2017-02-04 16:09:09 +08:00

429 lines
16 KiB

import logging
from asyncio import get_event_loop
from collections import deque
from functools import partial
from inspect import isawaitable, stack, getmodulename
from traceback import format_exc
import warnings
from .config import Config
from .constants import HTTP_METHODS
from .exceptions import Handler
from .exceptions import ServerError
from .log import log
from .response import HTTPResponse
from .router import Router
from .server import serve, serve_multiple, HttpProtocol
from .static import register as static_register
class Sanic:
def __init__(self, name=None, router=None,
# Only set up a default log handler if the
# end-user application didn't set anything up.
if not logging.root.handlers and log.level == logging.NOTSET:
formatter = logging.Formatter(
"%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s")
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
if name is None:
frame_records = stack()[1]
name = getmodulename(frame_records[1]) = name
self.router = router or Router()
self.error_handler = error_handler or Handler()
self.config = Config()
self.request_middleware = deque()
self.response_middleware = deque()
self.blueprints = {}
self._blueprint_order = []
self.debug = None
self.sock = None
self.processes = None
# Register alternative method names
self.go_fast =
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Registration
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Decorator
def route(self, uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), host=None):
Decorates a function to be registered as a route
:param uri: path of the URL
:param methods: list or tuple of methods allowed
:return: decorated function
# Fix case where the user did not prefix the URL with a /
# and will probably get confused as to why it's not working
if not uri.startswith('/'):
uri = '/' + uri
def response(handler):
self.router.add(uri=uri, methods=methods, handler=handler,
return handler
return response
# Shorthand method decorators
def get(self, uri, host=None):
return self.route(uri, methods=["GET"], host=host)
def post(self, uri, host=None):
return self.route(uri, methods=["POST"], host=host)
def put(self, uri, host=None):
return self.route(uri, methods=["PUT"], host=host)
def head(self, uri, host=None):
return self.route(uri, methods=["HEAD"], host=host)
def options(self, uri, host=None):
return self.route(uri, methods=["OPTIONS"], host=host)
def patch(self, uri, host=None):
return self.route(uri, methods=["PATCH"], host=host)
def delete(self, uri, host=None):
return self.route(uri, methods=["DELETE"], host=host)
def add_route(self, handler, uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), host=None):
A helper method to register class instance or
functions as a handler to the application url
:param handler: function or class instance
:param uri: path of the URL
:param methods: list or tuple of methods allowed, these are overridden
if using a HTTPMethodView
:return: function or class instance
# Handle HTTPMethodView differently
if hasattr(handler, 'view_class'):
methods = frozenset(HTTP_METHODS)
self.route(uri=uri, methods=methods, host=host)(handler)
return handler
def remove_route(self, uri, clean_cache=True, host=None):
self.router.remove(uri, clean_cache, host)
# Decorator
def exception(self, *exceptions):
Decorates a function to be registered as a handler for exceptions
:param \*exceptions: exceptions
:return: decorated function
def response(handler):
for exception in exceptions:
self.error_handler.add(exception, handler)
return handler
return response
# Decorator
def middleware(self, *args, **kwargs):
Decorates and registers middleware to be called before a request
can either be called as @app.middleware or @app.middleware('request')
attach_to = 'request'
def register_middleware(middleware):
if attach_to == 'request':
if attach_to == 'response':
return middleware
# Detect which way this was called, @middleware or @middleware('AT')
if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and callable(args[0]):
return register_middleware(args[0])
attach_to = args[0]
return register_middleware
# Static Files
def static(self, uri, file_or_directory, pattern='.+',
Registers a root to serve files from. The input can either be a file
or a directory. See
static_register(self, uri, file_or_directory, pattern,
def blueprint(self, blueprint, **options):
Registers a blueprint on the application.
