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Request Streaming

Sanic allows you to get request data by stream, as below. When the request ends, await returns None. Only post, put and patch decorator have stream argument.

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.views import CompositionView
from sanic.views import HTTPMethodView
from sanic.views import stream as stream_decorator
from sanic.blueprints import Blueprint
from sanic.response import stream, text

bp = Blueprint('blueprint_request_stream')
app = Sanic('request_stream')

class SimpleView(HTTPMethodView):

    async def post(self, request):
        result = ''
        while True:
            body = await
            if body is None:
            result += body.decode('utf-8')
        return text(result)'/stream', stream=True)
async def handler(request):
    async def streaming(response):
        while True:
            body = await
            if body is None:
            body = body.decode('utf-8').replace('1', 'A')
            await response.write(body)
    return stream(streaming)

@bp.put('/bp_stream', stream=True)
async def bp_put_handler(request):
    result = ''
    while True:
        body = await
        if body is None:
        result += body.decode('utf-8').replace('1', 'A')
    return text(result)

# You can also use `bp.add_route()` with stream argument
async def bp_post_handler(request):
    result = ''
    while True:
        body = await
        if body is None:
        result += body.decode('utf-8').replace('1', 'A')
    return text(result)

bp.add_route(bp_post_handler, '/bp_stream', methods=['POST'], stream=True)

async def post_handler(request):
    result = ''
    while True:
        body = await
        if body is None:
        result += body.decode('utf-8')
    return text(result)

app.add_route(SimpleView.as_view(), '/method_view')
view = CompositionView()
view.add(['POST'], post_handler, stream=True)
app.add_route(view, '/composition_view')

if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=8000)

Response Streaming

Sanic allows you to stream content to the client with the stream method. This method accepts a coroutine callback which is passed a StreamingHTTPResponse object that is written to. A simple example is like follows:

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import stream

app = Sanic(__name__)

async def test(request):
    async def sample_streaming_fn(response):
        await response.write('foo,')
        await response.write('bar')

    return stream(sample_streaming_fn, content_type='text/csv')

This is useful in situations where you want to stream content to the client that originates in an external service, like a database. For example, you can stream database records to the client with the asynchronous cursor that asyncpg provides:

async def index(request):
    async def stream_from_db(response):
        conn = await asyncpg.connect(database='test')
        async with conn.transaction():
            async for record in conn.cursor('SELECT generate_series(0, 10)'):
                await response.write(record[0])

    return stream(stream_from_db)

If a client supports HTTP/1.1, Sanic will use chunked transfer encoding; you can explicitly enable or disable it using chunked option of the stream function.

File Streaming

Sanic provides sanic.response.file_stream function that is useful when you want to send a large file. It returns a StreamingHTTPResponse object and will use chunked transfer encoding by default; for this reason Sanic doesn't add Content-Length HTTP header in the response. If you want to use this header, you can disable chunked transfer encoding and add it manually:

from aiofiles import os as async_os
from sanic.response import file_stream

async def index(request):
    file_path = "/srv/www/whatever.png"

    file_stat = await async_os.stat(file_path)
    headers = {"Content-Length": str(file_stat.st_size)}

    return await file_stream(