The old tests were not quite checking for the right thing. Fixing the test does not change Sanic code, expose any bugs, or fix any bugs.
90 lines
2.6 KiB
90 lines
2.6 KiB
import multiprocessing
import pickle
import random
import signal
import pytest
from sanic import Blueprint
from sanic.response import text
from sanic.testing import HOST, PORT
not hasattr(signal, "SIGALRM"),
reason="SIGALRM is not implemented for this platform, we have to come "
"up with another timeout strategy to test these",
def test_multiprocessing(app):
"""Tests that the number of children we produce is correct"""
# Selects a number at random so we can spot check
num_workers = random.choice(range(2, multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 + 1))
process_list = set()
def stop_on_alarm(*args):
for process in multiprocessing.active_children():
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, stop_on_alarm)
app.run(HOST, PORT, workers=num_workers)
assert len(process_list) == num_workers
not hasattr(signal, "SIGALRM"),
reason="SIGALRM is not implemented for this platform",
def test_multiprocessing_with_blueprint(app):
# Selects a number at random so we can spot check
num_workers = random.choice(range(2, multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 + 1))
process_list = set()
def stop_on_alarm(*args):
for process in multiprocessing.active_children():
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, stop_on_alarm)
bp = Blueprint("test_text")
app.run(HOST, PORT, workers=num_workers)
assert len(process_list) == num_workers
# this function must be outside a test function so that it can be
# able to be pickled (local functions cannot be pickled).
def handler(request):
return text("Hello")
# Multiprocessing on Windows requires app to be able to be pickled
@pytest.mark.parametrize("protocol", [3, 4])
def test_pickle_app(app, protocol):
p_app = pickle.dumps(app, protocol=protocol)
del app
up_p_app = pickle.loads(p_app)
assert up_p_app
request, response = up_p_app.test_client.get("/")
assert response.text == "Hello"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("protocol", [3, 4])
def test_pickle_app_with_bp(app, protocol):
bp = Blueprint("test_text")
p_app = pickle.dumps(app, protocol=protocol)
del app
up_p_app = pickle.loads(p_app)
assert up_p_app
request, response = up_p_app.test_client.get("/")
assert up_p_app.is_request_stream is False
assert response.text == "Hello"