* Add some tests * docstring * Add accept matching * Add some more tests on matching * Add matching flags for wildcards * Add mathing controls to accept * Limit uvicorn 14 in testing
179 lines
4.2 KiB
179 lines
4.2 KiB
from unittest.mock import Mock
from uuid import UUID, uuid4
import pytest
from sanic import Sanic, response
from sanic.request import Request, uuid
from sanic.server import HttpProtocol
def test_no_request_id_not_called(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(uuid, "uuid4", Mock())
request = Request(b"/", {}, None, "GET", None, None)
assert request._id is None
def test_request_id_generates_from_request(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(Request, "generate_id", Mock())
Request.generate_id.return_value = 1
request = Request(b"/", {}, None, "GET", None, Mock())
request.app.config.REQUEST_ID_HEADER = "foo"
for _ in range(10):
def test_request_id_defaults_uuid():
request = Request(b"/", {}, None, "GET", None, Mock())
request.app.config.REQUEST_ID_HEADER = "foo"
assert isinstance(request.id, UUID)
# Makes sure that it has been cached and not called multiple times
assert request.id == request.id == request._id
def test_name_none():
request = Request(b"/", {}, None, "GET", None, None)
assert request.name is None
def test_name_from_route():
request = Request(b"/", {}, None, "GET", None, None)
route = Mock()
request.route = route
assert request.name == route.name
def test_name_from_set():
request = Request(b"/", {}, None, "GET", None, None)
request._name = "foo"
assert request.name == "foo"
(99, int),
(uuid4(), UUID),
("foo", str),
def test_request_id(request_id, expected_type):
app = Sanic("req-generator")
async def get(request):
return response.empty()
request, _ = app.test_client.get(
"/", headers={"X-REQUEST-ID": f"{request_id}"}
assert request.id == request_id
assert type(request.id) == expected_type
def test_custom_generator():
class FooRequest(Request):
def generate_id(cls, request):
return int(request.headers["some-other-request-id"]) * 2
app = Sanic("req-generator", request_class=FooRequest)
async def get(request):
return response.empty()
request, _ = app.test_client.get(
"/", headers={"SOME-OTHER-REQUEST-ID": f"{REQUEST_ID}"}
assert request.id == REQUEST_ID * 2
def test_route_assigned_to_request(app):
async def get(request):
return response.empty()
request, _ = app.test_client.get("/")
assert request.route is list(app.router.routes)[0]
def test_protocol_attribute(app):
retrieved = None
async def get(request):
nonlocal retrieved
retrieved = request.protocol
return response.empty()
headers = {"Connection": "keep-alive"}
_ = app.test_client.get("/", headers=headers)
assert isinstance(retrieved, HttpProtocol)
def test_ipv6_address_is_not_wrapped(app):
async def get(request):
return response.json(
"client_ip": request.conn_info.client_ip,
"client": request.conn_info.client,
request, resp = app.test_client.get("/", host="::1")
assert request.route is list(app.router.routes)[0]
assert resp.json["client"] == "[::1]"
assert resp.json["client_ip"] == "::1"
assert request.ip == "::1"
def test_request_accept():
app = Sanic("req-generator")
async def get(request):
return response.empty()
request, _ = app.test_client.get(
"Accept": "text/*, text/plain, text/plain;format=flowed, */*"
assert request.accept == [
request, _ = app.test_client.get(
"Accept": (
"text/plain; q=0.5, text/html, text/x-dvi; q=0.8, text/x-c"
assert request.accept == [
"text/x-dvi; q=0.8",
"text/plain; q=0.5",