2023-03-06 06:39:16 +02:00

449 lines
16 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
from urllib.parse import unquote
from sanic.exceptions import InvalidHeader
from sanic.helpers import STATUS_CODES
# - the Options object should be a typed object to allow for less casting
# across the application (in for example)
HeaderIterable = Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]] # Values convertible to str
HeaderBytesIterable = Iterable[Tuple[bytes, bytes]]
Options = Dict[str, Union[int, str]] # key=value fields in various headers
OptionsIterable = Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] # May contain duplicate keys
_token, _quoted = r"([\w!#$%&'*+\-.^_`|~]+)", r'"([^"]*)"'
_param = re.compile(rf";\s*{_token}=(?:{_token}|{_quoted})", re.ASCII)
_ipv6 = "(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{0,4}:){2,7}[0-9A-Fa-f]{0,4}"
_ipv6_re = re.compile(_ipv6)
_host_re = re.compile(
r"((?:\[" + _ipv6 + r"\])|[a-zA-Z0-9.\-]{1,253})(?::(\d{1,5}))?"
# RFC's quoted-pair escapes are mostly ignored by browsers. Chrome, Firefox and
# curl all have different escaping, that we try to handle as well as possible,
# even though no client escapes in a way that would allow perfect handling.
# For more information, consult ../tests/
class MediaType:
"""A media type, as used in the Accept header."""
def __init__(
type_: str,
subtype: str,
**params: str,
self.type = type_
self.subtype = subtype
self.q = float(params.get("q", "1.0"))
self.params = params
self.mime = f"{type_}/{subtype}"
self.key = (
-1 * self.q,
-1 * len(self.params),
self.subtype == "*",
self.type == "*",
def __repr__(self):
return self.mime + "".join(f";{k}={v}" for k, v in self.params.items())
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Check for mime (str or MediaType) identical type/subtype.
Parameters such as q are not considered."""
if isinstance(other, str):
# Give a friendly reminder if str contains parameters
if ";" in other:
raise ValueError("Use match() to compare with parameters")
return self.mime == other
if isinstance(other, MediaType):
# Ignore parameters silently with MediaType objects
return self.mime == other.mime
return NotImplemented
def match(
mime_with_params: Union[str, MediaType],
) -> Optional[MediaType]:
"""Check if this media type matches the given mime type/subtype.
Wildcards are supported both ways on both type and subtype.
If mime contains a semicolon, optionally followed by parameters,
the parameters of the two media types must match exactly.
Note: Use the `==` operator instead to check for literal matches
without expanding wildcards.
@param media_type: A type/subtype string to match.
@return `self` if the media types are compatible, else `None`
mt = (
if isinstance(mime_with_params, str)
else mime_with_params
return (
if (
# All parameters given in the other media type must match
and all(self.params.get(k) == v for k, v in mt.params.items())
# Subtype match
and (
self.subtype == mt.subtype
or self.subtype == "*"
or mt.subtype == "*"
# Type match
and (
self.type == mt.type or self.type == "*" or mt.type == "*"
else None
def has_wildcard(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if this media type has a wildcard in it."""
return any(part == "*" for part in (self.subtype, self.type))
def _parse(cls, mime_with_params: str) -> Optional[MediaType]:
mtype = mime_with_params.strip()
if "/" not in mime_with_params:
return None
mime, *raw_params = mtype.split(";")
type_, subtype = mime.split("/", 1)
if not type_ or not subtype:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid media type: {mtype}")
params = dict(
(key.strip(), value.strip())
for key, value in (param.split("=", 1) for param in raw_params)
return cls(type_.lstrip(), subtype.rstrip(), **params)
class Matched:
"""A matching result of a MIME string against a header."""
