Co-authored-by: L. Kärkkäinen <98187+Tronic@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Adam Hopkins <adam@amhopkins.com> Co-authored-by: L. Karkkainen <tronic@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: SML <smlbiobot@gmail.com>
470 lines
14 KiB
470 lines
14 KiB
from unittest.mock import Mock
import pytest
from sanic import Sanic, headers, json, text
from sanic.exceptions import InvalidHeader, PayloadTooLarge
from sanic.http import Http
from sanic.request import Request
def make_request(headers) -> Request:
return Request(b"/", headers, "1.1", "GET", None, None)
def raised_ceiling():
Http.HEADER_CEILING = 32_768
Http.HEADER_CEILING = 16_384
"input, expected",
("text/plain", ("text/plain", {})),
("text/vnd.just.made.this.up ; ", ("text/vnd.just.made.this.up", {})),
("text/plain", {"charset": "us-ascii"}),
'text/plain ; charset="us-ascii"',
("text/plain", {"charset": "us-ascii"}),
'text/plain ; charset="us-ascii"; another=opt',
("text/plain", {"charset": "us-ascii", "another": "opt"}),
'attachment; filename="silly.txt"',
("attachment", {"filename": "silly.txt"}),
'attachment; filename="strange;name"',
("attachment", {"filename": "strange;name"}),
'attachment; filename="strange;name";size=123;',
("attachment", {"filename": "strange;name", "size": "123"}),
'form-data; name="foo"; value="%22\\%0D%0A"',
("form-data", {"name": "foo", "value": '"\\\n'}),
# <input type=file name="foo";bar\"> with Unicode filename!
# Chrome, Firefox:
# Content-Disposition: form-data; name="foo%22;bar\"; filename="😀"
'form-data; name="foo%22;bar\\"; filename="😀"',
("form-data", {"name": 'foo";bar\\', "filename": "😀"})
# cgi: ('form-data', {'name': 'foo%22;bar"; filename="😀'})
# werkzeug (pre 2.3.0): ('form-data', {'name': 'foo%22;bar"; filename='})
def test_parse_headers(input, expected):
assert headers.parse_content_header(input) == expected
async def test_header_size_exceeded():
recv_buffer = bytearray()
async def _receive_more():
nonlocal recv_buffer
recv_buffer += b"123"
protocol = Mock()
http = Http(protocol)
http._receive_more = _receive_more
http.recv_buffer = recv_buffer
with pytest.raises(PayloadTooLarge):
await http.http1_request_header()
async def test_header_size_increased_okay():
recv_buffer = bytearray()
async def _receive_more():
nonlocal recv_buffer
recv_buffer += b"123"
protocol = Mock()
http = Http(protocol)
http._receive_more = _receive_more
http.recv_buffer = recv_buffer
with pytest.raises(PayloadTooLarge):
await http.http1_request_header()
assert len(recv_buffer) == 12_291
async def test_header_size_exceeded_maxed_out():
recv_buffer = bytearray()
async def _receive_more():
nonlocal recv_buffer
recv_buffer += b"123"
protocol = Mock()
http = Http(protocol)
http._receive_more = _receive_more
http.recv_buffer = recv_buffer
with pytest.raises(PayloadTooLarge):
await http.http1_request_header()
assert len(recv_buffer) == 16_389
async def test_header_size_exceeded_raised_ceiling(raised_ceiling):
recv_buffer = bytearray()
async def _receive_more():
nonlocal recv_buffer
recv_buffer += b"123"
protocol = Mock()
http = Http(protocol)
http._receive_more = _receive_more
http.recv_buffer = recv_buffer
with pytest.raises(PayloadTooLarge):
await http.http1_request_header()
assert len(recv_buffer) == 32_772
def test_raw_headers(app):
app.route("/")(lambda _: text(""))
request, _ = app.test_client.get(
"FOO": "bar",
"Host": "example.com",
"User-Agent": "Sanic-Testing",
assert b"Host: example.com" in request.raw_headers
assert b"Accept: */*" in request.raw_headers
assert b"Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" in request.raw_headers
assert b"Connection: keep-alive" in request.raw_headers
assert b"User-Agent: Sanic-Testing" in request.raw_headers
assert b"FOO: bar" in request.raw_headers
def test_request_line(app):
app.route("/")(lambda _: text(""))
request, _ = app.test_client.get(
"FOO": "bar",
"Host": "example.com",
"User-Agent": "Sanic-Testing",
