289 lines
7.3 KiB
289 lines
7.3 KiB
import json
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
import pytest
from sanic_routing import __version__ as __routing_version__
from sanic import __version__
from sanic.__main__ import main
@pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
def tty():
orig = sys.stdout.isatty
sys.stdout.isatty = lambda: False
sys.stdout.isatty = orig
def capture(command: List[str], caplog):
except SystemExit:
return [record.message for record in caplog.records]
def read_app_info(lines: List[str]):
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("{") and line.endswith("}"): # type: ignore
return json.loads(line)
("fake.server.app", None),
("fake.server:create_app", "--factory"),
("fake.server.create_app()", None),
def test_server_run(
appname: str,
extra: Optional[str],
caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture,
command = [appname]
if extra:
lines = capture(command, caplog)
assert "Goin' Fast @" in lines
def test_server_run_factory_with_args(caplog):
command = [
lines = capture(command, caplog)
assert "module=fake.server.create_app_with_args" in lines
def test_server_run_factory_with_args_arbitrary(caplog):
command = [
lines = capture(command, caplog)
assert "foo=bar" in lines
def test_error_with_function_as_instance_without_factory_arg(caplog):
command = ["fake.server.create_app"]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
assert (
"Failed to run app: Module is not a Sanic app, it is a function\n "
"If this callable returns a Sanic instance try: \n"
"sanic fake.server.create_app --factory"
) in lines
def test_error_with_path_as_instance_without_simple_arg(caplog):
command = ["./fake/"]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
assert (
"Failed to run app: App not found.\n Please use --simple if you "
"are passing a directory to sanic.\n eg. sanic ./fake/ --simple"
) in lines
def test_tls_options(cmd: Tuple[str, ...], caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", *cmd, "--port=9999", "--debug"]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
assert "Goin' Fast @" in lines
def test_tls_wrong_options(cmd: Tuple[str, ...], caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", *cmd, "-p=9999", "--debug"]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
assert (
"TLS certificates must be specified by either of:\n "
"--cert certdir/fullchain.pem --key certdir/privkey.pem\n "
"--tls certdir (equivalent to the above)"
) in lines
("--host=localhost", "--port=9999"),
("-H", "localhost", "-p", "9999"),
def test_host_port_localhost(cmd: Tuple[str, ...], caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", *cmd]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
expected = "Goin' Fast @ http://localhost:9999"
assert expected in lines
("--host=localhost", "--port=9999"),
"Goin' Fast @ http://localhost:9999",
("-H", "localhost", "-p", "9999"),
"Goin' Fast @ http://localhost:9999",
("--host=", "--port=9999"),
"Goin' Fast @",
("-H", "", "-p", "9999"),
"Goin' Fast @",
(("--host=::", "--port=9999"), "Goin' Fast @ http://[::]:9999"),
(("-H", "::", "-p", "9999"), "Goin' Fast @ http://[::]:9999"),
(("--host=::1", "--port=9999"), "Goin' Fast @ http://[::1]:9999"),
(("-H", "::1", "-p", "9999"), "Goin' Fast @ http://[::1]:9999"),
def test_host_port(cmd: Tuple[str, ...], expected: str, caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", *cmd]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
assert expected in lines
(1, (f"--workers={1}",)),
(2, (f"--workers={2}",)),
(4, (f"--workers={4}",)),
(1, ("-w", "1")),
(2, ("-w", "2")),
(4, ("-w", "4")),
def test_num_workers(num: int, cmd: Tuple[str, ...], caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", *cmd]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
if num == 1:
expected = "mode: production, single worker"
expected = f"mode: production, w/ {num} workers"
assert expected in lines
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd", ("--debug",))
def test_debug(cmd: str, caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", cmd]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
info = read_app_info(lines)
assert info["debug"] is True
assert info["auto_reload"] is False
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd", ("--dev", "-d"))
def test_dev(cmd: str, caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", cmd]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
info = read_app_info(lines)
assert info["debug"] is True
assert info["auto_reload"] is True
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd", ("--auto-reload", "-r"))
def test_auto_reload(cmd: str, caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", cmd]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
info = read_app_info(lines)
assert info["debug"] is False
assert info["auto_reload"] is True
("", False),
("--debug", True),
("--access-log", True),
("--no-access-log", False),
def test_access_logs(cmd: str, expected: bool, caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app"]
if cmd:
lines = capture(command, caplog)
info = read_app_info(lines)
assert info["access_log"] is expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd", ("--version", "-v"))
def test_version(cmd: str, caplog, capsys):
command = [cmd]
capture(command, caplog)
version_string = f"Sanic {__version__}; Routing {__routing_version__}\n"
out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
assert version_string == out
("--noisy-exceptions", True),
("--no-noisy-exceptions", False),
def test_noisy_exceptions(cmd: str, expected: bool, caplog):
command = ["fake.server.app", cmd]
lines = capture(command, caplog)
info = read_app_info(lines)
assert info["noisy_exceptions"] is expected