def __init__(self, mime: str, header: Optional[MediaType]):
self.mime = mime
self.header = header
def __repr__(self):
return f"<{self} matched {self.header}>" if self else "<no match>"
def __str__(self):
return self.mime
def __bool__(self):
return self.header is not None
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
comp, other_accept = self._compare(other)
except TypeError:
return False
return bool(
and (
(self.header and other_accept.header)
or (not self.header and not other_accept.header)
def _compare(self, other) -> Tuple[bool, Matched]:
if isinstance(other, str):
parsed = Matched.parse(other)
if self.mime == other:
return True, parsed
other = parsed
if isinstance(other, Matched):
return self.header == other.header, other
raise TypeError(
"Comparison not supported between unequal "
f"mime types of '{self.mime}' and '{other}'"
def match(self, other: Union[str, Matched]) -> Optional[Matched]:
accept = Matched.parse(other) if isinstance(other, str) else other
if not self.header or not accept.header:
return None
if self.header.match(accept.header):
return accept
return None
def parse(cls, raw: str) -> Matched:
media_type = MediaType._parse(raw)
return cls(raw, media_type)
class AcceptList(list):
"""A list of media types, as used in the Accept header.
The Accept header entries are listed in order of preference, starting
with the most preferred. This class is a list of `MediaType` objects,
that encapsulate also the q value or any other parameters.
Two separate methods are provided for searching the list:
- 'match' for finding the most preferred match (wildcards supported)
- operator 'in' for checking explicit matches (wildcards as literals)
def match(self, *mimes: str, accept_wildcards=True) -> Matched:
"""Find a media type accepted by the client.
This method can be used to find which of the media types requested by
the client is most preferred against the ones given as arguments.
The ordering of preference is set by:
1. The order set by RFC 7231, s. 5.3.2, giving a higher priority
to q values and more specific type definitions,
2. The order of the arguments (first is most preferred), and
3. The first matching entry on the Accept header.
Wildcards are matched both ways. A match is usually found, as the
Accept headers typically include `*/*`, in particular if the header
is missing, is not manually set, or if the client is a browser.
Note: the returned object behaves as a string of the mime argument
that matched, and is empty/falsy if no match was found. The matched
header entry `MediaType` or `None` is available as the `m` attribute.
@param mimes: Any MIME types to search for in order of preference.
@param accept_wildcards: Match Accept entries with wildcards in them.
@return A match object with the mime string and the MediaType object.
a = sorted(
(-acc.q, i, j, mime, acc)
for j, acc in enumerate(self)
if accept_wildcards or not acc.has_wildcard
for i, mime in enumerate(mimes)
if acc.match(mime)
return Matched(*(a[0][-2:] if a else ("", None)))
def __str__(self):
"""Format as Accept header value (parsed, not original)."""
return ", ".join(str(m) for m in self)
def parse_accept(accept: Optional[str]) -> AcceptList:
"""Parse an Accept header and order the acceptable media types in
according to RFC 7231, s. 5.3.2
if not accept:
if accept == "":
return AcceptList() # Empty header, accept nothing
accept = "*/*" # No header means that all types are accepted
a = [
for mt in [MediaType._parse(mtype) for mtype in accept.split(",")]
if mt
if not a:
raise ValueError
return AcceptList(sorted(a, key=lambda x: x.key))
except ValueError:
raise InvalidHeader(f"Invalid header value in Accept: {accept}")
def parse_content_header(value: str) -> Tuple[str, Options]:
"""Parse content-type and content-disposition header values.
E.g. `form-data; name=upload; filename="file.txt"` to
('form-data', {'name': 'upload', 'filename': 'file.txt'})
Mostly identical to cgi.parse_header and werkzeug.parse_options_header
but runs faster and handles special characters better.
Unescapes %22 to `"` and %0D%0A to `\n` in field values.
pos = value.find(";")
if pos == -1:
options: Dict[str, Union[int, str]] = {}
options = {
.lower(): ( or
.replace("%22", '"')
.replace("%0D%0A", "\n")
for m in _param.finditer(value[pos:])
value = value[:pos]
return value.strip().lower(), options
# and
# This regex is for *reversed* strings because that works much faster for
# right-to-left matching than the other way around. Be wary that all things are
# a bit backwards! _rparam matches forwarded pairs alike ";key=value"
_rparam = re.compile(f"(?:{_token}|{_quoted})={_token}\\s*($|[;,])", re.ASCII)
def parse_forwarded(headers, config) -> Optional[Options]:
"""Parse RFC 7239 Forwarded headers.