assert request.request_line == b"GET / HTTP/1.1"
("show/first, show/second", "first"),
("show/*, show/first", "first"),
("*/*, show/first", "first"),
("*/*, show/*", "*"),
("other/*; q=0.1, show/*; q=0.2", "*"),
("show/first; q=0.5, show/second; q=0.5", "first"),
("show/first; foo=bar, show/second; foo=bar", "first"),
("show/second, show/first; foo=bar", "first"),
("show/second; q=0.5, show/first; foo=bar; q=0.5", "first"),
("show/second; q=0.5, show/first; q=1.0", "first"),
("show/first, show/second; q=1.0", "second"),
def test_parse_accept_ordered_okay(raw, expected_subtype):
ordered = headers.parse_accept(raw)
assert ordered[0].type == "show"
assert ordered[0].subtype == expected_subtype
def test_bad_accept(raw):
with pytest.raises(InvalidHeader):
def test_empty_accept():
a = headers.parse_accept("")
assert a == []
assert not a.match("*/*")
def test_wildcard_accept_set_ok():
accept = headers.parse_accept("*/*")[0]
assert accept.type == "*"
assert accept.subtype == "*"
assert accept.has_wildcard
accept = headers.parse_accept("foo/*")[0]
assert accept.type == "foo"
assert accept.subtype == "*"
assert accept.has_wildcard
accept = headers.parse_accept("foo/bar")[0]
assert accept.type == "foo"
assert accept.subtype == "bar"
assert not accept.has_wildcard
def test_accept_parsed_against_str():
accept = headers.Matched.parse("foo/bar")
assert accept == "foo/bar; q=0.1"
def test_media_type_matching():
assert headers.MediaType("foo", "bar").match(
headers.MediaType("foo", "bar")
assert headers.MediaType("foo", "bar").match("foo/bar")
("foo/bar", "foo/bar", True),
("foo/bar", headers.Matched.parse("foo/bar"), True),
("foo/bar", "foo/*", True),
("foo/bar", headers.Matched.parse("foo/*"), True),
("foo/bar", "*/*", True),
("foo/bar", headers.Matched.parse("*/*"), True),
("foo/*", "foo/bar", True),
("foo/*", headers.Matched.parse("foo/bar"), True),
("foo/*", "foo/*", True),
("foo/*", headers.Matched.parse("foo/*"), True),
("foo/*", "*/*", True),
("foo/*", headers.Matched.parse("*/*"), True),
("*/*", "foo/bar", True),
("*/*", headers.Matched.parse("foo/bar"), True),
("*/*", "foo/*", True),
("*/*", headers.Matched.parse("foo/*"), True),
("*/*", "*/*", True),
("*/*", headers.Matched.parse("*/*"), True),
def test_accept_matching(value, other, outcome):
assert bool(headers.Matched.parse(value).match(other)) is outcome
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", ("foo/bar", "foo/*", "*/*"))
def test_value_in_accept(value):
acceptable = headers.parse_accept(value)
assert acceptable.match("foo/bar")
assert acceptable.match("foo/*")
assert acceptable.match("*/*")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", ("foo/bar", "foo/*"))
def test_value_not_in_accept(value):
acceptable = headers.parse_accept(value)
assert not acceptable.match("no/match")
assert not acceptable.match("no/*")
assert "*/*" not in acceptable
assert "*/bar" not in acceptable
"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", # noqa: E501
def test_browser_headers_general(header, expected):
request = Request(b"/", {"accept": header}, "1.1", "GET", None, None)
assert [str(item) for item in request.accept] == expected
"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", # noqa: E501
("text/html", 1.0),
("application/xhtml+xml", 1.0),
("image/avif", 1.0),
("image/webp", 1.0),
("application/xml", 0.9),
("*/*", 0.8),
def test_browser_headers_specific(header, expected):
mimes = [e[0] for e in expected]
qs = [e[1] for e in expected]
request = Request(b"/", {"accept": header}, "1.1", "GET", None, None)
assert request.accept == mimes
for a, m, q in zip(request.accept, mimes, qs):
assert a == m
assert a.mime == m
assert a.q == q
"text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml;q=0.9, */*;q=0.8",
"application/xml;q=0.9, */*;q=0.8, text/html, application/xhtml+xml",
"foo/bar;q=0.9, */*;q=0.8, text/html=0.8, "
"text/plain, application/xhtml+xml"
def test_accept_ordering(raw):
"""Should sort by q but also be stable."""
