330 lines
8.4 KiB
330 lines
8.4 KiB
import json
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from unittest.mock import patch
import pytest
from sanic_routing import __version__ as __routing_version__
from sanic import __version__
from sanic.__main__ import main
from sanic.cli.inspector_client import InspectorClient
@pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
def tty():
orig = sys.stdout.isatty
sys.stdout.isatty = lambda: False
sys.stdout.isatty = orig
def capture(command: List[str], caplog):
except SystemExit:
return [record.message for record in caplog.records]
def read_app_info(lines: List[str]):
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("{") and line.endswith("}"): # type: ignore
return json.loads(line)
("fake.server.app", None),
("fake.server", None),
("fake.server:create_app", "--factory"),
("fake.server.create_app()", None),
("fake.server.create_app", None),
def test_server_run(
appname: str,
extra: Optional[str],
caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture,
command = [appname]
if extra:
lines = capture(command, caplog)
assert "Goin' Fast @" in lines
["fake.server.create_app_with_args", "--factory"],
def test_server_run_factory_with_args(caplog, command):
lines = capture(command, caplog)
assert "target=fake.server.create_app_with_args" in lines
def test_server_run_factory_with_args_arbitrary(caplog):
command = [
lines = capture(command, caplog)
assert "foo=bar" in lines
def test_tls_options(cmd: Tuple[str, ...], caplog):
command = [
lines = capture(command, caplog)
assert "Goin' Fast @" in lines
def test_tls_wrong_options(cmd: Tuple[str, ...], caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", *cmd, "-p=9999", "--debug"]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
assert (
"TLS certificates must be specified by either of:\n "
"--cert certdir/fullchain.pem --key certdir/privkey.pem\n "
"--tls certdir (equivalent to the above)"
) in lines
("--host=localhost", "--port=9999"),
("-H", "localhost", "-p", "9999"),
def test_host_port_localhost(cmd: Tuple[str, ...], caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", *cmd]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
expected = "Goin' Fast @ http://localhost:9999"
assert expected in lines
("--host=localhost", "--port=9999"),
"Goin' Fast @ http://localhost:9999",
("-H", "localhost", "-p", "9999"),
"Goin' Fast @ http://localhost:9999",
("--host=", "--port=9999"),
"Goin' Fast @",
("-H", "", "-p", "9999"),
"Goin' Fast @",
(("--host=::", "--port=9999"), "Goin' Fast @ http://[::]:9999"),
(("-H", "::", "-p", "9999"), "Goin' Fast @ http://[::]:9999"),
(("--host=::1", "--port=9999"), "Goin' Fast @ http://[::1]:9999"),
(("-H", "::1", "-p", "9999"), "Goin' Fast @ http://[::1]:9999"),
def test_host_port(cmd: Tuple[str, ...], expected: str, caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", *cmd]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
assert expected in lines
(1, (f"--workers={1}",)),
(2, (f"--workers={2}",)),
(4, (f"--workers={4}",)),
(1, ("-w", "1")),
(2, ("-w", "2")),
(4, ("-w", "4")),
def test_num_workers(num: int, cmd: Tuple[str, ...], caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", *cmd]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
if num == 1:
expected = "mode: production, single worker"
expected = f"mode: production, w/ {num} workers"
assert expected in lines
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd", ("--debug",))
def test_debug(cmd: str, caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", cmd]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
info = read_app_info(lines)
assert info["debug"] is True
assert info["auto_reload"] is False
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd", ("--dev", "-d"))
def test_dev(cmd: str, caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", cmd]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
info = read_app_info(lines)
assert info["debug"] is True
assert info["auto_reload"] is True
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd", ("--auto-reload", "-r"))
def test_auto_reload(cmd: str, caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", cmd]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
info = read_app_info(lines)
assert info["debug"] is False
assert info["auto_reload"] is True
("", False),
("--debug", True),
("--access-log", True),
("--no-access-log", False),
def test_access_logs(cmd: str, expected: bool, caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app"]
if cmd:
lines = capture(command, caplog)
info = read_app_info(lines)
assert info["access_log"] is expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd", ("--version", "-v"))
def test_version(cmd: str, caplog, capsys):
command = [cmd]
capture(command, caplog)
version_string = f"Sanic {__version__}; Routing {__routing_version__}\n"
out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
assert version_string == out
("--noisy-exceptions", True),
("--no-noisy-exceptions", False),
def test_noisy_exceptions(cmd: str, expected: bool, caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", cmd]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
info = read_app_info(lines)
assert info["noisy_exceptions"] is expected
def test_inspector_inspect(urlopen, caplog, capsys):
urlopen.read.return_value = json.dumps(
"result": {
"info": {
"packages": ["foo"],
"extra": {
"more": "data",
"workers": {"Worker-Name": {"some": "state"}},
with patch("sys.argv", ["sanic", "inspect"]):
capture(["inspect"], caplog)
captured = capsys.readouterr()
assert "Inspecting @ http://localhost:6457" in captured.out
assert "Worker-Name" in captured.out
assert captured.err == ""
(["reload"], {"zero_downtime": False}),
(["reload", "--zero-downtime"], {"zero_downtime": True}),
(["shutdown"], {}),
(["scale", "9"], {"replicas": 9}),
(["foo", "--bar=something"], {"bar": "something"}),
(["foo", "--bar"], {"bar": True}),
(["foo", "--no-bar"], {"bar": False}),
(["foo", "positional"], {"args": ["positional"]}),
["foo", "positional", "--bar=something"],
{"args": ["positional"], "bar": "something"},
def test_inspector_command(command, params):
with patch.object(InspectorClient, "request") as client:
with patch("sys.argv", ["sanic", "inspect", *command]):
client.assert_called_once_with(command[0], **params)