Blueprints currently queue functions to be called, which are simple, yet hard to inspect. These changes allow tools to be built that analyze blueprints more easily.
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130 lines
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from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
FutureRoute = namedtuple('Route', ['handler', 'uri', 'methods', 'host'])
FutureListener = namedtuple('Listener', ['handler', 'uri', 'methods', 'host'])
FutureMiddleware = namedtuple('Route', ['middleware', 'args', 'kwargs'])
FutureException = namedtuple('Route', ['handler', 'args', 'kwargs'])
FutureStatic = namedtuple('Route', ['uri', 'file_or_directory', 'args', 'kwargs'])
class Blueprint:
def __init__(self, name, url_prefix=None, host=None):
Creates a new blueprint
:param name: Unique name of the blueprint
:param url_prefix: URL to be prefixed before all route URLs
self.name = name
self.url_prefix = url_prefix
self.host = host
self.routes = []
self.exceptions = []
self.listeners = defaultdict(list)
self.middlewares = []
self.statics = []
def register(self, app, options):
Registers the blueprint to the sanic app.
url_prefix = options.get('url_prefix', self.url_prefix)
# Routes
for future in self.routes:
# Prepend the blueprint URI prefix if available
uri = url_prefix + future.uri if url_prefix else future.uri
host=future.host or self.host
# Middleware
for future in self.middlewares:
if future.args or future.kwargs:
app.middleware(*future.args, **future.kwargs)(future.middleware)
# Exceptions
for future in self.exceptions:
app.exception(*future.args, **future.kwargs)(future.handler)
# Static Files
for future in self.statics:
# Prepend the blueprint URI prefix if available
uri = url_prefix + future.uri if url_prefix else future.uri
app.static(uri, future.file_or_directory, *future.args, **future.kwargs)
def route(self, uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), host=None):
Creates a blueprint route from a decorated function.
:param uri: Endpoint at which the route will be accessible.
:param methods: List of acceptable HTTP methods.
def decorator(handler):
route = FutureRoute(handler, uri, methods, host)
return handler
return decorator
def add_route(self, handler, uri, methods=None, host=None):
Creates a blueprint route from a function.
:param handler: Function to handle uri request.
:param uri: Endpoint at which the route will be accessible.
:param methods: List of acceptable HTTP methods.
route = FutureRoute(handler, uri, methods, host)
return handler
def listener(self, event):
Create a listener from a decorated function.
:param event: Event to listen to.
def decorator(listener):
return listener
return decorator
def middleware(self, *args, **kwargs):
Creates a blueprint middleware from a decorated function.
def register_middleware(_middleware):
future_middleware = FutureMiddleware(_middleware, args, kwargs)
return _middleware
# Detect which way this was called, @middleware or @middleware('AT')
if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and callable(args[0]):
middleware = args[0]
args = []
return register_middleware(middleware)
return register_middleware
def exception(self, *args, **kwargs):
Creates a blueprint exception from a decorated function.
def decorator(handler):
exception = FutureException(handler, args, kwargs)
return handler
return decorator
def static(self, uri, file_or_directory, *args, **kwargs):
Creates a blueprint static route from a decorated function.
:param uri: Endpoint at which the route will be accessible.
:param file_or_directory: Static asset.
static = FutureStatic(uri, file_or_directory, args, kwargs)