from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple from sanic.constants import HTTP_METHODS from sanic.views import CompositionView FutureRoute = namedtuple('Route', ['handler', 'uri', 'methods', 'host', 'strict_slashes', 'stream', 'version', 'name']) FutureListener = namedtuple('Listener', ['handler', 'uri', 'methods', 'host']) FutureMiddleware = namedtuple('Route', ['middleware', 'args', 'kwargs']) FutureException = namedtuple('Route', ['handler', 'args', 'kwargs']) FutureStatic = namedtuple('Route', ['uri', 'file_or_directory', 'args', 'kwargs']) class Blueprint: def __init__(self, name, url_prefix=None, host=None, version=None, strict_slashes=False): """Create a new blueprint :param name: unique name of the blueprint :param url_prefix: URL to be prefixed before all route URLs :param strict_slashes: strict to trailing slash """ = name self.url_prefix = url_prefix = host self.routes = [] self.websocket_routes = [] self.exceptions = [] self.listeners = defaultdict(list) self.middlewares = [] self.statics = [] self.version = version self.strict_slashes = strict_slashes def register(self, app, options): """Register the blueprint to the sanic app.""" url_prefix = options.get('url_prefix', self.url_prefix) # Routes for future in self.routes: # attach the blueprint name to the handler so that it can be # prefixed properly in the router future.handler.__blueprintname__ = # Prepend the blueprint URI prefix if available uri = url_prefix + future.uri if url_prefix else future.uri version = future.version or self.version app.route(uri=uri[1:] if uri.startswith('//') else uri, methods=future.methods, or, strict_slashes=future.strict_slashes,, version=version,, )(future.handler) for future in self.websocket_routes: # attach the blueprint name to the handler so that it can be # prefixed properly in the router future.handler.__blueprintname__ = # Prepend the blueprint URI prefix if available uri = url_prefix + future.uri if url_prefix else future.uri app.websocket(uri=uri, or, strict_slashes=future.strict_slashes,, )(future.handler) # Middleware for future in self.middlewares: if future.args or future.kwargs: app.register_middleware(future.middleware, *future.args, **future.kwargs) else: app.register_middleware(future.middleware) # Exceptions for future in self.exceptions: app.exception(*future.args, **future.kwargs)(future.handler) # Static Files for future in self.statics: # Prepend the blueprint URI prefix if available uri = url_prefix + future.uri if url_prefix else future.uri app.static(uri, future.file_or_directory, *future.args, **future.kwargs) # Event listeners for event, listeners in self.listeners.items(): for listener in listeners: app.listener(event)(listener) def route(self, uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None): """Create a blueprint route from a decorated function. :param uri: endpoint at which the route will be accessible. :param methods: list of acceptable HTTP methods. """ if strict_slashes is None: strict_slashes = self.strict_slashes def decorator(handler): route = FutureRoute( handler, uri, methods, host, strict_slashes, stream, version, name) self.routes.append(route) return handler return decorator def add_route(self, handler, uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None): """Create a blueprint route from a function. :param handler: function for handling uri requests. Accepts function, or class instance with a view_class method. :param uri: endpoint at which the route will be accessible. :param methods: list of acceptable HTTP methods. :param host: :param strict_slashes: :param version: :param name: user defined route name for url_for :return: function or class instance """ # Handle HTTPMethodView differently if hasattr(handler, 'view_class'): methods = set() for method in HTTP_METHODS: if getattr(handler.view_class, method.lower(), None): methods.add(method) if strict_slashes is None: strict_slashes = self.strict_slashes # handle composition view differently if isinstance(handler, CompositionView): methods = handler.handlers.keys() self.route(uri=uri, methods=methods, host=host, strict_slashes=strict_slashes, version=version, name=name)(handler) return handler def websocket(self, uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None): """Create a blueprint websocket route from a decorated function. :param uri: endpoint at which the route will be accessible. """ if strict_slashes is None: strict_slashes = self.strict_slashes def decorator(handler): route = FutureRoute(handler, uri, [], host, strict_slashes, False, version, name) self.websocket_routes.append(route) return handler return decorator def add_websocket_route(self, handler, uri, host=None, version=None, name=None): """Create a blueprint websocket route from a function. :param handler: function for handling uri requests. Accepts function, or class instance with a view_class method. :param uri: endpoint at which the route will be accessible. :return: function or class instance """ self.websocket(uri=uri, host=host, version=version, name=name)(handler) return handler def listener(self, event): """Create a listener from a decorated function. :param event: Event to listen to. """ def decorator(listener): self.listeners[event].append(listener) return listener return decorator def middleware(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a blueprint middleware from a decorated function.""" def register_middleware(_middleware): future_middleware = FutureMiddleware(_middleware, args, kwargs) self.middlewares.append(future_middleware) return _middleware # Detect which way this was called, @middleware or @middleware('AT') if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and callable(args[0]): middleware = args[0] args = [] return register_middleware(middleware) else: return register_middleware def exception(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a blueprint exception from a decorated function.""" def decorator(handler): exception = FutureException(handler, args, kwargs) self.exceptions.append(exception) return handler return decorator def static(self, uri, file_or_directory, *args, **kwargs): """Create a blueprint static route from a decorated function. :param uri: endpoint at which the route will be accessible. :param file_or_directory: Static asset. """ name = kwargs.pop('name', 'static') if not name.startswith( + '.'): name = '{}.{}'.format(, name) kwargs.update(name=name) strict_slashes = kwargs.pop('strict_slashes', None) if strict_slashes is None and self.strict_slashes is not None: kwargs.update(strict_slashes=self.strict_slashes) static = FutureStatic(uri, file_or_directory, args, kwargs) self.statics.append(static) # Shorthand method decorators def get(self, uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None): return self.route(uri, methods=["GET"], host=host, strict_slashes=strict_slashes, version=version, name=name) def post(self, uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None): return self.route(uri, methods=["POST"], host=host, strict_slashes=strict_slashes, stream=stream, version=version, name=name) def put(self, uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None): return self.route(uri, methods=["PUT"], host=host, strict_slashes=strict_slashes, stream=stream, version=version, name=name) def head(self, uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None): return self.route(uri, methods=["HEAD"], host=host, strict_slashes=strict_slashes, version=version, name=name) def options(self, uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None): return self.route(uri, methods=["OPTIONS"], host=host, strict_slashes=strict_slashes, version=version, name=name) def patch(self, uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None): return self.route(uri, methods=["PATCH"], host=host, strict_slashes=strict_slashes, stream=stream, version=version, name=name) def delete(self, uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None): return self.route(uri, methods=["DELETE"], host=host, strict_slashes=strict_slashes, version=version, name=name)