern, str(value), -1) return url @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def sanic_router(app): # noinspection PyProtectedMember def _setup(route_details: tuple) -> Tuple[Router, tuple]: router = Router() = app added_router = [] for method, route in route_details: try: router.add( uri=f"/{route}", methods=frozenset({method}), host="localhost", handler=_handler, ) added_router.append((method, route)) except RouteExists: pass router.finalize() return router, tuple(added_router) return _setup @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def route_generator() -> RouteStringGenerator: return RouteStringGenerator() @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def url_param_generator(): return TYPE_TO_GENERATOR_MAP @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def app(request): if not CACHE: for target, method_name in TouchUp._registry: CACHE[method_name] = getattr(target, method_name) app = Sanic(slugify.sub("-", yield app for target, method_name in TouchUp._registry: setattr(target, method_name, CACHE[method_name]) Sanic._app_registry.clear() @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def run_startup(caplog): def run(app): nonlocal caplog loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): server = app.create_server( debug=True, return_asyncio_server=True, port=PORT ) loop._stopping = False _server = loop.run_until_complete(server) _server.close() loop.run_until_complete(_server.wait_closed()) app.stop() return caplog.record_tuples return run @pytest.fixture def run_multi(caplog): def run(app, level=logging.DEBUG): @app.after_server_start async def stop(app, _): app.stop() with caplog.at_level(level): Sanic.serve() return caplog.record_tuples return run @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def message_in_records(): def msg_in_log(records: List[LogRecord], msg: str): error_captured = False for record in records: if msg in record.message: error_captured = True break return error_captured return msg_in_log @pytest.fixture def ext_instance(): ext_instance = MagicMock() ext_instance.injection = MagicMock() return ext_instance @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) # type: ignore def sanic_ext(ext_instance): # noqa sanic_ext = MagicMock(__version__="1.2.3") sanic_ext.Extend = MagicMock() sanic_ext.Extend.return_value = ext_instance sys.modules["sanic_ext"] = sanic_ext yield sanic_ext with suppress(KeyError): del sys.modules["sanic_ext"] @pytest.fixture def urlopen(): urlopen = Mock() urlopen.return_value = urlopen urlopen.__enter__ = Mock(return_value=urlopen) urlopen.__exit__ = Mock() = Mock() with patch("sanic.cli.inspector_client.urlopen", urlopen): yield urlopen @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def static_file_directory(): """The static directory to serve""" current_file = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()) current_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(current_file)) static_directory = os.path.join(current_directory, "static") return static_directory