1018 B
Thank you for your interest! Sanic is always looking for contributors. If you don't feel comfortable contributing code, adding docstrings to the source files is very appreciated.
Running tests
python -m pip install pytest
python -m pytest tests
Sanic's documentation is built
using sphinx. Guides are written in
Markdown and can be found in the docs
folder, while the module reference is
automatically generated using sphinx-apidoc
To generate the documentation from scratch:
sphinx-apidoc -fo docs/_api/ sanic
sphinx-build -b html docs docs/_build
The HTML documentation will be created in the docs/_build
One of the main goals of Sanic is speed. Code that lowers the performance of Sanic without significant gains in usability, security, or features may not be merged. Please don't let this intimidate you! If you have any concerns about an idea, open an issue for discussion and help.