542 lines
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542 lines
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from functools import partial
from mimetypes import guess_type
from os import path
from pathlib import PurePath
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
from warnings import warn
from sanic.compat import Header, open_async
from sanic.cookies import CookieJar
from sanic.helpers import has_message_body, remove_entity_headers
from sanic.http import Http
from ujson import dumps as json_dumps
except ImportError:
# This is done in order to ensure that the JSON response is
# kept consistent across both ujson and inbuilt json usage.
from json import dumps
json_dumps = partial(dumps, separators=(",", ":"))
class HTMLProtocol(Protocol):
def __html__(self) -> AnyStr:
def _repr_html_(self) -> AnyStr:
class Range(Protocol):
def start(self) -> int:
def end(self) -> int:
def size(self) -> int:
def total(self) -> int:
class BaseHTTPResponse:
The base class for all HTTP Responses
def __init__(self):
self.asgi: bool = False
self.body: Optional[bytes] = None
self.content_type: Optional[str] = None
self.stream: Http = None
self.status: int = None
self.headers = Header({})
self._cookies: Optional[CookieJar] = None
def _encode_body(self, data: Optional[AnyStr]):
if data is None:
return b""
return (
data.encode() if hasattr(data, "encode") else data # type: ignore
def cookies(self) -> CookieJar:
The response cookies. Cookies should be set and written as follows:
.. code-block:: python
response.cookies["test"] = "It worked!"
response.cookies["test"]["domain"] = ".yummy-yummy-cookie.com"
response.cookies["test"]["httponly"] = True
`See user guide
:return: the cookie jar
:rtype: CookieJar
if self._cookies is None:
self._cookies = CookieJar(self.headers)
return self._cookies
def processed_headers(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[bytes, bytes]]:
Obtain a list of header tuples encoded in bytes for sending.
Add and remove headers based on status and content_type.
:return: response headers
:rtype: Tuple[Tuple[bytes, bytes], ...]
# TODO: Make a blacklist set of header names and then filter with that
if self.status in (304, 412): # Not Modified, Precondition Failed
self.headers = remove_entity_headers(self.headers)
if has_message_body(self.status):
self.headers.setdefault("content-type", self.content_type)
# Encode headers into bytes
return (
(name.encode("ascii"), f"{value}".encode(errors="surrogateescape"))
for name, value in self.headers.items()
async def send(
data: Optional[Union[AnyStr]] = None,
end_stream: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> None:
Send any pending response headers and the given data as body.
:param data: str or bytes to be written
:param end_stream: whether to close the stream after this block
if data is None and end_stream is None:
end_stream = True
if end_stream and not data and self.stream.send is None:
data = (
data.encode() # type: ignore
if hasattr(data, "encode")
else data or b""
await self.stream.send(data, end_stream=end_stream)
StreamingFunction = Callable[[BaseHTTPResponse], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]]
class StreamingHTTPResponse(BaseHTTPResponse):
Old style streaming response where you pass a streaming function:
.. code-block:: python
async def sample_streaming_fn(response):
await response.write("foo")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await response.write("bar")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def test(request):
return stream(sample_streaming_fn)
.. warning::
**Deprecated** and set for removal in v21.6. You can now achieve the
same functionality without a callback.
.. code-block:: python
async def test(request):
response = await request.respond()
await response.send("foo", False)
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await response.send("bar", False)
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await response.send("", True)
return response
__slots__ = (
def __init__(
streaming_fn: StreamingFunction,
status: int = 200,
headers: Optional[Union[Header, Dict[str, str]]] = None,
content_type: str = "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
if chunked != "deprecated":
"The chunked argument has been deprecated and will be "
"removed in v21.6"
self.content_type = content_type
self.streaming_fn = streaming_fn
self.status = status
self.headers = Header(headers or {})
self._cookies = None
async def write(self, data):
"""Writes a chunk of data to the streaming response.
:param data: str or bytes-ish data to be written.
await super().send(self._encode_body(data))
async def send(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.streaming_fn is not None:
await self.streaming_fn(self)
self.streaming_fn = None
await super().send(*args, **kwargs)
class HTTPResponse(BaseHTTPResponse):
HTTP response to be sent back to the client.
:param body: the body content to be returned
:type body: Optional[bytes]
:param status: HTTP response number. **Default=200**
:type status: int
:param headers: headers to be returned
:type headers: Optional;
:param content_type: content type to be returned (as a header)
:type content_type: Optional[str]
__slots__ = ("body", "status", "content_type", "headers", "_cookies")
def __init__(
body: Optional[AnyStr] = None,
status: int = 200,
headers: Optional[Union[Header, Dict[str, str]]] = None,
content_type: Optional[str] = None,
self.content_type: Optional[str] = content_type
self.body = self._encode_body(body)
self.status = status
self.headers = Header(headers or {})
self._cookies = None
def empty(
status=204, headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
) -> HTTPResponse:
Returns an empty response to the client.
:param status Response code.
:param headers Custom Headers.
return HTTPResponse(body=b"", status=status, headers=headers)
def json(
body: Any,
status: int = 200,
headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
content_type: str = "application/json",
dumps: Callable[..., str] = json_dumps,
) -> HTTPResponse:
Returns response object with body in json format.
