Adam Hopkins b1b12e004e
Signals Integration (#2160)
* Update some tests

* Resolve #2122 route decorator returning tuple

* Use rc sanic-routing version

* Update unit tests to <:str>

* Minimal working version with some signals implemented

* Add more http signals

* Update ASGI and change listeners to signals

* Allow for dynamic ODE signals

* Allow signals to be stacked

* Begin tests

* Prioritize match_info on keyword argument injection

* WIP on tests

* Compat with signals

* Work through some test coverage

* Passing tests

* Post linting

* Setup proper resets

* coverage reporting

* Fixes from vltr comments

* clear delayed tasks

* Fix bad test

* rm pycache
2021-08-05 22:55:42 +03:00

52 lines
1.1 KiB

envlist = py37, py38, py39, pyNightly, pypy37, {py37,py38,py39,pyNightly,pypy37}-no-ext, lint, check, security, docs, type-checking
usedevelop = true
setenv =
{py37,py38,py39,pyNightly}-no-ext: SANIC_NO_UJSON=1
{py37,py38,py39,pyNightly}-no-ext: SANIC_NO_UVLOOP=1
extras = test
commands =
pytest {posargs:tests --cov sanic}
- coverage combine --append
coverage report -m -i
coverage html -i
commands =
flake8 sanic
black --config ./.black.toml --check --verbose sanic/
isort --check-only sanic --profile=black
commands =
mypy sanic
commands =
python check -r -s
filterwarnings =
ignore:.*async with lock.* instead:DeprecationWarning
addopts = --strict-markers
markers =
commands =
bandit --recursive sanic --skip B404,B101 --exclude sanic/
platform = linux|linux2|darwin
whitelist_externals = make
extras = docs
commands =
make docs-test
commands =
pytest tests --cov=./sanic --cov-report=xml