Update all tests to be compatible with requests-async Cleanup testing client changes with black and isort Remove Python 3.5 and other meta doc cleanup rename pyproject and fix pep517 error Add black config to tox.ini Cleanup tests and remove aiohttp tox.ini change for easier development commands Remove aiohttp from changelog and requirements Cleanup imports and Makefile
59 lines
1.5 KiB
59 lines
1.5 KiB
.PHONY: help test test-coverage install docker-test black fix-import beautify
.DEFAULT: help
@echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
@echo "test"
@echo " Run Sanic Unit Tests"
@echo "test-coverage"
@echo " Run Sanic Unit Tests with Coverage"
@echo "install"
@echo " Install Sanic"
@echo "docker-test"
@echo " Run Sanic Unit Tests using Docker"
@echo "black"
@echo " Analyze and fix linting issues using Black"
@echo "fix-import"
@echo " Analyze and fix import order using isort"
@echo "beautify [sort_imports=1] [include_tests=1]"
@echo " Analyze and fix linting issue using black and optionally fix import sort using isort"
@echo ""
find . ! -path "./.eggs/*" -name "*.pyc" -exec rm {} \;
find . ! -path "./.eggs/*" -name "*.pyo" -exec rm {} \;
find . ! -path "./.eggs/*" -name ".coverage" -exec rm {} \;
rm -rf build/* > /dev/null 2>&1
rm -rf dist/* > /dev/null 2>&1
test: clean
python setup.py test
test-coverage: clean
python setup.py test --pytest-args="--cov sanic --cov-report term --cov-append "
python setup.py install
docker-test: clean
docker build -t sanic/test-image -f docker/Dockerfile .
docker run -t sanic/test-image tox
beautify: black
ifdef sort_imports
ifdef include_tests
$(warning It is suggested that you do not run sort import on tests)
isort -rc sanic tests
$(info Sorting Imports)
isort -rc sanic tests
black --config ./.black.toml sanic tests
fix-import: black
isort -rc sanic tests