The value of `by` or `secret` must match `config.FORWARDED_SECRET`
:return: dict with keys and values, or None if nothing matched
header = headers.getall("forwarded", None)
secret = config.FORWARDED_SECRET
if header is None or not secret:
return None
header = ",".join(header) # Join multiple header lines
if secret not in header:
return None
# Loop over <separator><key>=<value> elements from right to left
sep = pos = None
options: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
found = False
for m in _rparam.finditer(header[::-1]):
# Start of new element? (on parser skips and non-semicolon right sep)
if m.start() != pos or sep != ";":
# Was the previous element (from right) what we wanted?
if found:
# Clear values and parse as new element
del options[:]
pos = m.end()
val_token, val_quoted, key, sep = m.groups()
key = key.lower()[::-1]
val = (val_token or val_quoted.replace('"\\', '"'))[::-1]
options.append((key, val))
if key in ("secret", "by") and val == secret:
found = True
# Check if we would return on next round, to avoid useless parse
if found and sep != ";":
# If secret was found, return the matching options in left-to-right order
return fwd_normalize(reversed(options)) if found else None
def parse_xforwarded(headers, config) -> Optional[Options]:
"""Parse traditional proxy headers."""
real_ip_header = config.REAL_IP_HEADER
proxies_count = config.PROXIES_COUNT
addr = real_ip_header and headers.getone(real_ip_header, None)
if not addr and proxies_count:
assert proxies_count > 0
# Combine, split and filter multiple headers' entries
forwarded_for = headers.getall(config.FORWARDED_FOR_HEADER)
proxies = [
for p in (
p.strip() for h in forwarded_for for p in h.split(",")
if p
addr = proxies[-proxies_count]
except (KeyError, IndexError):
# No processing of other headers if no address is found
if not addr:
return None
def options():
yield "for", addr
for key, header in (
("proto", "x-scheme"),
("proto", "x-forwarded-proto"), # Overrides X-Scheme if present
("host", "x-forwarded-host"),
("port", "x-forwarded-port"),
("path", "x-forwarded-path"),
yield key, headers.getone(header, None)
return fwd_normalize(options())
def fwd_normalize(fwd: OptionsIterable) -> Options:
"""Normalize and convert values extracted from forwarded headers."""
ret: Dict[str, Union[int, str]] = {}
for key, val in fwd:
if val is not None:
if key in ("by", "for"):
ret[key] = fwd_normalize_address(val)
elif key in ("host", "proto"):
ret[key] = val.lower()
elif key == "port":
ret[key] = int(val)
elif key == "path":
ret[key] = unquote(val)
ret[key] = val
except ValueError:
return ret
def fwd_normalize_address(addr: str) -> str:
"""Normalize address fields of proxy headers."""
if addr == "unknown":
raise ValueError() # omit unknown value identifiers
if addr.startswith("_"):
return addr # do not lower-case obfuscated strings
if _ipv6_re.fullmatch(addr):
addr = f"[{addr}]" # bracket IPv6
return addr.lower()
def parse_host(host: str) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[int]]:
"""Split host:port into hostname and port.
:return: None in place of missing elements
m = _host_re.fullmatch(host)
if not m:
return None, None
host, port = m.groups()
return host.lower(), int(port) if port is not None else None
b"HTTP/1.1 %d %b\r\n" % (status, STATUS_CODES.get(status, b"UNKNOWN"))
for status in range(1000)
def format_http1_response(status: int, headers: HeaderBytesIterable) -> bytes:
"""Format a HTTP/1.1 response header."""
# Note: benchmarks show that here bytes concat is faster than bytearray,
# b"".join() or %-formatting. %timeit any changes you make.
ret = _HTTP1_STATUSLINES[status]
for h in headers:
ret += b"%b: %b\r\n" % h
ret += b"\r\n"
return ret
def parse_credentials(
header: Optional[str],
prefixes: Union[List, Tuple, Set] = None,
) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
"""Parses any header with the aim to retrieve any credentials from it."""
if not prefixes or not isinstance(prefixes, (list, tuple, set)):
prefixes = ("Basic", "Bearer", "Token")
if header is not None:
for prefix in prefixes:
if prefix in header:
return prefix, header.partition(prefix)[-1].strip()
return None, header