2019-03-05 01:40:17 -03:00

156 lines
4.2 KiB

"""Defines basics of HTTP standard."""
from importlib import import_module
from inspect import ismodule
100: b"Continue",
101: b"Switching Protocols",
102: b"Processing",
200: b"OK",
201: b"Created",
202: b"Accepted",
203: b"Non-Authoritative Information",
204: b"No Content",
205: b"Reset Content",
206: b"Partial Content",
207: b"Multi-Status",
208: b"Already Reported",
226: b"IM Used",
300: b"Multiple Choices",
301: b"Moved Permanently",
302: b"Found",
303: b"See Other",
304: b"Not Modified",
305: b"Use Proxy",
307: b"Temporary Redirect",
308: b"Permanent Redirect",
400: b"Bad Request",
401: b"Unauthorized",
402: b"Payment Required",
403: b"Forbidden",
404: b"Not Found",
405: b"Method Not Allowed",
406: b"Not Acceptable",
407: b"Proxy Authentication Required",
408: b"Request Timeout",
409: b"Conflict",
410: b"Gone",
411: b"Length Required",
412: b"Precondition Failed",
413: b"Request Entity Too Large",
414: b"Request-URI Too Long",
415: b"Unsupported Media Type",
416: b"Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
417: b"Expectation Failed",
418: b"I'm a teapot",
422: b"Unprocessable Entity",
423: b"Locked",
424: b"Failed Dependency",
426: b"Upgrade Required",
428: b"Precondition Required",
429: b"Too Many Requests",
431: b"Request Header Fields Too Large",
451: b"Unavailable For Legal Reasons",
500: b"Internal Server Error",
501: b"Not Implemented",
502: b"Bad Gateway",
503: b"Service Unavailable",
504: b"Gateway Timeout",
505: b"HTTP Version Not Supported",
506: b"Variant Also Negotiates",
507: b"Insufficient Storage",
508: b"Loop Detected",
510: b"Not Extended",
511: b"Network Authentication Required",
# According to
_ENTITY_HEADERS = frozenset(
# According to
_HOP_BY_HOP_HEADERS = frozenset(
def has_message_body(status):
According to the following RFC message body and length SHOULD NOT
be included in responses status 1XX, 204 and 304.
return status not in (204, 304) and not (100 <= status < 200)
def is_entity_header(header):
"""Checks if the given header is an Entity Header"""
return header.lower() in _ENTITY_HEADERS
def is_hop_by_hop_header(header):
"""Checks if the given header is a Hop By Hop header"""
return header.lower() in _HOP_BY_HOP_HEADERS
def remove_entity_headers(headers, allowed=("content-location", "expires")):
Removes all the entity headers present in the headers given.
According to RFC 2616 Section 10.3.5,
Content-Location and Expires are allowed as for the
"strong cache validator".
returns the headers without the entity headers
allowed = set([h.lower() for h in allowed])
headers = {
header: value
for header, value in headers.items()
if not is_entity_header(header) or header.lower() in allowed
return headers
def import_string(module_name, package=None):
import a module or class by string path.
:module_name: str with path of module or path to import and
instanciate a class
:returns: a module object or one instance from class if
module_name is a valid path to class
module, klass = module_name.rsplit(".", 1)
module = import_module(module, package=package)
obj = getattr(module, klass)
if ismodule(obj):
return obj
return obj()