:param body: Response data to be serialized.
:param status: Response code.
:param headers: Custom Headers.
:param kwargs: Remaining arguments that are passed to the json encoder.
return HTTPResponse(
dumps(body, **kwargs),
def text(
body: str,
status: int = 200,
headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
content_type: str = "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
) -> HTTPResponse:
Returns response object with body in text format.
:param body: Response data to be encoded.
:param status: Response code.
:param headers: Custom Headers.
:param content_type: the content type (string) of the response
if not isinstance(body, str):
raise TypeError(
f"Bad body type. Expected str, got {type(body).__name__})"
return HTTPResponse(
body, status=status, headers=headers, content_type=content_type
def raw(
body: Optional[AnyStr],
status: int = 200,
headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
content_type: str = "application/octet-stream",
) -> HTTPResponse:
Returns response object without encoding the body.
:param body: Response data.
:param status: Response code.
:param headers: Custom Headers.
:param content_type: the content type (string) of the response.
return HTTPResponse(
def html(
body: Union[str, bytes, HTMLProtocol],
status: int = 200,
headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
) -> HTTPResponse:
Returns response object with body in html format.
:param body: str or bytes-ish, or an object with __html__ or _repr_html_.
:param status: Response code.
:param headers: Custom Headers.
if not isinstance(body, (str, bytes)):
if hasattr(body, "__html__"):
body = body.__html__()
elif hasattr(body, "_repr_html_"):
body = body._repr_html_()
return HTTPResponse( # type: ignore
content_type="text/html; charset=utf-8",
async def file(
location: Union[str, PurePath],
status: int = 200,
mime_type: Optional[str] = None,
headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
filename: Optional[str] = None,
_range: Optional[Range] = None,
) -> HTTPResponse:
"""Return a response object with file data.
:param location: Location of file on system.
:param mime_type: Specific mime_type.
:param headers: Custom Headers.
:param filename: Override filename.
:param _range:
headers = headers or {}
if filename:
"Content-Disposition", f'attachment; filename="{filename}"'
filename = filename or path.split(location)[-1]
async with await open_async(location, mode="rb") as f:
if _range:
await f.seek(_range.start)
out_stream = await f.read(_range.size)
] = f"bytes {_range.start}-{_range.end}/{_range.total}"
status = 206
out_stream = await f.read()
mime_type = mime_type or guess_type(filename)[0] or "text/plain"
return HTTPResponse(
async def file_stream(
location: Union[str, PurePath],
status: int = 200,
chunk_size: int = 4096,
mime_type: Optional[str] = None,
headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
filename: Optional[str] = None,
_range: Optional[Range] = None,
) -> StreamingHTTPResponse:
"""Return a streaming response object with file data.
:param location: Location of file on system.
:param chunk_size: The size of each chunk in the stream (in bytes)
:param mime_type: Specific mime_type.
:param headers: Custom Headers.
:param filename: Override filename.
:param chunked: Deprecated
:param _range:
if chunked != "deprecated":
"The chunked argument has been deprecated and will be "
"removed in v21.6"
headers = headers or {}
if filename:
"Content-Disposition", f'attachment; filename="{filename}"'
filename = filename or path.split(location)[-1]
mime_type = mime_type or guess_type(filename)[0] or "text/plain"
if _range:
start = _range.start
end = _range.end
total = _range.total
headers["Content-Range"] = f"bytes {start}-{end}/{total}"
status = 206
async def _streaming_fn(response):
async with await open_async(location, mode="rb") as f:
if _range:
await f.seek(_range.start)
to_send = _range.size
while to_send > 0:
content = await f.read(min((_range.size, chunk_size)))
if len(content) < 1:
to_send -= len(content)
await response.write(content)
while True:
content = await f.read(chunk_size)
if len(content) < 1:
await response.write(content)
return StreamingHTTPResponse(
def stream(
streaming_fn: StreamingFunction,
status: int = 200,
headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
content_type: str = "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
"""Accepts an coroutine `streaming_fn` which can be used to
write chunks to a streaming response. Returns a `StreamingHTTPResponse`.
Example usage::
async def index(request):
async def streaming_fn(response):
await response.write('foo')
await response.write('bar')
return stream(streaming_fn, content_type='text/plain')
:param streaming_fn: A coroutine accepts a response and
writes content to that response.
:param mime_type: Specific mime_type.
:param headers: Custom Headers.
:param chunked: Deprecated
if chunked != "deprecated":
"The chunked argument has been deprecated and will be "
"removed in v21.6"
return StreamingHTTPResponse(
def redirect(
to: str,
headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
status: int = 302,
content_type: str = "text/html; charset=utf-8",
) -> HTTPResponse:
Abort execution and cause a 302 redirect (by default) by setting a
Location header.
:param to: path or fully qualified URL to redirect to
:param headers: optional dict of headers to include in the new request
:param status: status code (int) of the new request, defaults to 302
:param content_type: the content type (string) of the response
headers = headers or {}
# URL Quote the URL before redirecting
safe_to = quote_plus(to, safe=":/%#?&=@[]!$&'()*+,;")
# According to RFC 7231, a relative URI is now permitted.
headers["Location"] = safe_to
return HTTPResponse(
status=status, headers=headers, content_type=content_type