:param blueprint: Blueprint object
:param options: option dictionary with blueprint defaults
:return: Nothing
if in self.blueprints:
assert self.blueprints[] is blueprint, \
'A blueprint with the name "%s" is already registered. ' \
'Blueprint names must be unique.' % \
self.blueprints[] = blueprint
blueprint.register(self, options)
def register_blueprint(self, *args, **kwargs):
# TODO: deprecate 1.0
if self.debug:
warnings.warn("Use of register_blueprint will be deprecated in "
"version 1.0. Please use the blueprint method"
" instead",
return self.blueprint(*args, **kwargs)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Request Handling
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def converted_response_type(self, response):
async def handle_request(self, request, response_callback):
Takes a request from the HTTP Server and returns a response object to
be sent back The HTTP Server only expects a response object, so
exception handling must be done here
:param request: HTTP Request object
:param response_callback: Response function to be called with the
response as the only argument
:return: Nothing
# -------------------------------------------- #
# Request Middleware
# -------------------------------------------- #
response = False
# The if improves speed. I don't know why
if self.request_middleware:
for middleware in self.request_middleware:
response = middleware(request)
if isawaitable(response):
response = await response
if response:
# No middleware results
if not response:
# -------------------------------------------- #
# Execute Handler
# -------------------------------------------- #
# Fetch handler from router
handler, args, kwargs = self.router.get(request)
if handler is None:
raise ServerError(
("'None' was returned while requesting a "
"handler from the router"))
# Run response handler
response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
if isawaitable(response):
response = await response
# -------------------------------------------- #
# Response Middleware
# -------------------------------------------- #
if self.response_middleware:
for middleware in self.response_middleware:
_response = middleware(request, response)
if isawaitable(_response):
_response = await _response
if _response:
response = _response
except Exception as e:
# -------------------------------------------- #
# Response Generation Failed
# -------------------------------------------- #
response = self.error_handler.response(request, e)
if isawaitable(response):
response = await response
except Exception as e:
if self.debug:
response = HTTPResponse(
"Error while handling error: {}\nStack: {}".format(
e, format_exc()))
response = HTTPResponse(
"An error occurred while handling an error")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Execution
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def run(self, host="", port=8000, debug=False, before_start=None,
after_start=None, before_stop=None, after_stop=None, ssl=None,
sock=None, workers=1, loop=None, protocol=HttpProtocol,
backlog=100, stop_event=None, register_sys_signals=True):
Runs the HTTP Server and listens until keyboard interrupt or term
signal. On termination, drains connections before closing.
:param host: Address to host on
:param port: Port to host on
:param debug: Enables debug output (slows server)
:param before_start: Functions to be executed before the server starts
accepting connections
:param after_start: Functions to be executed after the server starts
accepting connections
:param before_stop: Functions to be executed when a stop signal is
received before it is respected
:param after_stop: Functions to be executed when all requests are
:param ssl: SSLContext for SSL encryption of worker(s)
:param sock: Socket for the server to accept connections from
:param workers: Number of processes
received before it is respected
:param protocol: Subclass of asyncio protocol class
:return: Nothing
server_settings = self._helper(
host=host, port=port, debug=debug, before_start=before_start,
after_start=after_start, before_stop=before_stop,
after_stop=after_stop, ssl=ssl, sock=sock, workers=workers,
loop=loop, protocol=protocol, backlog=backlog,
stop_event=stop_event, register_sys_signals=register_sys_signals)
if workers == 1:
serve_multiple(server_settings, workers, stop_event)
except Exception as e:
'Experienced exception while trying to serve')"Server Stopped")
def stop(self):
"""This kills the Sanic"""
async def create_server(self, host="", port=8000, debug=False,
before_start=None, after_start=None,
before_stop=None, after_stop=None, ssl=None,
sock=None, loop=None, protocol=HttpProtocol,
backlog=100, stop_event=None):
Asynchronous version of `run`.
server_settings = self._helper(
host=host, port=port, debug=debug, before_start=before_start,
after_start=after_start, before_stop=before_stop,
after_stop=after_stop, ssl=ssl, sock=sock, loop=loop,
protocol=protocol, backlog=backlog, stop_event=stop_event,
# Serve
proto = "http"
if ssl is not None:
proto = "https"'Goin\' Fast @ {}://{}:{}'.format(proto, host, port))
return await serve(**server_settings)
def _helper(self, host="", port=8000, debug=False,
before_start=None, after_start=None, before_stop=None,
after_stop=None, ssl=None, sock=None, workers=1, loop=None,
protocol=HttpProtocol, backlog=100, stop_event=None,
register_sys_signals=True, run_async=False):
Helper function used by `run` and `create_server`.
if loop is not None:
if debug:
warnings.warn("Passing a loop will be deprecated in version"
" 0.4.0"
"pull/335 has more information.",
self.error_handler.debug = debug
self.debug = debug
self.loop = loop = get_event_loop()
server_settings = {
'protocol': protocol,
'host': host,
'port': port,
'sock': sock,
'ssl': ssl,
'debug': debug,
'request_handler': self.handle_request,
'error_handler': self.error_handler,
'request_timeout': self.config.REQUEST_TIMEOUT,
'request_max_size': self.config.REQUEST_MAX_SIZE,
'loop': loop,
'register_sys_signals': register_sys_signals,
'backlog': backlog
# -------------------------------------------- #
# Register start/stop events
# -------------------------------------------- #
for event_name, settings_name, args, reverse in (
("before_server_start", "before_start", before_start, False),
("after_server_start", "after_start", after_start, False),
("before_server_stop", "before_stop", before_stop, True),
("after_server_stop", "after_stop", after_stop, True),
listeners = []
for blueprint in self.blueprints.values():
listeners += blueprint.listeners[event_name]
if args:
if callable(args):
args = [args]
listeners += args
if reverse:
# Prepend sanic to the arguments when listeners are triggered
listeners = [partial(listener, self) for listener in listeners]
server_settings[settings_name] = listeners
if debug:
if self.config.LOGO is not None:
if run_async:
server_settings['run_async'] = True
# Serve
proto = "http"
if ssl is not None:
proto = "https"'Goin\' Fast @ {}://{}:{}'.format(proto, host, port))
return server_settings