accept = headers.parse_accept(raw)
assert accept[0].type == "text"
raw1 = ", ".join(str(a) for a in accept)
accept = headers.parse_accept(raw1)
raw2 = ", ".join(str(a) for a in accept)
assert raw1 == raw2
def test_not_accept_wildcard():
accept = headers.parse_accept("*/*, foo/*, */bar, foo/bar;q=0.1")
assert not accept.match(
"text/html", "foo/foo", "bar/bar", accept_wildcards=False
# Should ignore wildcards in accept but still matches them from mimes
m = accept.match("text/plain", "*/*", accept_wildcards=False)
assert m.mime == "*/*"
assert m.match("*/*")
assert m.header == "foo/bar"
assert not accept.match(
"text/html", "foo/foo", "bar/bar", accept_wildcards=False
def test_accept_misc():
header = (
"foo/bar;q=0.0, */plain;param=123, text/plain, text/*, foo/bar;q=0.5"
a = headers.parse_accept(header)
assert repr(a) == (
"[*/plain;param=123, text/plain, text/*, "
"foo/bar;q=0.5, foo/bar;q=0.0]"
) # noqa: E501
assert str(a) == (
"*/plain;param=123, text/plain, text/*, "
"foo/bar;q=0.5, foo/bar;q=0.0"
) # noqa: E501
# q=1 types don't match foo/bar but match the two others,
# text/* comes first and matches */plain because it
# comes first in the header
m = a.match("foo/bar", "text/*", "text/plain")
assert repr(m) == "<text/* matched */plain;param=123>"
assert m == "text/*"
assert m.mime == "text/*"
assert m.header.mime == "*/plain"
assert m.header.type == "*"
assert m.header.subtype == "plain"
assert m.header.q == 1.0
assert m.header.params == dict(param="123")
# Matches object against another Matched object (by mime and header)
assert m == a.match("text/*")
# Against unsupported type falls back to object id matching
assert m != 123
# Matches the highest q value
m = a.match("foo/bar")
assert repr(m) == "<foo/bar matched foo/bar;q=0.5>"
assert m == "foo/bar"
assert m == "foo/bar;q=0.5"
# Matching nothing special case
m = a.match()
assert m == ""
assert m.header is None
# No header means anything
a = headers.parse_accept(None)
assert a == ["*/*"]
assert a.match("foo/bar")
# Empty header means nothing
a = headers.parse_accept("")
assert a == []
assert not a.match("foo/bar")
({"foo": "bar"}, "bar"),
((("foo", "bar"), ("foo", "baz")), "bar,baz"),
({}, ""),
def test_field_simple_accessor(headers, expected):
request = make_request(headers)
assert request.headers.foo == request.headers.foo_ == expected
({"foo-bar": "bar"}, "bar"),
((("foo-bar", "bar"), ("foo-bar", "baz")), "bar,baz"),
def test_field_hyphenated_accessor(headers, expected):
request = make_request(headers)
assert request.headers.foo_bar == request.headers.foo_bar_ == expected
def test_bad_accessor():
request = make_request({})
msg = "'Header' object has no attribute '_foo'"
with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg):
def test_multiple_fields_accessor(app: Sanic):
async def handler(request: Request):
return json({"field": request.headers.example_field})
_, response = app.test_client.get(
"/", headers=(("Example-Field", "Foo, Bar"), ("Example-Field", "Baz"))
assert response.json["field"] == "Foo, Bar,Baz"