98 lines
2.0 KiB
98 lines
2.0 KiB
import pytest
from sanic import Blueprint, Sanic
from sanic.exceptions import SanicException
def app():
return Sanic("my_app")
def bp(app):
return Blueprint("my_bp")
def test_app_str(app):
assert str(app) == "<Sanic my_app>"
def test_app_repr(app):
assert repr(app) == 'Sanic(name="my_app")'
def test_bp_str(bp):
assert str(bp) == "<Blueprint my_bp>"
def test_bp_repr(bp):
assert repr(bp) == (
'Blueprint(name="my_bp", url_prefix=None, host=None, '
"version=None, strict_slashes=None)"
def test_bp_repr_with_values(bp):
bp.host = "example.com"
bp.url_prefix = "/foo"
bp.version = 3
bp.strict_slashes = True
assert repr(bp) == (
'Blueprint(name="my_bp", url_prefix="/foo", host="example.com", '
"version=3, strict_slashes=True)"
def test_names_okay(name):
app = Sanic(name)
bp = Blueprint(name)
assert app.name == name
assert bp.name == name
"some thing",
def test_names_not_okay(name):
app_message = (
f"Sanic instance named '{name}' uses an invalid format. Names must "
"begin with a character and may only contain alphanumeric "
"characters, _, or -."
bp_message = (
f"Blueprint instance named '{name}' uses an invalid format. Names "
"must begin with a character and may only contain alphanumeric "
"characters, _, or -."
with pytest.raises(SanicException, match=app_message):
with pytest.raises(SanicException, match=bp_message):